[911 Call made by John Ramsey on Feb 20, 2001, transcribed using my own VCR recording]

911: somebody broke in?

JR: yeah

911: ok how did they get in?

JR: i don't know but i came home and they were here.

911: ok they were there when you got there?

JR: right

911: they were in your house?

JR: yes

911: so were you able to get a description?

JR: yes

911: ok go ahead and give me a description

JR: it was a black man probably 6foot

911: uh huh, do you have a clothing description?

JR: uh, kinda dark clothes, uh driving a chevrolet

911: what color?

JR: kind of a, kind of a gray, brown, uh

911: were you able to get a tag number?

JR: cavalier

JR: no i wasn't,

911: cavalier?

JR: and uh he just left about 2 min ago

911: going which direction

JR: don't know, he locked me up in a room

911: he locked you up?

JR: yeah

911: ok you walked in and he (garbled)

JR: i fought with him

911: ok, alright, and how long ago?

JR: about 2min ago he left.

911: all right, did he have a weapon?

JR: not that I saw, no

911: no weapon?

JR: no

911: all right, I'll send someone out.