Mark Beckner's November 26, 2001 deposition in the Wolf Case 1 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
2 of Civil Procedure, the above-entitled deposition was 3 taken by the Defendants at 1777 Broadway, Boulder, 4 Colorado, on Monday, November 26, 2001, at 9:02 a.m., 5 before Kelly A. Mackereth, Certified Shorthand 6 Reporter, Registered Professional Reporter, Certified 7 Realtime Reporter, and Notary Public within Colorado, 8 Court Reporting Office of Mackereth Lombritto & 9 Associates, Inc., 2501 15th Street, Suite 1C, Denver, 10 Colorado 80211-3986. 11 12
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2 (Exhibit 1 was marked.) 3 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: The time is 9:02 a.m. 4 We are on the record. This is the deposition of Mark 5 Beckner for the case of Robert Christian Wolf versus 6 JonBent (sic) Ramsey, et al., Case Number 7 00-CIV-1187 (JEC). 8 Today is November 26th, 2001. We are 9 located at 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado. The 10 court reporter is Kelly Mackereth from Mackereth 11 Lombritto & Associates. I'm the videographer. My 12 name is Monika Cary, of Wren Video Services. 13 The attorneys will identify themselves, 14 beginning with the attorney on my left. 15 MR. WOOD: Here let's do it this way. My 16 name is Lin Wood and I represent the defendants. And 17 you might want to note that the defendants are John 18 Bennett Ramsey and Patsy Ramsey. 19 Derek, do you want to introduce yourself? 20 MR. BAUER: Why don't you do it. 21 MR. WOOD: Derek Bauer of Powell Goldstein 22 and Frazer, co-counsel for the defendants, and to his 23 right is Ollie Gray, an investigator who works for 24 the defendants' counsel. 25 MR. MILLER: I'm Robert N. Miller from 6 1 LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae representing the 2 deponents. 3 MR. FRICKE: I'm Walter Fricke. I'm an 4 Assistant City Attorney for the City of Boulder. 5 MR. KEATLEY: I'm Robert Keatley. I'm the 6 legal advisor for the Boulder Police Department. 7 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Will the court reporter 8 please swear in the witness. 9 MARK R. BECKNER, 10 having been first duly sworn, was examined and 11 testified as follows: 12 MR. WOOD: Before we begin, let me attach 13 as Exhibit 1 to the deposition the notice of the 14 deposition that was filed with the federal -- 15 MR. MILLER: I've seen it. 16 MR. WOOD: -- court clerk's office in 17 Atlanta and was served on counsel for plaintiff 18 Robert Christian Wolf. I'll state that I have been 19 authorized by Darnay Hoffman, counsel for Mr. Wolf, 20 to state that he has waived his appearance. He is 21 aware of the deposition. He has elected for his own 22 reasons not to appear and has indicated that he does 23 waive his appearance. 24 I'll also attach as Exhibit 2 the 25 protective order, this will be Exhibit 2, Stipulation 7 1 and Protective Order, which I think you're going to 2 indicate Chief Beckner will sign on to that will 3 therefore be applicable to this deposition. 4 MR. MILLER: Right. Lin, could I suggest 5 that we have as Exhibit 3 a copy of our letter with 6 the ground rules for this deposition. 7 (Exhibit 2 was marked.) 8 MR. WOOD: Exhibit 3 is the letter from 9 Bob Miller to me dated November 20, 2001, which sets 10 forth certain agreements between counsel with respect 11 to the subject matter of the deposition and how it 12 will be adjourned for completion if necessary at a 13 later date. 14 (Exhibit 3 was marked.) 15 MR. WOOD: As stated by the court reporter 16 this is the deposition of Mark Beckner. The 17 deposition is taken pursuant to subpoena and 18 agreement of counsel as to date and place and time, 19 along with the other agreements that have been 20 earlier indicated in the record as Exhibits 2 and 3. 21 The deposition is taken pursuant to the 22 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Anything you want 23 to add, Bob, to the stipulations or are we good to 24 go? 25 MR. MILLER: No. We're good to go. 8 1 EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. WOOD: 3 Q Great. You have been sworn in so let me 4 ask you for the record if you would state your full 5 name, please. 6 A Mark Ranson Beckner. 7 Q What is your present residence? 8 A 1512 Judson Drive, Longmont, Colorado. 9 Q And you are presently the chief of the 10 Boulder Police Department? 11 A Yes. 12 Q Go back if you would for me, Chief 13 Beckner, and take me through, let's say, high school 14 forward and give me to the best of your recollection 15 kind of a summary of your education and then your 16 training and experience that led up to you finally 17 becoming a chief of police here in Boulder. 18 A Graduated from Swartz Creek High School in 19 Swartz Creek, Michigan in 1974. From there I went to 20 what was then Mott Community College in Flint, 21 Michigan, received an Associate's degree. From there 22 I went to Ferris State, it's now Ferris State 23 University in Big Rapids, Michigan. Received a 24 Bachelor's degree, Bachelor's of Science in criminal 25 justice. 9 1 In 1982, I received a Master's degree in 2 criminal justice administration from the University 3 of Colorado at Denver. And what else -- what was the 4 other piece? 5 Q Well, we will stop there for a minute. 6 We've got you up to 1982 and you've graduated with a 7 Master's degree in criminal justice administration 8 from the University of Colorado at Denver, right? 9 A Correct. 10 Q Now, take -- that completes your education 11 I guess up at least through that degree? 12 A Correct. 13 Q I don't know if you've had any subsequent 14 training or education but we'll go into that. Did 15 you then take your first job in law enforcement after 16 you graduated and received the Master's degree? 17 A No, my first job in law enforcement was in 18 1978 after my -- graduating from University -- Ferris 19 State University. 20 Q Okay. Tell me about that and then we'll 21 go forward from there with respect to your job 22 experience in law enforcement? 23 A I was hired in June of '78 as a patrol 24 officer for the City of Boulder. I was a patrol 25 officer for three years until 1981, at which time I
1 was selected as a detective. Was in the detective 2 and in investigations until 1983, at which time I was 3 promoted to sergeant. I went back to patrol. I was 4 a patrol sergeant for a number of years, including 5 field training sergeant, crime scene investigation 6 coordinator, liquor code enforcement supervisor. 7 And then I was -- in about I believe it 8 was '86 or '87 I was supervisor of a new tactical 9 unit that we developed in the police department that 10 was called the Tactical Patrol Team. And we did a 11 combination of undercover investigations and 12 sometimes worked uniform depending on what the 13 assignment called for. 14 We basically were a team that could 15 respond to various crime problems in the city and 16 used different tactics for dealing with those. 17 From there I went back to patrol for a 18 year. 19 Q When did you go back to patrol in the 20 special tactical unit? 21 A '88 or '89, somewhere in there. 22 Q Okay. 23 A Then I spent about, I believe it was '90, 24 I spent nine months as traffic supervisor in a 25 traffic unit. From there I was selected in 1991 to
1 go to our professional standards unit as the 2 department internal affairs investigator. I was in 3 that role for three years as that investigator for 4 the department. 5 From there I was promoted to commander in 6 1994. I then went -- was assigned back to patrol 7 specifically to the second watch of patrol. And I 8 was commander for about three years, three years. 9 And then in October of '97, I was pulled off of 10 patrol and put in charge of the Ramsey investigation 11 as a sole assignment and then in March of '98, I was 12 given command of the entire investigations unit. 13 And in June of '98, I was promoted to 14 chief of police. 15 Q Thanks. Let me go back if I could and 16 just touch on a couple of issues with respect to 17 those different positions. When you were a patrol 18 officer from 1978 to 1981, did you have any 19 involvement in homicide investigations? 20 A As a responding officer, certainly. 21 Q And tell me what you mean when you say as 22 a responding officer. What would your 23 responsibilities have been with respect to a 24 homicide? 25 A Well, if you get there, you've got to 12 1 coordinate the crime scene and secure it and that 2 sort of thing. 3 Q Anything else, in terms of the actual 4 investigation -- 5 A No. 6 Q -- of the homicide? 7 A No. 8 Q Your responsibility would be to respond? 9 A Correct. 10 Q To coordinate the efforts at the crime 11 scene? 12 A Correct. 13 Q To secure the crime scene? 14 A (Deponent nods head.) 15 Q And then I take it basically that's turned 16 over to someone in homicide that works the case? 17 A Well, just a clarification. In our 18 department we don't have a specific homicide unit. 19 Our detectives handle a variety of cases. They 20 aren't specialists in homicide, per se. 21 Q Has that been true the entire time that 22 you've been involved with the Boulder Police 23 Department from 1978 up until the present time? 24 A Yes. 25 Q So it would have been simply after you 13 1 secured the crime scene, coordinated as the 2 responding officer, then it would be turned over to 3 someone in the detective portion of the department? 4 A Correct. 5 Q Okay. In 1981 to '83 when you were a 6 detective doing investigations, did you have occasion 7 to investigate homicides? 8 A There was occasion where I assisted in a 9 couple homicide investigations. 10 Q Do you remember just the general 11 circumstances of those homicides? 12 A One of them was the Gary Stoner case, 13 which was actually just recently solved, but that 14 involved a drug dealer who had been stabbed numerous 15 times in his apartment. And that's the one I can 16 specifically remember because it was -- we did a lot 17 of interviewing in that case. 18 Q Do you recall that being your primary role 19 to conduct interviews? 20 A Yes. 21 Q Anything else that you remember about your 22 role in the Stoner case? 23 A No, that was my role to conduct 24 interviews. 25 Q The second homicide that you believe you 14 1 assisted in, you don't recall the nature of the crime 2 there, do you? 3 A No, I don't. 4 Q How about your role in it? Would it have 5 also been similar to the Stoner where you would have 6 been conducting interviews? 7 A Well, and I get confused here because when 8 you limit it to homicides, its very specific. I've 9 been involved in death investigations that didn't 10 necessarily result in them being homicides. So they 11 all meld together. And I have been involved in death 12 investigations. In one particular drowning at the 13 Boulder Reservoir, I was the primary detective on 14 that investigation and that's what it turned out to 15 be was an accidental drowning, not a homicide. 16 Q We have one of two, you have an accidental 17 death, suicide, I guess it could be three, you have a 18 natural death -- 19 A Well, you could have suicide, natural 20 death, accidental death, homicide. 21 Q What else? 22 A Homicide, accidental, natural, suicide. I 23 think that probably covers it. 24 Q So you're not sure if the other case was a 25 homicide case or not? You said you assisted in a 15 1 couple of homicides, you may have been referring to a 2 couple of death investigations, one being the Stoner 3 homicide, the other you don't recall? 4 A It seems like there was another homicide 5 during that two-year period but I can't recall now. 6 Q Then when we moved into the frame of 1983 7 to 1986 when you were a patrol sergeant and I think 8 you indicated you did some crime -- served as a crime 9 scene investigator? 10 A Um-hum. 11 Q Did you have any experience at that time 12 in homicide investigations? 13 A No. 14 Q And then with respect to the tactical 15 patrol unit -- 16 A And again, specifically homicides versus 17 death investigations? 18 Q Right. Yeah, I'm asking you about 19 homicide investigations. 20 A Okay. 21 Q Then you started '86, '87 for a year or 22 two with the tactical unit. Any occasion there to be 23 involved in homicide investigations? 24 A No. 25 Q No. '88, '89, back to patrol followed by 16 1 nine months as traffic supervisor. During that time 2 period, any homicide investigations? 3 A No. 4 Q Three years starting in '91 as the 5 professional internal affairs investigator? 6 A (Deponent nods head.) 7 Q Any homicide investigations during that 8 time period that you were involved in? 9 A No. 10 Q 1994, commander to patrol for I believe 11 you said the second watch? 12 A Yeah. 13 Q What is a second watch, is that a time? 14 A Swing shift, it would be 3 in the 15 afternoon until 1 in the morning primarily. 16 Q During that time period which looks like 17 about three years up until October of '97, did you 18 have any involvement in any homicide investigations? 19 A Some peripheral involvement in one. 20 Q And what do you mean by some peripheral 21 involvement? 22 A As the commander, I was actually acting 23 chief at one time when we had a homicide and I 24 responded to that and kind of generally oversaw the 25 investigation for a couple of days until the chief 17 1 got back in town. 2 Q What type of case was that, do you recall? 3 A That was a person who opened his door, 4 there was a knock at the door, opened his door and he 5 was shot in the chest and killed. 6 Q Was that case ultimately solved? 7 A Not yet. 8 Q And then in 1997 specifically in October 9 of 1997, you were placed in charge of the Ramsey, 10 JonBent Ramsey, murder investigation? 11 A October of '97, yes. 12 Q Correct. And that was your, at the time, 13 sole assignment? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Let me go back and make sure I've got -- I 16 believe I have this correctly. Prior to October of 17 1997 when you were placed in charge of the JonBen t 18 Ramsey investigation, your experience in homicide 19 investigations would have consisted of assisting in a 20 couple of homicide investigations back in 1981 to 21 1983 where you did in one some interviews, the other 22 you're not really familiar with in terms of 23 recollection and then in one case sometime in the 24 1994 to '97 time frame where you were the acting 25 chief and therefore oversaw for a two-day time period 18 1 the investigation into the homicide where the 2 individual was shot in the chest when he opened the 3 door? 4 A Correct. 5 Q Have I now covered all of your homicide 6 experience as a police officer prior to October of 7 1997? 8 A To the best of my recollection. 9 Q Thank you. Do you know why you came to be 10 the individual selected to be in charge of the Ramsey 11 investigation in October of '97? 12 A I mean, I have a pretty good idea why. 13 Q Tell me what that pretty good idea is. 14 A I don't want to answer for Chief Koby 15 obviously. 16 Q What is your understanding and belief is 17 what I'm asking, I'm not asking for Chief Koby? 18 A Some of what I am good at is coordinating 19 and organizing, I mean managing large-scale events 20 and I think that was part of the reason that Chief 21 Koby tabbed me at that time. There was some concerns 22 about the coordination and organization of the 23 investigation. And I think he saw those abilities in 24 me and thought that I could bring some better 25 organization to the investigation itself. 19 1 There was also some conflict between the 2 DA's office and the police department at that time 3 and he felt like I could ease some of those 4 relationships and improve those relationships. 5 Q And I don't mean this disrespectfully but 6 I guess you would agree with me that you weren't 7 brought in to be in charge of the Ramsey 8 investigation in October of '97 because of your 9 experience in dealing with homicides? 10 A No. 11 Q You would agree with me, wouldn't you? 12 A I would agree with you. 13 Q When you were commander during this time 14 period of the second watch, give me some idea of what 15 your job responsibilities were. 16 A Responsible for everything that happened 17 in patrol on watch two. I was the commander. Above 18 me was the chief. So everything that happened in 19 patrol on watch two I was responsible for and managed 20 basically. 21 Q Give me some feel for what could happen in 22 terms of the patrol on the second watch that you 23 would be in charge of. I guess we're talking about 24 anything that happens with your patrol officers -- 25 A Sure, sure. 20 1 Q -- that work under you? 2 A Anything that happened with patrol 3 officers, any major crimes that occurred. And what I 4 didn't mention, I left out, is I was -- during that 5 time I was also the SWAT commander for the 6 department. And we had some major events that 7 occurred during those years that I was responsible 8 for as far as the department response in managing 9 those events. And so those were things that were 10 part of my duties as well. 11 Q That might have been part of your 12 background in coordinating and managing large events, 13 some of the work with the SWAT? 14 A I'm sure that was part of my role. 15 Q The SWAT commander didn't get you involved 16 in any homicide investigations, did it? 17 A I'm trying to think if we had any deaths 18 during that time. I don't believe we did. 19 Q Am I correct that you replaced John Eller? 20 A Yes. 21 Q John Eller was in charge of the Ramsey 22 investigation prior to October of 1997? 23 A Yes. 24 Q Now, you said that in March of 1998, your 25 job responsibilities changed and you were placed in 21 1 charge of the entire investigative unit? 2 A Correct. 3 Q Tell me -- I think I understand, but tell 4 me what that meant to you in terms of your job 5 responsibilities. And obviously you went beyond the 6 Ramsey case, but how much further? 7 A Yes, I became -- managing all the 8 detectives that we had in the bureau at that time as 9 their commander, again then ultimately responsible 10 for anything that happened in investigations. 11 Q Is the investigative unit, in effect, the 12 detective unit? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Okay. 15 A Interchangeable. 16 Q How many detectives worked under you when 17 you took that job on in March of 1998? And again I 18 know this -- give me your best estimate? 19 A I believe we had 16 or 17. 20 Q And how many were working under you when 21 you took charge of the Ramsey case in October of '97? 22 A We had eight. 23 Q Did anyone take on any sole responsibility 24 for the Ramsey case under your supervision when you 25 took on in March of '98 the responsibility for the 22 1 entire detective unit? 2 A Yes, Sergeant Tom Wickman was actually in 3 charge of the investigation. Detective Tom Trujillo 4 was the lead investigator assigned to that case. So 5 when we say that I was in charge of the 6 investigation, what really that means is that I 7 managed the personnel that were investigating that 8 case. 9 Q Would that be true in October of '97? 10 A Yes. 11 Q In October of '97, you took on 12 responsibility for managing the personnel who were 13 handling the case, Tom Wickman being in charge of the 14 detectives handling the Ramsey case and Tom Trujillo 15 being the lead detective? 16 A And coordinating the investigation. 17 Q And your job to coordinate the 18 investigation? 19 A Yes. 20 Q Right. And so when you took on the more 21 expanded role in March of 1998, that hierarchy as 22 such did not change, Wickman still was in charge 23 responding to you? 24 A (Deponent nods head.) 25 Q You were managing the detectives? 23 1 A Correct. 2 Q And coordinating the investigation? 3 A Correct. 4 Q Trujillo remained the lead detective? 5 A Correct. 6 Q Did Steve Thomas ever have the role of 7 lead detective in the Ramsey investigation? 8 A Not under my command, no. 9 Q Do you know whether prior to your taking 10 on the case in October of '97 Mr. Thomas ever had 11 been given the role of lead detective? 12 A I have been told no. 13 Q You understand that the primary reason for 14 your deposition today, at least this portion of it, 15 is to talk about Chris Wolf? 16 A That's my understanding. 17 Q And you understand that Chris Wolf has 18 filed a lawsuit against John and Patsy Ramsey in 19 Atlanta, Georgia, making allegations of libel in 20 connection with the publication of their book "The 21 Death of Innocence" and also allegations about an 22 intentional infliction of emotional distress. You 23 may not know the details of the case but I take it 24 you're aware of the fact that he's filed a lawsuit 25 and that's why we're here, in part, today?
2 Q Have you ever met Chris Wolf? 3 A No, I haven't. 4 Q Have you ever had any conversations or 5 communications with Darnay Hoffman? 6 A I seem to recall that I have, but it's 7 been several years. 8 Q Do you have any recollection of the 9 subject matter of those -- that communication or 10 those communications, if there were more than one? 11 A To the best of my recollection, it was 12 around the issue of that we should file charges 13 against Patsy Ramsey because he believed she was the 14 author of the ransom note. 15 Q Did he submit handwriting experts or 16 people he represented as experts to you or to the 17 Boulder Police Department? 18 A Before we go on, is this beyond Chris Wolf 19 questions? 20 MR. MILLER: No, I think it's a Chris Wolf 21 question. 22 THE DEPONENT: Okay. 23 MR. MILLER: As I understood, you asked he 24 being, who, Darnay? 25 MR. WOOD: Darnay Hoffman.
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Well, the reason I'm asking 3 you is that he has presented experts in the Chris 4 Wolf case and I'm trying to find out whether he had 5 earlier presented those experts in terms of it may or 6 may not have related to Chris Wolf at the time. I 7 don't know that until I go into that area with you. 8 But obviously he may be using the same people now in 9 part that he was using back then. So I'm curious as 10 to whether that's true. Whether he gave -- I know he 11 contacted Alex Hunter and sent him information. 12 A Right. 13 Q Do you think that the contact that Hoffman 14 had with you was in that same time frame or do you 15 know? 16 A I believe it was, yes. 17 Q Do you believe it would have been sometime 18 in 1997 or 1998? 19 A I don't think it was '97, probably '98. 20 Q Back to what I was trying to get to. Do 21 you know whether he sent to you one or more reports 22 from individuals that he alleged to be handwriting 23 experts? 24 A Yes, I do recall that. Now, I don't know 25 whether that came directly from him or through the
2 Q Do you recall the names of any of those 3 individuals? 4 A No, I don't. 5 Q Tom Miller ring a bell? 6 A Yes, but I don't know if that's one that 7 he submitted or not. 8 Q David Liedman? 9 A Rings a bell. 10 Q Cina Wong? 11 A Rings a bell. 12 Q Regardless of who they may have been, were 13 those individuals in terms of what the department did 14 with that information, were they accepted as experts, 15 do you know, or was it basically a situation where 16 the department did not feel that they were qualified 17 or competent in their opinions? 18 A Neither. It's something that we really 19 didn't put a whole lot of consideration into because 20 they were not people that as far as we were aware of 21 had access. We knew they didn't have access to the 22 originals, to all the material that we had. We 23 didn't know who these people were. We didn't know 24 who Darnay Hoffman was. Much like anybody sending us 25 material of what I call, you know, their
2 stock into. 3 Q One of the problems and if I hear you, is 4 that I take it from whatever source your 5 understanding of handwriting analysis would have 6 required that there be an analysis of the firsthand 7 documents as opposed to second or third generations? 8 MR. MILLER: I think I will object at this 9 point. I don't know that that has got anything to do 10 with Chris Wolf. 11 MR. WOOD: I'm trying to find out about 12 these particular experts. He indicated one of the 13 reasons that he -- they didn't really consider them 14 was because I thought that they did not have access 15 to the originals. And I just wondered if that was 16 based on his understanding that you needed access to 17 the originals to be able to do an analysis. He may 18 or may not know. If you don't want him to answer, 19 I'll -- 20 MR. MILLER: I don't think this has got 21 anything to do with Chris Wolf. 22 THE DEPONENT: Okay. 23 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Did you -- did the Boulder 24 Police Department ever have Chris Wolf's handwriting 25 analyzed?
2 Q Okay. How many different handwriting 3 analysts looked at Chris Wolf's handwriting? 4 A As far as I'm aware of, one. 5 Q Did Leonard Speckin look at Chris Wolf's 6 handwriting? 7 A I'm not sure. 8 Q Did Edwin Alford look at Chris Wolf's 9 handwriting? 10 A I'm not sure. 11 Q Did Richard Dusak analyze Chris Wolf's 12 handwriting? 13 A I'm not sure. 14 Q Did Chet Ubowski analyze Chris Wolf's 15 handwriting? 16 A Yes. 17 Q The other individuals Speckin, Alford and 18 Dusak, were employed by the Boulder Police 19 Department -- 20 A Yes. 21 Q -- to analyze handwriting? 22 A Yes. 23 Q Is there any reason why you don't know 24 whether they actually analyzed Chris Wolf's? 25 A I just can't recall what was submitted to
2 Q Was the normal practice to have an 3 individual who you made a decision you wanted a 4 handwriting analysis performed on, was it the 5 practice to have that individual, his handwriting or 6 her handwriting analyzed by four different examiners? 7 A Was that the practice? 8 Q Yeah, was that the way you all did it? 9 A No. 10 Q How did you make the distinction between 11 the numbers of analysis that you would have done on a 12 given handwriting? 13 A I'm not sure this is -- 14 MR. MILLER: I don't know. He has 15 answered the question about Chris Wolf. 16 MR. WOOD: He's telling me he knows 17 Ubowski did it and he's not sure whether the others 18 did. He said there were four that were hired that 19 apparently I would like to find out what would put 20 one in the category of having one or two versus three 21 or four if that's the case and that would help answer 22 perhaps Chris Wolf's standing or status and I won't 23 know until I get an answer. 24 MR. MILLER: Let me just suggest that the 25 question you asked almost sounds like a policy
2 opposed to specifically why they did what they did on 3 Chris Wolf. I think if you ask that question it's 4 probably acceptable. 5 MR. WOOD: I'm trying to find out why and 6 I don't think I can really get to Wolf unless I 7 understand the process. 8 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I mean you had four 9 examiners and my question tries to find out the 10 answer to why Wolf would have been only analyzed by 11 one versus more than one. Was it the results of the 12 first? I mean, I don't know. 13 MR. MILLER: I think he can answer that 14 question why he was analyzed by one, if you know. 15 A Yeah, see at this point I don't know 16 whether we submitted his to anybody else or not. I'm 17 not sure on that so I can't answer that. 18 Q (BY MR. WOOD) That's what I'm trying to 19 find out, if you knew, if you know what generally 20 would cause the department to submit the handwriting 21 exemplar or exemplars to more than one? 22 A Well, one of the fact -- there were 23 numerous factors. I think one of the critical 24 factors was to the degree that CBI could eliminate 25 somebody from being the writer of the note.
2 question of handwriting issues, but when you say 3 could eliminate, do you mean as handwriting question 4 document examiners use that term? 5 A Sure. 6 Q Did they actually eliminate and say that 7 we are confident that within our reasonable certainty 8 this person did not author the note, as compared to 9 some people that say elimination might involve no 10 indications? Do you understand the difference? 11 A Yes, and that's somewhat of what we run 12 into is how they classify those documents. So you 13 really have to have conversations with those people. 14 A lot of times you say what do you mean by this? And 15 so it really came down to this person didn't write 16 the note. You know, I can tell you this person 17 didn't write the note kind of thing. 18 Q Without perhaps putting a formal -- 19 A Right. 20 Q -- label to it? 21 A Right, correct. 22 Q Do you recall what was concluded with 23 respect to Chris Wolf? 24 A The conclusion was he didn't write the 25 note.
2 of Chris Wolf's handwriting? 3 A Yes. 4 Q Done by Mr. Ubowski? 5 A Yes. 6 Q Do you recall when that analysis was done? 7 A Well, there were several, actually, 8 because we had different, as I recall that, we had 9 different pieces of his handwriting that we submitted 10 at different times. And so there were a couple of 11 times that his handwriting actually went through a 12 comparison. So I believe there were a couple reports 13 that actually came back with some of his samples that 14 had been compared on them. 15 Q Were there any similarities found, to your 16 recollection, between Mr. Wolf's handwriting 17 exemplars and the note? 18 A I don't recall what the exact language was 19 on the lab report. 20 Q Can you give me the dates of the reports? 21 A I believe March of '98, I believe. 22 Q Was the first one or both? 23 A Well, I don't know because there was -- I 24 believe there were some submitted in late '97, 25 November of '97. And then I'm not sure whether we
2 of '98, but I'm not positive about that but I believe 3 we did. And then we submitted some additional or had 4 some additional comparisons done and then there was a 5 report in March of '98 as well. 6 Q Do you know why you all had the additional 7 comparisons done? 8 A Just trying to be thorough when we had 9 additional handwriting that was provided to us. 10 Q If, as you recall, Mr. Ubowski said I 11 don't believe Chris Wolf wrote the note? 12 A Um-hum. 13 Q But you don't know whether -- 14 MR. MILLER: You've got to say yes, Mark. 15 A Yes. 16 Q (BY MR. WOOD) But you don't recall 17 whether it was a situation where he found any 18 similarities but nonetheless did not feel that he 19 wrote it. You don't know whether he found 20 similarities or not? 21 A Again you're asking me detailed 22 questions -- 23 Q Yeah, I want to make sure that -- 24 A -- I didn't have conversations with 25 Mr. Ubowski.
2 A I'm telling you secondhand information 3 that -- 4 Q Okay. Who would have had those 5 conversations? 6 A I don't know for sure, probably Tom 7 Trujillo. 8 Q Okay. Any reason why Trujillo as opposed 9 to, say, Wickman? 10 A Tom Trujillo being the primary 11 investigator was responsible for getting samples sent 12 to CBI and getting those reports back. 13 Q Okay. I'm still, and I don't want to get 14 beyond where Mr. Miller doesn't want me to go, but 15 I'm trying to figure out, I mean, I know from 16 information that there were varying opinions on Patsy 17 Ramsey's handwriting. And I'm trying to find out 18 what the police department's policy was because it 19 seems that it would apply to all individuals perhaps 20 why you wouldn't have a second person look at Chris 21 Wolf since you had four people on board and you know 22 that in other instances you had conflicting opinions. 23 Does that make sense? I may not be asking 24 the question. 25 A No, it doesn't make sense.
2 one thing but Richard Dusak may have disagreed, 3 right? I mean, that happened I take it? 4 A I'm not aware of that happening. 5 Q Do you think they were always in 6 agreement? 7 A In relation to who? Who are you talking 8 about now? 9 Q Anyone. I don't want to try to get into 10 specific names; I want to know if they were always in 11 agreement. Because if they're not and I understand, 12 at least my understanding is on one particular person 13 they were not in agreement. Why you would decide to 14 stop at Ubowski and not have one of the other 15 examiners look at Chris Wolf. 16 MR. MILLER: I'm going to object because I 17 think it's been asked and answered. I think he 18 already answered your question. 19 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Was Ubowski the end-all of 20 the situation in terms of handwriting? Once you got 21 Ubowski's opinion, that was good? 22 A In some cases. 23 Q What would make the difference between the 24 cases where it was good and the cases where you would 25 take it to someone else?
2 you're looking at it in a vacuum. When you're 3 looking at handwriting, we're looking at the whole 4 case and all the evidence combined. 5 And we're looking for things that 6 corroborate other evidence. And if you have 7 somebody, for instance, whether it's this case or 8 another case, that you have got some evidence that 9 you can put them at the scene and now you have a 10 handwriting expert that says, yeah, there's some 11 similarities there, that's corroborating evidence. 12 That's building that person up as a stronger suspect 13 in the case. 14 If you have -- if you run down these leads 15 and you have no evidence that pans out in any of 16 these other areas, fingerprints, hair, DNA, whatever. 17 Q Witnesses, alibi? 18 A Witnesses, alibis, and the handwriting 19 comes back negative, well, that's corroborating why 20 nothing else is lining up as well. So it's you can't 21 look at it in a vacuum. 22 Q The handwriting is not -- would not be 23 looked at in a vacuum to determine the ultimate issue 24 of whether someone was believed to be involved or not 25 involved in the case. You have to look at, as you
2 A That's correct. 3 Q So the fact that Ubowski reached the 4 opinion that Wolf, he did not believe, wrote the 5 note, that in and of itself would not eliminate or 6 exclude Chris Wolf from being involved in the crime, 7 would it? 8 A Correct. 9 Q And again, I'm not trying to get you to 10 pin this down, but I want to make sure that you're 11 not pinning yourself down. When you said Ubowski 12 said, I don't believe he wrote it, you're not saying 13 that from the standpoint of whether he said no 14 indications or elimination or whatever, you just 15 remember that you were informed that Ubowski didn't 16 believe Wolf wrote the note; is that right? 17 A Correct. 18 Q The formal findings as such would be 19 contained in the written materials submitted by 20 Ubowski back to your department? 21 A Correct. 22 Q Okay. Were there -- you're confident 23 there were materials, written materials, submitted 24 back to the Boulder Police Department on Wolf? 25 A Yes.
2 A Yes. 3 Q That would have been the case in any 4 handwriting analysis done by CBI or any of the other 5 individuals who were hired by the Boulder PD? 6 A Yes. 7 Q Okay. Why did the Boulder Police 8 Department analyze Chris Wolf's handwriting? 9 A Well, again, there were a number of 10 factors, one of which being his girlfriend came 11 forward and gave some incriminating statements 12 indicating she thought he might be involved. And so 13 that is what initially brought him to the police 14 department's attention. Again this is prior to me 15 being on the case. 16 Q Right. 17 A So I'm giving you -- 18 Q Your understanding -- 19 A -- hearsay of the, you know, testimony 20 here. 21 Q But your understanding is when you took on 22 the role of being in charge of the investigation in 23 October of '97 I'm sure you went back, to the best of 24 your ability, to familiarize yourself with what had 25 been done in the investigation from the time of her
2 A Yes. 3 Q Okay. So while it's not I wasn't there at 4 the time, it's still we get an educated -- 5 A I just want to make it clear I'm not 6 giving you -- I'm not giving you firsthand 7 information -- 8 Q I understand. 9 A -- I just want to make it clear. 10 Q Right. But your understanding from your 11 review of the investigation was that Chris Wolf had 12 been brought to the attention of the Boulder Police 13 Department by his then girlfriend, an individual who 14 I believe you would agree is Jackie or Jacqueline 15 Dilson? 16 A Yes. 17 Q Okay. If I tell you I believe that 18 occurred in January of 1997, does that sound about 19 right to you in terms of when Ms. Dilson first 20 approached the Boulder police? 21 A Yes, that's my understanding. 22 Q Was it -- as a result of Ms. Dilson's 23 information, did Chris Wolf become a suspect in the 24 JonBent Ramsey murder investigation? 25 A I wouldn't call him a suspect.
2 did Chris Wolf come under the umbrella of suspicion 3 in the JonBen t Ramsey case? 4 A That would probably be accurate. 5 Q What is the umbrella of suspicion? 6 A People who came to our attention and with 7 some inquiry into those individuals. Again, there is 8 some judgment involved here in looking at the 9 totality of the circumstances. But it would look 10 like, yeah, maybe there's a possibility that these 11 people may be involved or have some knowledge. Those 12 would be people that we would choose to investigate 13 further. 14 And you know, to what level of degree that 15 you would call them under suspicion I think is 16 difficult sometimes to evaluate because there were 17 obviously different levels. 18 As an example, we did a rundown of all 19 registered sex offenders, and for no other reason 20 than they were registered sex offenders. 21 Q Did they come under the umbrella of 22 suspicion? 23 A Well, I don't know if I would put them -- 24 whether I would say that. 25 Q You would say it with respect to Chris
2 A Yeah, I think that's a fair 3 characterization. 4 Q I don't know who coined the phrase, for 5 some reason I think it was you? 6 A I believe it was. 7 Q Would I be correct in stating that an 8 individual status from your standpoint as being under 9 the umbrella of suspicion could be described by 10 someone else in the investigation, someone else at 11 the Boulder Police Department, as being an individual 12 who had the status of suspect? 13 A Well, certainly anybody could call 14 somebody anything they want. I'm not sure I 15 understand your question. 16 Q Well, I'm trying to look at the Boulder 17 Police Department's use of that term because there 18 are at least one book and one detective who was 19 involved in the investigation that has referred to 20 Chris Wolf as a suspect and that's Steve Thomas. And 21 I'm trying to find out what the Boulder Police 22 Department's use of that term means. 23 In other words, you might choose to use 24 the term umbrella of suspicion. 25 A Um-hum.
2 describing individual status on all of the members of 3 the department or did you know that some other 4 members of the department might refer to the 5 individual under the umbrella of suspicion as being a 6 suspect? 7 A Well, I think what we tried to do was we 8 tried not to identify anybody as a suspect because 9 specifically we were trying, number one, to protect 10 people because, obviously, there were a lot of people 11 that came under investigation in this case. And 12 secondly, we wanted to be fair, try to be as fair as 13 we could to individuals as well. 14 And so from our perspective, to be 15 identified as a suspect, you would have to be 16 somebody that there was a real possibility that you 17 were involved in this crime versus, you know, someone 18 said they think you did this crime and so now we've 19 got to run down this lead, if that helps clarify it 20 at all. 21 Q Well, I mean, a real possibility versus a 22 possibility doesn't -- that's a pretty fine line for 23 me. But I'm not the person coming up with the 24 titles. What I want to find out is how does one move 25 from being under the umbrella of suspicion to the
2 A Maybe probability is a better word than 3 possibility, because certainly possibility covers a 4 lot of different situations. 5 Q Were there members of the Boulder Police 6 Department, to your knowledge, who considered Chris 7 Wolf a viable suspect? 8 A Not from the point I took over the 9 investigation. I don't know if somebody considered 10 him viable prior to that time. 11 Q Then why would you bring Chris Wolf in in 12 March or February of 1998 and submit, take from him 13 non-testimonial evidence for forensic testing? 14 A Well, I think until you can prove who did 15 the case, you can't disregard other possibilities. 16 Simply because somebody doesn't look like a viable 17 suspect doesn't mean maybe the evidence won't lead 18 you to then believe that they are viable. I mean, if 19 evidence came back indicating that he had been 20 involved then certainly his status would have been 21 elevated. 22 Q But if he was brought to the attention of 23 the Boulder Police Department in January of 1997, why 24 did the Boulder Police Department wait until February 25 or March of 1998 to obtain non-testimonial evidence
2 A That I can't answer because I don't know. 3 I wasn't involved in the investigation prior to 4 October. 5 Q Do you know when Chris Wolf was moved out 6 from under the umbrella of suspicion? 7 A Not a -- I can't give you a specific date. 8 Probably a time frame would be as close as I could 9 narrow it down to. 10 Q What time frame could you narrow it down 11 to? 12 A Probably summer of 1998. 13 Q I'm looking at a -- and again, this is an 14 article written by Chris Anderson published in the 15 Daily Camera March 16th, 2000. And I'll let you take 16 a look at it. 17 A Okay. 18 Q But the part that I'm referring you to at 19 the moment is a quote attributed to you. It says, 20 Boulder police chief Mark Beckner said Wednesday, 21 several people listed in the Ramseys' book have been 22 investigated, including the McReynolds, the Ramseys' 23 former housekeeper Linda Hoffmann-Pugh, former 24 Boulder journalist Chris Wolf and former Access 25 Graphics employee Jeff Merrick. Quote, They are not
2 who added there is nothing new in the Ramseys' claims 3 covered in the book. 4 A Okay. 5 Q Do you believe Mr. Anderson has quoted you 6 correctly in that article? 7 A The part that has quotations around it? 8 Q Yeah, that's the part I'm referring to. 9 A You know, I talked to so many reporters so 10 many times. Do I have specific memory of making this 11 statement? No. 12 Q When you look at it do you look at it and 13 go, no, I would not have said that I don't believe? 14 A No, that sounds like something that I 15 would probably say. 16 Q What did you mean by the use of the term 17 that they're not currently and I'm focusing on active 18 suspects? 19 A Um-hum. It means that we are not 20 currently investigating them for involvement in the 21 crime. 22 Q Had they been prior in time active 23 suspects? 24 A Well, again, how do you use the -- how do 25 you define suspect?
2 A In terms of -- 3 Q -- over to the law enforcement -- 4 A -- how I define it, no. I would say, you 5 know, as we talked earlier, under suspicion would 6 characterize it accurately. Whether someone actually 7 goes to the level of suspect or not, that's a pretty 8 high level. 9 Q So when you use the term that someone is 10 under suspicion or remains under suspicion, you are 11 using that to be in effect interchangeable with 12 someone being under the umbrella of suspicion? 13 A Sure. 14 Q And you would specifically not use the 15 term suspect unless you felt that the individual had 16 moved from a possibility of being involved to a 17 probability of involvement? 18 A Yeah, they would certainly have to rise to 19 that level before you would want to identify somebody 20 as a suspect. 21 Q Was Bill McReynolds ever under the -- 22 MR. MILLER: I object to that question. 23 MR. WOOD: If you let me answer it -- ask 24 it, I think maybe -- and then I'll tell you why it 25 has specific reference to Chris Wolf.
2 under the umbrella of suspicion? 3 MR. MILLER: I still object to it. What 4 has that got to do with Chris Wolf? 5 MR. WOOD: Because we have evidence that 6 Bill McReynolds was the academic advisor at the 7 University of Colorado to Chris Wolf. 8 MR. MILLER: I think you need to ask him 9 if he knows that. I don't know how that relates to 10 this investigation. 11 MR. WOOD: I think that it would have an 12 absolute relationship in terms of the police being 13 interested in the idea that one person under the 14 umbrella of suspicion had a relationship with another 15 individual under the umbrella of suspicion. Now, 16 that to me would at least from my common sense 17 standpoint, would be fairly significant at least to 18 look into. So that is the basis for the question 19 that relates directly to Chris Wolf. 20 MR. MILLER: I think it's objectionable 21 and I don't think it has got anything to do with the 22 Chris Wolf investigation. 23 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Were you aware of any 24 relationship between Bill McReynolds and Chris Wolf? 25 A Now that you bring it up, yes.
2 Police Department was aware that Bill McReynolds had 3 served as an academic advisor at the University of 4 Colorado to Chris Wolf? 5 A What I can tell you is that sounds 6 familiar. 7 Q Was that relationship investigated by the 8 Boulder Police Department? 9 A I believe it was. 10 Q Do you know the name of the detective who 11 was in charge of investigating that relationship 12 between Chris Wolf and Bill McReynolds? 13 A I'm not sure. 14 Q Do you know what the results of that 15 investigation revealed in terms of the nature and 16 extent and duration or any other details of the 17 investigation -- 18 A No, I don't recall. 19 Q -- of the relationship? 20 A I don't recall. 21 Q Would there be -- would you expect that 22 there would be some written reports that would 23 document what the investigators found in terms of any 24 details about the relationship between Chris Wolf and 25 Bill McReynolds?
2 Q Would it be significant from the 3 standpoint of the Boulder Police Department 4 investigation if there was a relationship between two 5 individuals who were both considered to be under the 6 umbrella of suspicion? 7 A Maybe, maybe not. That really depends on 8 a lot of factors. 9 Q We know that Chris Wolf was under the 10 umbrella of suspicion, correct? 11 A Correct. 12 Q Was Bill McReynolds ever under the 13 umbrella of suspicion? 14 MR. MILLER: I object. This has nothing 15 to do with Chris Wolf. You -- 16 MR. WOOD: I think I just showed that it 17 did. 18 MR. MILLER: Well, the fact that other 19 people are under the umbrella of suspicion doesn't -- 20 I mean a lot of people as he has testified were under 21 the umbrella of suspicion. That doesn't mean that 22 they have anything in common except being under the 23 umbrella of suspicion. 24 MR. WOOD: Well, with all due respect, 25 Bob, he said it may or may not be of significance.
2 McReynolds, who has a direct physical presence and 3 relationship with the Ramsey family, an individual 4 who has been in their home who had a relationship 5 with JonBent, and then you come upon an individual 6 who did not have a tie to the Ramseys directly and 7 you learn that that person had a tie to Bill 8 McReynolds, it seems to me that is fairly 9 significant. But I don't know that; I need for the 10 chief to tell me that. That's why I think it's a 11 fair question related to Chris Wolf to know whether 12 or not Chris Wolf, who was under the umbrella of 13 suspicion -- in fact the department was also aware 14 that Bill McReynolds was under the umbrella of 15 suspicion. 16 MR. MILLER: I thought the article you 17 just asked him to read had McReynolds' name in it. 18 MR. WOOD: That's why I would think it 19 would have been a fairly -- 20 MR. MILLER: And I thought he said, he 21 confirmed that they were all under the umbrella of 22 suspicion. 23 MR. WOOD: That's what I wanted him to 24 confirm but you really didn't let him answer that 25 question directly.
2 THE DEPONENT: Yes, McReynolds was. 3 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Did he come out from under 4 the umbrella of suspicion the same time frame as 5 Chris Wolf? 6 A I have no idea. 7 Q You don't know whether there was any 8 relationship between the two investigations? 9 A I have no idea. 10 Q Tom Trujillo -- who would the best person 11 to answer that question? 12 A I'm not sure. 13 Q Give me if you would, Chief Beckner, your 14 best recollection or description of the investigation 15 of Chris Wolf. We've talked about the handwriting. 16 But just give me maybe your description of what the 17 department did regarding Wolf. 18 A Do you want a narrative? 19 Q To the best of your knowledge and ability 20 if you can give me that. We'll fill in some of the 21 details if we need to. 22 A Well, very generally I can tell you. I 23 can't give you the details. As I said, I believe it 24 was in late 1997 that we submitted, I believe it was, 25 some handwriting and possibly some fingerprints to
2 And then in 1998, we submitted, we 3 submitted, we obtained DNA. I believe we obtained 4 some handwriting exemplars and some palm prints from 5 Mr. Wolf and then we submitted those. We then 6 submitted his known writings to Dr. Foster for a 7 linguistic analysis as well and a comparison, that 8 was in 1998. 9 We certainly interviewed Jackie Dilson 10 several times, did some -- we even did some recording 11 of phone conversations between her and Mr. Wolf to 12 see if there would be any indication in those 13 conversations of his involvement. 14 That would be the primary steps we took. 15 Q Did you ever take any hair samples from 16 Mr. Wolf? 17 A We may have. I don't -- I can't tell you 18 for sure. 19 Q Mitochondria, are you familiar with that 20 word? 21 A Yes. 22 Q Were there any mitochondria tests 23 performed on hair samples obtained from Chris Wolf? 24 A My understanding of DNA you don't have to 25 do that. Once you have the DNA you have the DNA. A
2 body fluids doesn't matter, it's the same. So one 3 DNA test is going to come back the same. 4 Q Does that mean the answer is no, you did 5 not do any mitochondria tests on hair samples taken? 6 A I don't believe we did. 7 Q Why would you bother to take hair samples 8 from anyone then if you have a DNA sample? 9 A You don't always have DNA samples. Some 10 hairs won't have DNA attached to them. 11 Q What was the type of fluid or material 12 that you took from Chris Wolf in order to check his 13 DNA? 14 A I believe they took saliva. 15 Q Okay. So if you have saliva from an 16 individual, why would you need a hair sample? 17 A For DNA, I don't believe you would need a 18 hair sample. 19 Q But what would you need the hair sample 20 for? 21 A You may want to do a comparison with other 22 hairs that you have at a crime scene. 23 Q Was any comparison done of the hair sample 24 or samples taken from Chris Wolf with any other hair 25 samples taken from the crime scene?
2 Q Well, wouldn't you have expected there to 3 be? 4 A Not necessarily. 5 Q Why not? 6 A Well, there's -- this is getting into an 7 area that I don't think I can go into. 8 Q Well, I mean you took hair samples from 9 Chris Wolf. You come in and you state that Chris 10 Wolf was under the umbrella of suspicion? 11 A I -- 12 MR. MILLER: He didn't say he took hair 13 samples of Chris Wolf. 14 A I said I didn't know. 15 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Let me tell you, then, that 16 Chris Wolf has stated that he did give hair samples. 17 A But I don't know that. 18 Q Well, let's assume, if you would, that 19 Chris Wolf is right about that at least. If he gave 20 hair samples, would the police department as a matter 21 of its investigative procedures compare his hair 22 sample to hair samples found at the crime scene? 23 A I would expect that. 24 Q There wouldn't be any real reason not to, 25 would there?
2 Q Would there be any other type -- what type 3 of comparison -- what is the test you do? Is it 4 simply looking under a microscope or does it involve 5 any type of forensic testing of the hair itself? 6 A It's primarily, if it's just hair, it's 7 primarily a comparison under the microscope. If 8 you've got a root attached then you've got some DNA 9 that can be tested through normal DNA process down -- 10 CBI can do that. 11 If you want to get DNA off of just a hair 12 without a root sample, that has to be mitochondria 13 and the only place we're aware of that does that is 14 the FBI. And so it's something that -- it's not -- 15 you just don't do it every day. You've got to have a 16 pretty good reason to do it and then you're on a 17 pretty long waiting list to get that done. It's not 18 something, where like you can with CBI, where you can 19 do hundreds of DNA samples; you can't do that with 20 hair. 21 Q So if you have the saliva swab from 22 Mr. Wolf and a hair sample and, again, I'm going to 23 ask you to assume, you would not have submitted the 24 hair for DNA testing because you had the DNA you 25 needed through the saliva, correct?
2 do that or not. My understanding would be that the 3 saliva would suffice for the DNA test and there would 4 be no reason to do a DNA on the hair, that's my 5 understanding. 6 Q But you would have expected, assuming 7 again that Mr. Wolf did give the hair sample, you 8 would have expected that it would have been examined 9 under a microscope in terms of the comparison of hair 10 fibers found at the crime scene or on the victim's 11 body? 12 MR. MILLER: Objection. Asked and 13 answered. You can answer. 14 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You can answer. 15 A I would expect that. 16 Q Where again, if Mr. Wolf were correct, 17 where would this hair sample have been taken from or 18 was it the procedure to take more than one from 19 different parts of the individual's body? 20 A Again, it depends on your crime scene. As 21 far as when you say procedure or policy, it's all 22 dependent on your crime scene. 23 Q Well, understanding you have the knowledge 24 of the crime scene here. Chris Wolf is asked to give 25 hair samples. Where would you have taken the samples
2 A Well, there are a number of locations you 3 could take. You could take pubic hairs, you could 4 take head hairs. 5 Q Yeah, I understand. I understand that 6 there are a number of locations. But I'm asking in 7 terms of your investigation of this murder, with the 8 knowledge you have of this crime scene -- 9 A Um-hum. 10 Q -- if you want hair samples from Chris 11 Wolf, where would they have been taken from? Would 12 they have been taken from his head? His chest? His 13 underarm? His pubic area? Or all of those? 14 A I would think probably pubic area and head 15 hair. 16 MR. MILLER: Can we take a break? 17 MR. WOOD: Sure, any time. 18 MR. MILLER: We've been going about an 19 hour. 20 MR. WOOD: Do you think the real deal 21 might be on now? 22 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're off the record at 23 approximately 10:04 a.m. 24 (Recess taken from 10:04 a.m. to 10:20 25 a.m.)
2 approximately 10:20 a.m. 3 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You indicated, Chief 4 Beckner, that in 1997 with respect to -- late 1997, 5 you submitted some handwriting and possibly some 6 fingerprints to CBI with respect to Chris Wolf. 7 We've covered the handwriting, haven't we, that we 8 talked about earlier that Chet Ubowski gave reports 9 on a couple of occasions? 10 A Yes. 11 Q Now, what about -- you say possibly some 12 fingerprints. Did you in fact obtain fingerprints 13 from Chris Wolf? 14 A Again, I just want to clarify I'm going by 15 memory from almost four years ago. But yes, I recall 16 that we had fingerprints from Chris Wolf. 17 Q And were they submitted to CBI? 18 A Yes. 19 Q For comparisons to what? 20 A To evidence taken at the scene. Any 21 fingerprints that we had, any prints whatsoever that 22 we had at the scene. 23 Q Okay. And did you ever -- well, you go on 24 to say you obtained some handwriting exemplars in 25 1998. That would have been different from the
2 A I believe so. I'm, you know -- 3 Q And some palm prints -- 4 A -- the best of my recollection. 5 Q Okay. Do you remember what the results 6 were that came back on the fingerprints from CBI with 7 respect to Mr. Wolf? 8 A No match. 9 Q Would I be safe then to say that across 10 the board that would be true? 11 A Yes. 12 Q If you had a match from someone you 13 wouldn't have expected to be in the house, we would 14 probably all know about it. 15 The palm print, again, you took a palm 16 print left and right from Mr. Wolf, submitted those 17 to CBI? 18 A I know we took palm prints. 19 Q Were they submitted to CBI? 20 A Yes. 21 Q Again, for comparison to what you believe 22 were palm prints taken from the crime scene? 23 A Yes. 24 Q Did you take both the left and the right 25 hand palm print from Mr. Wolf?
2 Q Do you know what you would have expected 3 to be done in that regard? 4 A Both, I would have expected. 5 Q Both. And then you submitted known 6 writings to Dr. Foster; is that Don Foster? 7 A Yes. 8 Q For linguistic analysis? 9 A Correct. 10 Q Did Mr. -- Dr. Foster issue a report on 11 his analysis? 12 A Yes. 13 Q And what was his conclusion? 14 A That Mr. Wolf did not write the note. 15 Q And did he explain how he arrived at that 16 conclusion? 17 A Primarily that there were -- 18 MR. MILLER: Yes or no. 19 A Oh, yes. 20 Q (BY MR. WOOD) What was his explanation? 21 A Primarily that there were not enough 22 similarities between the two writing samples. 23 Q Were there any similarities? 24 A I can't recall what the specifics were. 25 Q You would have to look at the report?
2 Q In terms of the documents and I'm not 3 asking you to agree that you would give them to us at 4 this point, but I'm just trying to find out in terms 5 of the accessibility and the organization, if I were 6 to ask for you to produce by subpoena the documents 7 such as the report Don Foster compiled on Chris Wolf, 8 the linguistic analysis, is the case file in the 9 Boulder Police Department organized in such a fashion 10 that that's something that you could get fairly 11 easily? 12 A The Don Foster report, yes. 13 Q Okay. How about CBI forensic reports? 14 A I don't know if I would say easy, but 15 they're obtainable. 16 Q Now, the forms that you send up to CBI, 17 are those Boulder Police Department forms? 18 A We have forms and they also have forms. 19 Q Do any of those forms make reference to 20 the phrase suspects? 21 A I would have to look at them. 22 Q For example, if you were to send up a 23 blood test on someone that came back from CBI, would 24 it have up at the top suspects, someone's name or 25 unknown or anything like that?
2 Q What were people called, to your 3 knowledge, that were under investigation or under 4 suspicion before you coined the phrase the umbrella 5 of suspicion? How were they referred to by the 6 Boulder Police Department? 7 A We really didn't refer to them in any 8 specific way, quite frankly. 9 Q The umbrella of suspicion as a 10 classification still exists today? 11 A More or less. 12 Q What do you mean when you say more or 13 less? 14 A Can I confer with my attorney? 15 Q Sure. 16 THE DEPONENT: Let's go off. 17 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Are we off the record? 18 We're off the record at approximately 10:25 a.m. 19 (Recess taken from 10:25 a.m. to 10:28 20 a.m.) 21 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're on the record at 22 approximately 10:28 a.m. 23 MR. MILLER: Could you please read back 24 the last question? 25 (Page 62, lines 12 through 13 read.)
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Okay. From your -- from 3 the time period that you have been involved in the 4 Ramsey case, October of 1997 to date, you have never 5 publicly referred to any individual as a suspect; am 6 I right? 7 A That's correct. 8 Q You have always carefully indicated that 9 individuals, whoever may come up, were either not or 10 were under the umbrella of suspicion? 11 A Yes. 12 Q Or used the phrase under suspicion? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Which you have told me means the same 15 thing as being under the umbrella of suspicion? 16 A Yes. 17 Q So from start to today, you have not 18 classified any individual as a suspect? 19 A Publicly, correct. 20 Q Or otherwise? 21 A That's not accurate. 22 Q How is it inaccurate? 23 A Internally John and Patsy are considered 24 suspects. 25 Q Both of them?
2 Q Are considered to have probably been 3 involved in the death of their daughter? 4 A Probability, yes. 5 Q Has anyone else ever attained that status 6 of probably involved? 7 A No. 8 Q How does one get out -- who makes the 9 determination -- let me go back. 10 How do you, at what point in time did they 11 move from under the umbrella to being suspects? 12 MR. MILLER: I'm going to object to this. 13 I don't know how this has got anything to do with 14 Chris Wolf. 15 MR. WOOD: I'm trying to figure out the 16 use of the term because it's an issue in this lawsuit 17 with respect to Chris Wolf. 18 MR. MILLER: He's told you. 19 MR. WOOD: I have Boulder Police 20 Department detectives, at least one, referring to 21 Chris Wolf as a suspect. And one of the issues in 22 the case is was he a suspect. And the second issue, 23 among many others, is how did he become one, and the 24 third issue is going to be, you know, what was done 25 and whether he was thoroughly investigated into
2 as a suspect. 3 MR. MILLER: We don't have any objection 4 into going into those things as to Chris Wolf but as 5 to John and Patsy Ramsey and when they were a suspect 6 and when they weren't and how they became one is 7 totally irrelevant and that's what we chose to try to 8 avoid during this deposition. 9 MR. WOOD: Right. But with all due 10 respect, knowing when they attained the status of 11 probable is going to relate, in my view, clearly to 12 the thoroughness of investigations of other 13 individuals who were simply possible. 14 MR. MILLER: I don't see how and I don't 15 think he should answer the question on John and Patsy 16 Ramsey. 17 MR. WOOD: Well, let me see if I can take 18 their names out of it. I don't know if that matters. 19 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Was anyone internally 20 considered a suspect while others were still viewed 21 as being under the umbrella of suspicion? 22 THE DEPONENT: Answer that? 23 MR. MILLER: Yeah, I think so. 24 A Can you repeat it again? 25 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Yes. Were any individuals
2 internally to be suspects at the same time that other 3 individuals who were being investigated were being 4 classified as being under the umbrella of suspicion? 5 A I believe so. 6 Q How did you differentiate in terms of 7 investigative efforts between people who were viewed 8 as probably involved versus people that were viewed 9 as possibly involved, since you were apparently 10 investigating both at the same time? 11 A Well, you have to run it down until you 12 can be reasonably satisfied that a lead isn't 13 developing into something more. 14 Q What does it have to develop into when you 15 say something more? 16 A To a probability that they were involved 17 in the crime. 18 Q If Chris -- 19 A Or some evidence that they weren't 20 involved. Something, you know, to give you something 21 that you can make some judgment on. 22 Q What was the judgment made on Chris Wolf? 23 What was the basis for taking Chris Wolf out from 24 under the umbrella of suspicion? 25 A A combination of factors combined,
2 Wolf and the evidence that was submitted. 3 Q What evidence did you have about Chris 4 Wolf that indicated he was not involved? 5 A Well, we had no match on fingerprints or 6 palm prints. We had no match on handwriting or 7 linguistics. We had no match on DNA. 8 Q Did you have a confirmed alibi? 9 A No. 10 Q Did you have a polygraph test? 11 A No. And then further discussions with his 12 girlfriend as well led investigators to pretty much 13 disregard what she had to say. 14 Q Why? 15 A She kept changing her story, some of the 16 facts she was telling us would vary from time to 17 time. 18 Q Did you go behind what she was telling you 19 to try to talk with other individuals that she was 20 referring you to that might have been witnesses? 21 A You know, I don't recall the details of 22 all that, all that investigation. 23 Q Did the Boulder Police Department 24 interview Jackie Dilson's daughter Mirah? 25 A I don't know.
2 A I don't know. 3 Q Did the Boulder Police Department 4 interview Ricky Easley, Mirah Dilson's live-in 5 boyfriend? 6 A I don't know. 7 Q Should they have? 8 A I don't know. 9 Q Who would know that? 10 A Well, I'm not sure because I don't know 11 what these names have to do with the case. 12 Q Who would I speak to that should know 13 that, the relevant names to the Chris Wolf 14 investigation? 15 A One of the other detectives that may be 16 familiar to them, I'm not sure. 17 Q Who was in charge of the Chris Wolf 18 investigation? 19 A There was no one particular person in 20 charge of the Chris Wolf investigation. It was a 21 team effort. 22 Q Of all -- 23 A There were different aspects that people 24 would be involved in. 25 Q Of the entire Ramsey team?
2 Q Who were the members of the Ramsey team, 3 then, the detectives by name? 4 A Well, it's varied over a period of five 5 years and I don't even know if I could name all of 6 them for you. Certainly Tom Wickman, Steve Thomas, 7 Ron Gosage, Jane Harmer, Cary Weinheimer, Mike 8 Everett, Kim Stewart. And this was in October of 9 '97. But there were a whole lot of other people 10 involved at various times. Then, of course, you had 11 Mitch Morrissey, Bruce Levin, Mike Kane that came in 12 later. You had investigators with the DA's office 13 prior to that. 14 Q Had Chris Wolf been removed from under the 15 umbrella of suspicion prior to the time that Michael 16 Kane and Bruce Levin and Mitch Morrissey came into 17 the picture? 18 A I can only tell you to the best of my 19 recollection. I believe Mike Kane came on in spring 20 of '98. So no. 21 Q Would one of the factors in removing Chris 22 Wolf from under the umbrella of suspicion be the fact 23 that the Boulder Police Department had concluded that 24 it was probable that John Ramsey and Patsy Ramsey 25 were involved in the death of their daughter?
2 Q For example, if you as the chief of police 3 or as the commander in charge of the Ramsey 4 investigation state to your investigator or 5 investigators, members of your detective team, I 6 believe Patsy Ramsey killed JonBent, would you 7 expect that to have an impact on how that 8 investigator or detective would approach another 9 possible individual under suspicion such as Chris 10 Wolf? 11 A Would I expect it to? No. 12 Q Well, why not? I mean when the chief says 13 I believe Patsy Ramsey did this, how could that not 14 impact the efforts to investigate others? 15 MR. MILLER: Object to the form of the 16 question. Misstates testimony. 17 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Well, maybe I didn't lay 18 the foundation. Have you ever made that statement to 19 another detective in this case? 20 A I don't know, to be honest with you, 21 whether I have said that. 22 Q Well, Steve Thomas says in his book that 23 you did. 24 A Well, I don't know that I have. 25 Q Well, do you deny that?
2 Q Well, does it sound like something that 3 you would have said to another detective? 4 A It may have been something that was said. 5 We've had, you know, hundreds of conversations about 6 hearings about this case. Maybe, I don't know. I 7 don't recall saying that specifically. 8 Q Well, I mean, Chief, that's not an 9 insignificant statement to come from the chief of 10 police or from the commander of the investigation. I 11 mean is it possible that you may have made similar 12 comments about other individuals? 13 A Sure. 14 Q That you believe some other person other 15 than John or Patsy might have been involved? 16 A Sure. 17 Q Do you have a recollection of doing that? 18 A I have a recollection of challenging 19 detectives in terms of some of the evidence and what 20 it means, sure. 21 Q But I'm really looking more for the 22 specific statement. I mean maybe that's the way, if 23 Thomas is accurate and says that Mark Beckner said I 24 believe Patsy Ramsey killed JonBent, would that have 25 been -- should that be interpreted as a statement of
2 challenge some findings or some information from a 3 detective? I'm not sure I'm following you. 4 A Yeah, because to this day I haven't come 5 to any conclusions on that. So what I would say is 6 it would probably be in the context of discussing 7 different theories about the case. 8 Q Because to this day, you have not 9 concluded yourself that Patsy Ramsey killed JonBen t? 10 A That's correct. 11 Q And would you expect then because the 12 question is how other detectives if they hear you 13 make statements like that, would you have expected 14 them to understand the context in which you would 15 make such a statement if you made it? 16 A I would -- 17 MR. MILLER: Objection to the form of the 18 question. 19 Q MR. WOOD: Let me go back. I think the 20 chief answered, but would you have expected your 21 detectives if they heard you make a statement that 22 you believed Patsy Ramsey did this or you believed 23 that John Doe did this, that that would have been in 24 the context of discussing different theories about 25 the case as opposed to your stating your conclusion
2 MR. MILLER: Do you understand the 3 question? 4 THE DEPONENT: I think so. 5 A Hypothetically, yes. 6 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Hypothetically? 7 A Well, you're creating a hypothetical 8 situation -- 9 Q Yeah, because you don't remember -- 10 A I'm -- 11 Q I'm creating -- 12 A -- answering hypothetically. 13 Q I'm asking you because you don't recall 14 the situation as to whether that was actually said to 15 Steve Thomas? 16 A (Deponent nods head.) 17 Q But if said hypothetically about Patsy or 18 any other person, you would have fully expected 19 Detective Thomas or any other individual on the force 20 that you were talking to to understand you were 21 simply talking about one of many theories of the case 22 as opposed to making a statement of accusation or 23 conclusion, true? 24 A True. 25 Q And therefore, because of that, that's why
2 Patsy Ramsey or John Ramsey or John Doe or Jane Doe 3 to have impacted the detectives' degree of 4 investigative efforts toward other individuals under 5 suspicion, true? 6 A Correct. 7 Q Okay. Would the sexual orientation of 8 Chris Wolf have been a factor to be considered, that 9 is to say whether he was heterosexual, homosexual or 10 bisexual or I guess we could include, not with Wolf, 11 but we could throw in the category of asexual? 12 A That's not something you would throw out. 13 I mean, I'm not sure I understand. 14 Q If -- 15 A You consider all information you get. 16 Q Right. But if hypothetically I ask you to 17 assume that Chris Wolf had confessed to one of the 18 detectives that he was a homosexual but no one in his 19 family or his friends had known that fact, would that 20 information have been viewed as exculpatory as it 21 related to the murder or death of JonBent Ramsey? 22 A I don't know why that would be seen as 23 exculpatory. 24 Q I don't either but that's the -- you 25 wouldn't view as it as exculpatory?
2 Q You would just view it as just one 3 additional bit of -- piece of information about a 4 person under suspicion, it may or may not have 5 relevance? 6 A Correct. 7 Q I mean there was no working theory that 8 this act could not or was not committed by a 9 homosexual, a male homosexual, was there? 10 A Are you asking me whether there was a 11 theory? 12 Q Right. Was there any working theory that 13 this was not the act of a male homosexual? 14 A No. 15 Q Okay. The background of Chris Wolf, did 16 you all obtain his criminal record, the Boulder 17 Police Department? 18 A I can't specifically remember that. 19 Q Would you have expected the detectives to 20 go back and pull his criminal record history? 21 A I would expect that. 22 Q Do you have any knowledge of Mr. Wolf 23 being arrested for public indecency and masturbation 24 prior to the death of JonBent Ramsey? 25 A No, we've looked at so many people I can't
2 Q Was Chris Wolf ever under suspicion in 3 connection with the death of Susannah Chase? 4 A I don't know that I would say he was under 5 suspicion for that. 6 Q How would you describe your department's 7 investigation of Chris Wolf in connection with 8 Susannah Chase -- 9 A It may have been a lead that we would 10 follow up on to make a determination but I don't 11 believe he ever came under serious consideration. 12 Q Did he ever come under consideration? 13 A As a lead to follow up on. 14 Q Would that have been as a result of 15 information from Jackie Dilson or information gained 16 independent about Mr. Wolf and a possible 17 relationship with Susannah Chase? 18 A Again, just based on recollection, I 19 believe that also came from Jackie Dilson. 20 Q Did the department ever ascertain whether 21 in fact Chris Wolf acknowledged that he had and did 22 know Susannah Chase and perhaps had made overtures to 23 her about trying to go out with her on a date? 24 A I believe -- that sounds familiar. I 25 believe we knew that.
2 the lack of or the fact of cooperation with 3 authorities factor in in terms of your assessment of 4 the person's status in the investigation? 5 A Repeat again. 6 Q With respect to an individual under 7 suspicion, obviously I take it that under the 8 umbrella of suspicion, there might be different 9 levels of suspicion; is that right? 10 A Certainly. 11 Q Would an individual's lack of cooperation 12 with authorities, for example in terms of being 13 interviewed, or the fact of cooperation with 14 authorities, for example on being interviewed, factor 15 in in the Boulder Police Department's assessment of 16 the individual's status under the umbrella of 17 suspicion? 18 A Yeah, it would be a factor. 19 Q Chris Wolf initially refused to cooperate, 20 didn't he, sir? 21 A To the best of my recollection, yes. 22 Q He refused to give a handwriting exemplar 23 in January of 1997? 24 A I believe so. 25 Q He refused to be interviewed in January of
2 A Again, to the best of my recollection, 3 yes. 4 Q He actually got physical and had to be 5 hobbled by Detective Thomas and I think Detective 6 Gosage; are you familiar with that? 7 A Yes. 8 Q You were aware that he had been brought 9 into the Boulder -- well, you learned that he had 10 been brought into the Boulder Police Department under 11 a ruse traffic stop in order to be interviewed? 12 A Well, I wouldn't agree that it was a ruse. 13 My understanding was he did have a traffic warrant 14 out for his arrest. 15 Q I don't want to quibble over the word 16 ruse. My understanding is they used the traffic, the 17 outstanding traffic citation to specifically and 18 intentionally bring him in to talk about the JonBent 19 Ramsey case? 20 A Correct. 21 Q Not to pick him up and by happenstance in 22 the process of so that -- I don't mean to have been 23 implying with ruse but clearly there was a plan 24 developed to use the outstanding traffic ticket to 25 bring him into police headquarters to question him
2 A That's my understanding. 3 Q And again we're assuming that was January 4 of 1997 and he was totally uncooperative; that's your 5 understanding, right? 6 A I don't know whether I could say totally. 7 I don't know whether I have enough knowledge of that 8 time frame to say that. 9 Q Do you have any knowledge that would 10 indicate that he in any way cooperated when he was 11 first brought in to the Boulder Police Department to 12 talk about the JonBen t Ramsey case? 13 A That would be something I would have to 14 review. I don't know. 15 Q But based on your recollection, you recall 16 that he was uncooperative in the sense that he would 17 not give a handwriting exemplar, he would not give an 18 interview -- 19 A That's my -- 20 Q -- he would not discuss his whereabouts? 21 A That's my understanding. 22 Q Was that publicly discussed by you or any 23 other member of the Boulder Police Department about 24 his level of uncooperation, failure to cooperate? 25 A I don't recall.
2 A Yes. 3 Q What was his role? 4 A He was a forensic psychologist that 5 assisted us in the case. 6 Q What would a forensic psychologist bring 7 to the table? 8 A Well, he brings a lot in terms of 9 analyzing behavior, demeanor, statements, advice on 10 how to conduct interviews, advice on what questions 11 to ask, those areas. 12 Q Would he have been involved in a strategy 13 to bring public pressure on a given individual who 14 was under suspicion? 15 MR. MILLER: Objection to the form of the 16 question. I also object that it's outside the realm 17 of what we're talking about. If you're talking about 18 Chris Wolf -- 19 MR. WOOD: I'm talking about matters that 20 it would seem to me to be applicable to Chris Wolf, 21 absolutely. 22 MR. MILLER: Well, I think if you've got a 23 question about Chris Wolf that ought to be the 24 question, but I don't think it should be a question 25 about everybody else.
2 else. 3 MR. MILLER: I think that's the way the 4 question was framed. 5 MR. WOOD: Well, he told me about what a 6 forensic psychologist would bring to the table and he 7 gave me a number of areas and I asked him would he 8 also have been involved in a police strategy to bring 9 public pressure on a given individual who was under 10 suspicion. 11 MR. MILLER: Given individual, it seems to 12 me it's everybody, including Chris Wolf. 13 MR. WOOD: I think that's why it's related 14 to Chris Wolf. 15 MR. MILLER: But not specifically to Chris 16 Wolf. 17 MR. WOOD: Well, the question of whether 18 it should have been, if it existed, if the strategy 19 existed and there is evidence that I have that it 20 did -- 21 MR. MILLER: What strategy are we talking 22 about? 23 MR. WOOD: Why would it not -- a specific 24 plan that involved Steven Pitt and others, including 25 Bill Hagamaier of the FBI, that was developed around
2 either force them to cooperate or for other reasons 3 I'll discuss later. Let me establish the first. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I'm right about the 5 strategy, am I not, it existed, Steven Pitt was part 6 of it and so was Bill Hagamaier of the FBI? 7 MR. MILLER: I don't think you ought to 8 answer that question. I don't think it's got 9 anything specifically to do with Chris Wolf. 10 MR. WOOD: I'm entitled to know whether or 11 not there was such a strategy because we now have the 12 chief acknowledging that in January of 1997 within a 13 month of this child's murder, Chris Wolf, who was 14 brought to the attention of the authorities by his 15 then live-in girlfriend who was at least credible 16 enough to bring this man in for questioning, who was 17 totally or at least to the chief's recollection at 18 least uncooperative on the question of giving an 19 interview and submitting handwriting exemplars, I 20 want to know whether he was part of the strategy that 21 I have evidence existed about bringing public 22 pressure on suspects or individuals under suspicion 23 to try to get them to cooperate. I think it's 24 absolutely related to Chris Wolf and I'm entitled to 25 an answer, Bob.
2 to Chris Wolf. If you ask it in a specific reference 3 to Chris Wolf, I think he can answer it. 4 MR. WOOD: Why would it not be applicable 5 to Chris Wolf and others? 6 MR. MILLER: I don't know. 7 MR. WOOD: That is what I'm trying to find 8 out. 9 MR. MILLER: Well, but I don't think that 10 is purpose of this deposition. The purpose of this 11 deposition is, as our agreement says, to talk about 12 specifics as to Chris Wolf, not the rest of the 13 world, not the other suspects, not your other 14 clients. 15 MR. WOOD: Don't imply that my other 16 client, that Chris Wolf is a client. 17 MR. MILLER: I think that's got to be a 18 consideration. 19 MR. WOOD: Here is the point. One of the 20 issues in this case is whether or not Chris Wolf to 21 this day was properly and thoroughly investigated by 22 the Boulder Police Department. 23 And one of the issues in this case is 24 whether you understand that this lawsuit involves 25 more than just the allegations of libel. The heart
2 Chris Wolf that Patsy Ramsey killed JonBent. That's 3 part of the case as it relates to Chris Wolf. 4 We believe there is a serious issue that 5 still exists to this day about whether or not Chris 6 Wolf based on a thorough investigation should have 7 been excluded as being involved in the crime. 8 Now, one of the areas that I'm trying to 9 go into is whether or not when he was uncooperative 10 in January of 1997, whether or not there was any 11 efforts made to put pressure on him publicly in an 12 effort to get him to cooperate. 13 MR. MILLER: Well, ask that question. 14 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Do you understand that 15 question? 16 A Repeat it -- 17 Q Sure. I want to know whether or not any 18 efforts were made in 1997 through the media, use of 19 the media, to bring pressure on Chris Wolf publicly 20 in an effort to get him to cooperate with the 21 investigation. 22 A I can't answer prior to October of '97. 23 Q You weren't -- 24 A After October '97, no. 25 Q Was there a plan in effect for that to be
2 individuals who were under suspicion? 3 MR. MILLER: I think that that's outside 4 the purview of this deposition. 5 MR. WOOD: Well, I think I'm entitled to 6 know whether or not Steven Pitt and Bill Hagamaier 7 and Mark Beckner and others, not you, you weren't 8 there at the time, Eller, whether or not they had a 9 strategy and a plan to use the media to bring 10 pressure on individuals under suspicion in an effort 11 to get them to cooperate. And I also have evidence 12 that it was undertaken in an effort to get 13 individuals to potentially confess. 14 MR. MILLER: Well, he's answered -- 15 MR. WOOD: And I think the issue -- I 16 think the issue of whether or not that existed and 17 then the secondary question being, if it did, was it 18 utilized with respect to a known uncooperative person 19 under suspicion, Chris Wolf, is absolutely relevant 20 and I'm entitled to an answer to it. 21 MR. MILLER: He's answered that as to 22 Chris Wolf. 23 MR. WOOD: I'm asking him whether he was 24 aware of the fact that that type of plan existed in 25 1997.
2 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're off the record at 3 approximately 10:55 a.m. 4 (Recess taken from 10:55 a.m. to 11:02 5 a.m.) 6 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're on the record at 7 approximately 11:02 a.m. 8 MR. WOOD: Let me say, Bob, to you, so 9 that you understand. I mean, I'm trying to walk a 10 line that is difficult because we're defending John 11 and Patsy Ramsey in a civil charge of murder. I 12 understand there is an ongoing investigation, at 13 least one described as an ongoing investigation, I 14 guess I would say an open investigation. 15 That's why I tried to explain to you why I 16 think this clearly relates to Chris Wolf and it's not 17 just pulled out of the air to talk about other 18 people, even though it might in fact relate to other 19 individuals, including John and Patsy. So I want you 20 to understand, I'm not trying to push the Chief or 21 you here beyond the limits and that's why I tried to 22 explain it. But I think you, and I hope you would, 23 appreciate the difficult task that we have. 24 And we -- I agreed to that request by you 25 because I wanted to try to get the relevant questions
2 difficult case of defending the Wolf matter out to 3 perhaps in a way that avoids having to fight with you 4 all now about going further, which ultimately is 5 still an issue in the case if we don't survive 6 getting out of the case on summary judgment. 7 MR. MILLER: Let me just say I appreciate 8 what you say. It's difficult for you, it's also 9 difficult for us. Because as you point out, there is 10 an ongoing investigation, not just an open case. 11 There is an active, ongoing criminal investigation. 12 And I think where we are on this line of 13 questioning is that you're impinging on that ongoing 14 investigation. He has answered the question with 15 specific reference to Chris Wolf and that's, I think, 16 the line that we seek to draw here. And so I have 17 advised the Chief that I do think that as it relates 18 to everybody else in the world, including the 19 Ramseys, does impinge on an ongoing investigation 20 and, therefore, I have advised him that it should be 21 privileged and he should not answer it. 22 MR. WOOD: Okay. I don't want to be 23 disrespectful to that instruction. I assume you are 24 taking a law enforcement statement privilege? 25 MR. MILLER: Yes.
2 areas that I think might be helpful to the court if 3 we need to go into that issue so that the court will 4 understand the basis for my asking the question. 5 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You are familiar, are you 6 not, Chief Beckner, with press releases issued by the 7 City of Boulder as it pertains to the Ramsey 8 investigation? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Have you had -- I'm sure when you took on 11 the matter in October of 1997 you familiarized 12 yourself with the public statements made by the 13 police department and the city about the case? 14 A Actually I did not. 15 Q Let me ask you to take a look at the 16 release of the December 27th, 1996 update on the 17 homicide investigation? 18 MR. MILLER: Do you want to mark that? 19 MR. WOOD: We can. It's the only copy. I 20 didn't lug extra copies. We can make a copy of it if 21 we can. We'll mark it and then we'll copy it later. 22 Why don't we mark it as Exhibit 4. 23 MR. MILLER: Why don't we just have a copy 24 made. 25 MR. WOOD: Here, we've got two others
2 MR. MILLER: Here, let's get them all, 3 make two or three of them. 4 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Do you want to go off? 5 MR. WOOD: Let me see. I'll switch gears, 6 let's stay on if that's okay and I will move on to 7 something else real quick. 8 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Don Foster, do you agree 9 that ultimately the Boulder Police Department learned 10 information about Don Foster that led to Foster being 11 discredited as a credible witness on the issue of 12 linguistic analysis in the Ramsey case? 13 THE DEPONENT: Counsel? 14 MR. MILLER: How is this relating now? 15 MR. WOOD: Bob, he's testified that Don 16 Foster did a linguistic analysis on Chris Wolf. He's 17 testified that that analysis was favorable for Wolf 18 in that it indicated that he did not find sufficient 19 similarities to conclude that Wolf was the author of 20 the note. 21 It seems to me that I'm entitled to find 22 out about Mr. Foster and his credibility with the 23 Boulder Police Department -- 24 MR. MILLER: How does that relate? 25 MR. WOOD: It does relate.
2 related? 3 MR. WOOD: I don't think you can embrace 4 Don Foster with respect to his findings about Chris 5 Wolf. On the other hand you know that he has been 6 subsequently discredited, and I think that goes to 7 what weight the Boulder Police Department and others 8 might give to any statements about Don Foster finding 9 in his analysis that Chris Wolf was not the author of 10 the note. 11 MR. MILLER: I don't want to tell you how 12 to ask the question but isn't the appropriate 13 question is there anything that has come to light 14 subsequently to discredit Don Foster as it relates to 15 his opinion on Chris Wolf? 16 MR. WOOD: I think the question doesn't 17 have to be limited to Chris Wolf. If he's 18 discredited as a linguistic analysis as to one 19 person, I think that raises, certainly should raise, 20 concerns about being discredited as to others. 21 MR. MILLER: Possibly and possibly not. 22 If you go to others, that's where we're having the 23 same problem as we had with your last line of 24 questioning. 25 MR. WOOD: Well, again, I just
2 whether the department -- 3 MR. MILLER: Perhaps we should have gone 4 to the court in the beginning, then we would have had 5 the contours laid. 6 MR. WOOD: I did not know that Don Foster 7 did a linguistic analysis on Chris Wolf's writings. 8 I am told that today. So that raises in my mind the 9 question of whether the Chief will acknowledge what I 10 think is at least pretty common knowledge and so it 11 doesn't seem to me to be a matter of privilege here 12 at this point. That there was information submitted 13 to the Boulder Police Department that it learned 14 about subsequent to the time of the Foster analysis 15 of Wolf's writings that discredited Foster as a 16 linguistic analyst. That's my question. 17 MR. MILLER: Well, I -- what do you want? 18 Do you want to talk about it? Can I suggest you ask 19 the question specifically related to Chris Wolf and 20 whether or not what he has learned later has any 21 impact on his weight that he attaches to his opinion? 22 MR. WOOD: I'll do that but I still think 23 I have to go into the other area in order to try to 24 figure out what significance, if any, to give the 25 answer. But let's go back and I'll do it your way
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Subsequent to the time that 3 Don Foster completed his analysis of Chris Wolf's 4 writings from a linguistic standpoint, did the 5 Boulder Police Department obtain information about 6 Don Foster that led the department to raise concerns 7 about Foster's credibility with respect to his 8 reports, including the report on Chris Wolf? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Tell me what information the department 11 learned about Foster that led to that position. 12 A He had written a letter to Patsy Ramsey 13 prior to his involvement in the case where he 14 indicated to her that he did not believe she was 15 involved in the case. 16 Q And so the weight that you might have 17 otherwise given to his report on Chris Wolf was 18 really undermined in its entirety by virtue of the 19 subsequent information you learned about Foster? 20 A Not in its entirety. 21 Q But significantly? 22 A Well, I don't know; I don't know whether 23 that's accurate or not. There certainly were some 24 problems raised. 25 Q But how could it not be significant,
2 letter. He has staked his career and reputation that 3 Patsy Ramsey didn't write the notes, she is 4 absolutely, unequivocally innocent and that he didn't 5 make those statements without being right and he 6 didn't reveal that information to the Boulder Police 7 Department before you all hired him and paid him 8 taxpayer money, and then he came up with an analysis 9 that said that it was impossible for anyone else to 10 have written the note except for Patsy Ramsey. 11 That contradiction and concealment has to 12 be significant enough that any report he submitted on 13 any other person could not be relied upon by the 14 department because you knew that he would be 15 subjected to having his credibility destroyed; isn't 16 that a fair statement? 17 A That's fair. 18 Q Okay. Let me go back and we'll get these 19 marked. 20 MR. WOOD: We have a two-minute warning. 21 Do you need to change the tape? 22 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Do you want to do it 23 now? 24 MR. WOOD: Yeah, why don't you do it now. 25 And we will mark these 3, 4 and 5 and the Chief can
2 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: This concludes tape 3 number one, to be followed by tape number two. We're 4 off the record at approximately 11:12 a.m. 5 (Recess taken from 11:12 a.m. to 11:15 6 a.m.) 7 (Exhibits 4 through 6 were marked.) 8 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: This begins tape number 9 two. We're on the record at approximately 11:15 10 a.m. 11 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Chief Beckner, while we 12 were off the record, did you have an opportunity to 13 review the documents that have been identified for 14 purposes of this deposition as Exhibits 4, 5 and 6? 15 A Yes. 16 Q Do those documents appear to you, sir, to 17 be true and correct copies of Boulder -- the City of 18 Boulder press releases dated chronologically, 19 December 27, December 28, December 29, 1996? 20 A As taken off the website, yes. 21 Q December the 27th, 1996, next to the last 22 paragraph it states "Commander Eller added, quote, 23 The family has been cooperative and our investigation 24 is continuing." Stopping there, do you have any 25 knowledge, first or secondhand or otherwise, that
2 was inaccurate? 3 A On December 27th? 4 Q Yes. As of the time that it was made. 5 A Probably not. 6 Q Looking at Exhibit Number -- and that was 7 Exhibit Number 4. 8 A Yes. 9 Q Looking at Exhibit Number 5, next to the 10 last paragraph, the last sentence of that paragraph 11 "The family is cooperating with the investigation 12 which is ongoing." As of December 28th, 1996, have 13 you ever been made aware of any information that 14 would indicate that that statement was inaccurate as 15 of the time that it was issued by the Boulder 16 authorities? 17 A I don't know what time the press release 18 was issued but I know that evening there was a 19 request for interviews. 20 Q It looks like it was released immediately 21 December 28th. But we don't have the time of day. 22 A Right, right. 23 Q So let's look at -- 24 A Probably when this was released, it 25 probably --
2 A Would have been accurate, yes. 3 Q And then the next day, December the 29th, 4 1996, second paragraph, Exhibit Number 6 "The family 5 continues to cooperate with the police investigation, 6 although police have not yet conducted interviews 7 with the father and mother. They have been in no 8 condition to be interviewed up to this point. There 9 are a number of people, including some family 10 members, who have provided lengthy interviews and 11 non-testimonial evidence. The non-testimonial 12 evidence includes hair, blood and handwriting 13 samples." Have I read that correctly? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Based on your information, firsthand, 16 secondhand or otherwise, was that a true and accurate 17 statement as of the time it was released on 18 December 29, 1996? 19 A I would say not completely, no. 20 Q In what way was it not completely 21 accurate? 22 A It's my understanding that the family 23 would not come in that day for interviews and that 24 the detectives were advised by the attorneys at the 25 time that they would not be coming in.
2 itself, they, referring to the father and mother, 3 have been in no condition to be interviewed up to 4 this point? 5 A I can't speak for this press release. 6 This was before my involvement in the case. All I 7 can tell you -- you asked me do I have knowledge 8 beyond this press release that would indicate 9 otherwise. The answer is yes. 10 Q Your information being that they had been 11 asked to be interviewed? 12 A Um-hum. 13 Q But for whatever reason had declined at 14 that time? 15 A That's correct. 16 Q Do you believe from this press release 17 that they may have declined because, as the release 18 states, they were not in a condition to be 19 interviewed up to the point of time where this 20 release was issued to the public? 21 A Are you asking my opinion? 22 Q I'm asking what you know. I mean, I just 23 can't imagine why the City of Boulder would release 24 this? 25 A Well, I know what did not happen. And
2 interviewed. Now, if I know all the reasons why, I 3 can give you an opinion, if that's what you're 4 asking. 5 Q Well, what appears to be the reason why 6 according to the City of Boulder press release? 7 A Do you want an opinion? 8 Q Yeah, based on this press release, what 9 does it say? 10 A My opinion would be is that they are 11 giving the family the benefit of the doubt. 12 Q Okay. You have had police officers 13 24/seven, you're aware, with the family? 14 A Um-hum. 15 Q And not standing guard outside the door 16 but actually standing in their presence 24 hours a 17 day during this time period? 18 A I'm not sure that's accurate. 19 Q And recording comments, conversations and 20 events? 21 A I'm not sure that's accurate. 22 Q Do you know it to be inaccurate? 23 A I would have to go back and review the 24 reports again. 25 Q Do you have any factual basis as we sit
2 family as of the 29th of December that they were 3 either physically or emotionally not in a condition 4 to be interviewed? 5 MR. MILLER: Let me just interject here a 6 minute. What does this got to do with Chris Wolf -- 7 MR. WOOD: Trying to do -- 8 MR. MILLER: -- as opposed to a defense of 9 the Ramseys? 10 MR. WOOD: I understand. I'm trying to 11 establish that there was a level of cooperation 12 acknowledged by the Boulder Police Department, 13 certainly not a level of uncooperation, with respect 14 to the Ramseys that was in stark contrast to the lack 15 of cooperation in January of 1997 by Chris Wolf. And 16 that is the basis in part on my inquiry into whether 17 there existed a plan to bring public pressure through 18 the media on an individual under suspicion to 19 effectuate cooperation. 20 That's the question I asked the Chief 21 because if there is or was such a plan, and I have 22 evidence that there was under oath, then I think that 23 I am entitled to know why it was applied to John and 24 Patsy Ramsey, who had evidenced cooperation and had 25 given non-testimonial evidence, but it was not
2 cooperative and who had refused to give 3 non-testimonial evidence. 4 MR. MILLER: We've already been down that 5 road. 6 MR. WOOD: And respectfully I know we 7 have. And I told you I was going to go back and try 8 to make the record to be able to tell the court or 9 show the court why I wanted it and why I think it was 10 clearly within the scope of our agreement as a matter 11 relating to Chris Wolf. 12 MR. MILLER: Yeah, my understanding, 13 however, Lin, was in our phone conversation you said 14 you were going to show him various press releases, 15 ask him if it was true or not and that was the end of 16 it. 17 MR. WOOD: On matters that might not 18 relate to Chris Wolf. 19 MR. MILLER: Right. 20 MR. WOOD: And this is a matter that 21 relates to Chris Wolf, because I believe that I'm 22 entitled to go into not only what was done by the 23 police department investigating Chris Wolf, but what 24 was not done and why it was not done particularly 25 when I can show that it was available to be used
2 other people. I think the question of why is a 3 legitimate question in terms of the issue in this 4 case as to whether Chris Wolf and ultimately other 5 individuals were thoroughly investigated by the 6 police department. 7 MR. MILLER: I have made my objection and 8 I stand by the objection. I stand by the assertion 9 of the privilege and if you want to pose the last 10 question I guess before I objected, that's fine. And 11 see what -- 12 Q (BY MR. WOOD) The question was do you 13 have any factual basis as we sit here today to 14 dispute any representation made by the family as of 15 the 29th of December that they were either physically 16 and/or emotionally not in a condition to be 17 interviewed? 18 A No. 19 Q Do you have a time frame in your mind's 20 eye, Chief, as to when you would have received the 21 first handwriting report from Chet Ubowski on either 22 John or Patsy Ramsey's first exemplar? 23 A No, I don't. 24 Q Do you think it was in January or would it 25 have been subsequent in time?
2 MR. WOOD: 1997. 3 A I'm not sure. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Was Ubowski -- there were a 5 series of exemplars given by Patsy, I think the last 6 one maybe as late as May of '97? 7 A Yes. 8 Q Does that sound right? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Was it your understanding that Ubowski 11 reached his final report, analysis, after all of 12 those exemplars had been submitted? 13 A That was my understanding. 14 Q The reason I ask that is that would 15 indicate that Ubowski's report on Patsy would have 16 been post May or in or after May of 1997? 17 A You know, I would have to go back and look 18 at the file and see if there is prior reports to 19 that, I don't know. 20 Q Was the Boulder Police Department actively 21 obtaining handwriting exemplars from people under 22 suspicion during the year 1997 and the year 1998? 23 A Yes. 24 Q Do you have any explanation to offer as to 25 why there was no effort made to obtain a handwriting
2 1998? 3 A No, I can't speak for the time prior to my 4 involvement. 5 Q Do you view the use of the media to 6 pressure an individual under suspicion into 7 cooperating with authorities to be a legitimate 8 investigative tool -- 9 MR. MILLER: Objection. It's the same 10 area. 11 MR. WOOD: I think if he says yes then I'm 12 entitled to ask why it wasn't used with Chris Wolf, 13 who we know was uncooperative. 14 MR. MILLER: You've already asked him as 15 to Chris Wolf. 16 MR. WOOD: I'm trying to do it in a way 17 that doesn't step on the toes of John and Patsy. 18 MR. MILLER: But I don't think you are. I 19 think you're trying to do it in a way that doesn't 20 really apply to this case and that's the objection 21 because it is an ongoing investigation. And, 22 frankly, it's a bit awkward since you represent them 23 as well. 24 MR. WOOD: Represent who as well? 25 MR. MILLER: John and Patsy Ramsey.
2 MR. MILLER: As well as whoever else 3 you're -- you have told me you're representing some 4 media outfit in this case as well. 5 MR. WOOD: No. No, we represent Media 6 Professional Insurance Company who is the insurance 7 company for Thomas Nelson. 8 MR. MILLER: Yes. Well -- 9 MR. WOOD: Who is providing counsel for 10 John and Patsy but they're not a media group. 11 MR. MILLER: They're a different entity. 12 MR. WOOD: Well, they're an insurance 13 company. 14 MR. MILLER: Yeah, that's what you told 15 me, you represented them both, on the phone. 16 MR. WOOD: I told you -- well, no, what I 17 told you was that Media Professional is defending 18 this case and that I am co-counsel. 19 MR. MILLER: Right. 20 MR. WOOD: And that we were trying, as I 21 would represent to you now, to make sure that we 22 don't cross the line of going into areas that are not 23 relevant to this case. And if we can limit the 24 amount of time, that's to the benefit of Media 25 Professional. Ultimately Media Professional if this
2 defending this case through the trial of the murder 3 charge. So I was simply trying to accommodate your 4 request and hopefully Media Professional's interest 5 in holding down expenses. If we are able to 6 successfully defeat the case on summary judgment. 7 There is no conflict in the two and they 8 are consistent with my questions to the chief, that 9 is to say, as to Chris Wolf if he viewed that as a 10 legitimate investigative tool, then I would like to 11 know as he has told me, and you can acknowledge, why 12 it was not used on Chris Wolf in 1997 to try to get 13 him to cooperate and come in and give exemplars and 14 to give an interview. I think it's a legitimate 15 question and, you know, if we got an answer then -- 16 MR. MILLER: I thought you asked -- 17 MR. WOOD: We could move on to another 18 subject matter. 19 MR. MILLER: I thought you asked him about 20 Chris Wolf and the media. 21 MR. WOOD: He told me that he did not -- 22 was not aware of any strategy or plan applied to 23 Chris Wolf to bring public pressure on him through 24 the media to cooperate in 1997. 25 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Am I right, Chief?
2 Q My question now is, despite the fact that 3 you say it was not used on Wolf, do you view it as a 4 legitimate investigative tool, that is, using the 5 media to bring public pressure on an individual under 6 suspicion to try to get him to either cooperate or 7 confess? 8 MR. MILLER: I have the same objection. 9 I've made it before. I make it again. And if you 10 don't agree with it, Lin, we'll just have to have it 11 litigated. 12 MR. WOOD: But it seems to me, Bob, that 13 if he says yes I think it's legitimate. Then my 14 question would be can you explain why it was not used 15 on a person such as Chris Wolf. If he says no, I 16 don't view it as legitimate, then we move on. 17 I mean, it relates directly to facts that 18 have been proven about Chris Wolf's lack of 19 cooperation, lack of giving an interview, lack of 20 giving non-testimonial evidence. 21 MR. MILLER: But he did all of those 22 things, Lin. 23 MR. WOOD: Not in 1997. 24 MR. MILLER: Well, he did; he ultimately 25 did them.
2 MR. MILLER: Ultimately as well. 3 MR. WOOD: Right, before he did. 4 MR. MILLER: But this should not be 5 whether we're comparing John and Patsy Ramsey to 6 Chris Wolf. 7 MR. WOOD: We're not. 8 MR. MILLER: That's what you're trying to 9 make it and that's my objection. 10 MR. WOOD: We're really not. The reason 11 it sounds like that is you've got to remember 12 ultimately I've got to answer the question in this 13 case in defending it, one of the issues will be could 14 Chris Wolf still be a viable person to be 15 investigated, could others. And part of that, part 16 of that defense if we get there will be to show that 17 this police department did not thoroughly investigate 18 other individuals. 19 And I'm trying today to stay away from the 20 other individuals like Bill McReynolds, Mervin Pugh 21 and Fleet White and a host of others that may have 22 been either under suspicion or should have been under 23 suspicion, one could argue. I'm trying to simply 24 show as it pertains to Chris Wolf information that I 25 think would indicate that he was not thoroughly
2 showing that is to show that there were tools being 3 utilized by this department against John and Patsy 4 Ramsey that were available that weren't used against 5 Chris Wolf. 6 Now I think that's legitimate. 7 MR. MILLER: Well, I don't and I'm 8 sticking by my objection I made. 9 MR. WOOD: Okay. And the objection is so 10 that it's clear? 11 MR. MILLER: The ongoing criminal 12 investigation law enforcement privilege. 13 MR. WOOD: Any question that I ask about 14 that strategy of public pressure through the media to 15 coerce either cooperation or a confession you're 16 going to take that privilege? 17 MR. MILLER: I am. 18 MR. WOOD: Okay. 19 MR. MILLER: Insofar as it's not related 20 specifically to Chris Wolf, which he has already 21 answered. 22 MR. WOOD: Okay. Well, we'll just agree 23 to disagree on that one. 24 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Did the Boulder Police 25 Department ever issue a search warrant in connection
2 with obtaining, for example, his computer, laptop 3 computer? 4 A I can't recall. 5 Q Who would you point me to to say, 6 Mr. Wood, here is the person that I think is the best 7 person to talk to about those kind of specifics or 8 would you say -- 9 A Possibly -- 10 Q -- better to get the records and look? 11 A Possibly Tom Wickman or Tom Trujillo. 12 Q On a lot of these questions could we be 13 dealing with a situation where we might run around in 14 a circle trying to figure out who knows the answer to 15 a question like that. Would it be better to simply 16 try to get the documents to look at them as they 17 pertain to Chris Wolf, no questions about that? 18 A It might be better to say here is -- we 19 have a question about whether there was a search 20 warrant and then we can go research that and find 21 that out for you. To try to remember everything that 22 has occurred over a four- or five-year period -- 23 Q Were there search warrants issued against 24 or pertaining to individuals other than Ramsey family 25 members?
2 we just got cooperation so I'm not sure. 3 Q I mean as you sit here today, can you 4 recall any search warrant being issued that was not 5 issued against the Ramseys or a Ramsey family member? 6 MR. MILLER: I take it you're not 7 including 41-1 as being -- even though it's under the 8 search and seizure rules in Colorado. 9 MR. WOOD: 41-1, you have to tell me what 10 41-1 is. 11 MR. MILLER: That's non testimonial. 12 MR. WOOD: Oh, are you talking about -- 13 no, we know that there was a -- we know that any 14 number of individuals provided non-testimonial 15 evidence. 16 MR. MILLER: It's under the same rule in 17 Colorado. So -- 18 MR. WOOD: I'm asking now about the 19 issuance of a search warrant for the ability to 20 search or seize property of an individual. 21 A I'm just not sure, sure enough to answer 22 that under oath. 23 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Okay. That's something you 24 could research and find out? 25 A (Deponent nods head.)
2 A Yes. 3 Q You indicated that there was some 4 telephone conversations between Jackie Dilson and 5 Chris Wolf that were tape recorded and monitored or 6 reviewed by the Boulder Police Department. 7 A Yes. 8 Q Tell me about those. 9 A I don't know a lot about them, I did not 10 review them. 11 Q How were they obtained? 12 A Through Jackie Dilson. 13 Q Who taped them? 14 A Again, that's something I would have to 15 research; I don't know off the top of my head. 16 Q Is it possible the Boulder Police 17 Department performed the taping? 18 A I believe we did in conjunction with 19 Jackie. 20 Q Would that have been through some 21 mechanism, again, Bob knows all about this, not more 22 about this, in Georgia you can record a conversation 23 if you're party to it? 24 A Right, yes, you can. 25 Q But if you're not a party to it you can
2 if that's the Colorado law or not. Was there any 3 search warrant or any judicial authority granted for 4 the Boulder Police Department to tape record those 5 conversations or do you believe it was permissible 6 for the department, if it did so, to do so under an 7 agreement with Jackie Dilson who was a party to the 8 conversation? 9 A No, it would have been legal in Colorado 10 to do that because she was a party to the 11 conversation. 12 Q And consented to the Boulder Police 13 Department taping? 14 A Yes. 15 Q Do you know how many conversations, 16 ballpark, that you believe were tape recorded? 17 A No, I don't. 18 Q Was Jackie Dilson provided with any type 19 of questioning or scenarios to discuss with Chris 20 Wolf designed to evoke potential incriminating 21 statements from him? 22 A I don't know. 23 Q What would you have expected? 24 A My expectation would be that there would 25 be some conversation around those issues.
2 could give you input into things she might be able to 3 say that might trigger a particular answer that might 4 show some or provide information one way or the other 5 to the department? 6 A Sure. 7 Q Do you know whether Steven Pitt -- 8 A No, I don't. 9 Q Would you have expected him to do so? 10 A No, I'm not sure what time frame we're 11 talking about. So I don't know whether he was even 12 involved at that time. 13 Q Is he actively involved now? 14 A No. 15 Q How long has he been off the case? 16 A A couple years. 17 Q He was off prior to the grand jury being 18 adjourned in 1999, wasn't he? 19 A Prior to it being adjourned? 20 Q Well, sent home, discharged? 21 A You know, I'm not sure whether he was 22 still consulting at that time with the DA 23 investigators or not. 24 Q Okay. Let me just ask this specifically, 25 I threw it in with the search warrant question, did
2 to your knowledge, to obtain and perform a search on 3 any computer used by or owned by Chris Wolf? 4 A I don't know. 5 Q Jackie Dilson in her statement to 6 authorities, I would ask you to assume, indicated 7 that -- is there a part of that you want me to pull 8 out of that assumption? 9 A Well, just when you say assume, okay. 10 Q Well, I mean, I think it's fairly reliable 11 that Jackie Dilson informed the Boulder Police 12 Department that on the 26th of December that one of 13 the things that she thought was suspicious about 14 Chris Wolf was that he wanted one of her relatives, I 15 believe, to delete certain files from his, I believe, 16 laptop computer. Does that ring any bells to you in 17 terms of refreshing you on information that might 18 have been obtained by the Boulder Police Department 19 on that issue? 20 A Vaguely. 21 Q Since it's vague and not clear, let me put 22 it in the form of a hypothetical. To assume that she 23 provided substantively that type of information, 24 would you have expected the Boulder Police Department 25 to undertake efforts to obtain the computer to see
2 files that allegedly had been deleted? 3 A Without knowing the full context, it's 4 hard to answer that. And without knowing all the 5 information that was available and what information 6 was available, it's hard to answer that. 7 Q Were any -- did the Boulder Police 8 Department engage in any investigative efforts to 9 review contents of individuals' computers who were 10 under suspicion? 11 A Boy, I don't know. I can't recall at this 12 time if we did that or not. 13 Q Jackie Dilson also has indicated, and I 14 believe Chris Wolf has confirmed, that she presented 15 the Boulder Police Department with the blue cotton 16 sweater worn by Chris Wolf. Do you recall that 17 being -- 18 A I don't recall that. I recall vaguely 19 that there was some clothing that she offered. 20 Q Were any fiber tests, forensic tests 21 conducted on those articles of clothing by the 22 Boulder Police Department? 23 A I don't know. 24 Q Would you have expected there to be? 25 A Again, without knowing the context and all
2 Q The context of Chris Wolf being 3 investigated as an individual under the umbrella of 4 suspicion? 5 A Without knowing what the clothing is and 6 whether there was something that potentially could 7 match -- 8 Q Blue cotton sweater? 9 A -- those things, I would expect that. 10 Q Because there were blue fibers found on 11 the crime scene? 12 A Yes. 13 Q So do we know whether the fiber test was 14 conducted on the blue cotton sweater and, if so, the 15 results of whether there was any type of consistency 16 in the fibers with the fibers found at the crime 17 scene? 18 A That I don't know. 19 Q Fiber evidence in and of itself would not 20 eliminate any individual as being under suspicion, 21 would it? 22 A In what way? 23 Q In any way. 24 A Well, fiber evidence -- it's not evidence 25 if it's not a match. So what do you mean by
2 Q When you say it's not a match, that's 3 loose. I mean matches are rare in fiber analysis, 4 aren't they? What you generally come up with -- 5 A I don't know how rare they -- 6 Q -- is consistent with, isn't that what you 7 generally get? 8 A Yes. 9 Q Okay. Because it would take a very unique 10 fiber to say that we can absolutely tell you that 11 this is a match? 12 A Yes. 13 Q That's a very rare, if ever, occurrence, 14 true? 15 A Yes. 16 Q So if I have got Chris Wolf and he's got a 17 blue cotton sweater and he submits that to the 18 authorities and you check and you say, okay, we've 19 got a fiber from this sweater of Mr. Wolf's and it's 20 consistent with the blue cotton fiber that we found 21 at the crime scene, that doesn't tell you that Chris 22 Wolf was involved in the murder, does it? 23 A No. 24 Q And if it comes back that it's not 25 consistent with, that doesn't tell you that he was
2 A Correct. 3 Q But you would want to know, it would seem, 4 if he's under suspicion and he submits material to 5 you, in this case hypothetically blue cotton, you 6 would expect it to be analyzed because there were 7 blue cotton fibers found on the crime scene, true? 8 MR. MILLER: Objection. Asked and 9 answered. 10 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Am I right? 11 MR. MILLER: You can answer it again. 12 A Yes. 13 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Okay. To your knowledge, 14 have those blue fibers at the crime scene ever been 15 sourced? 16 MR. MILLER: Wait a minute. What is the 17 question? 18 MR. WOOD: To his knowledge, have the blue 19 fibers found at the crime scene ever been sourced. 20 A There are a lot of reports around on fiber 21 evidence. To the best of my recollection, no. 22 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Were there any other color 23 fibers found at the crime scene that had not been 24 sourced? 25 A That have not been sourced?
2 A Yes. 3 Q What colors? 4 A Brown. 5 Q So blue, brown, anything else? 6 A Not off the top of my head, no. 7 Q That's something that could be ascertained 8 with research? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Do you know whether Jackie -- do you 11 recall Jackie Dilson turning in any sheets to the 12 Boulder Police Department that she said were sheets 13 that had been slept on or in contact with Chris Wolf? 14 A I don't recall it, no. 15 Q Again, that would be something that 16 someone might -- would be expecting to find in the 17 records if researched? 18 A Yes. 19 Q Because you would log it in and you would 20 obviously keep up with wherever it was sent for 21 testing and the test results? 22 A Yes. 23 Q Do you know -- I believe Chris Wolf has 24 told us that he gave blood samples. Is that a form 25 of non-testimonial evidence that the Boulder Police
2 A It was a form, yes. 3 Q What type of testing was done on blood 4 samples that were obtained from individuals under 5 suspicion? 6 A Well, I know there were some DNA tests 7 done on blood samples. 8 Q Any other test, other than DNA? 9 A Not that I'm aware of. 10 Q Do you know whether DNA -- I believe you 11 told me DNA tests were done or were performed with 12 respect to Chris Wolf? 13 A Yes; to the best of my recollection, yes. 14 Q Do you know the results? 15 A Yes. 16 Q What were the results? 17 A He did not match the DNA from the scene. 18 Q Has anyone matched the DNA from the scene? 19 A No. 20 Q Can you give me a ballpark figure of how 21 many individuals have submitted DNA? 22 A Well, back up a minute. There is more 23 than one sample of DNA. So specifically what are you 24 referring to? 25 Q Well, as I understand it, there is DNA and
2 there was DNA found, foreign DNA, found under the 3 fingernails on JonBent's left and right hands; am I 4 right? 5 A Okay. Yes. 6 Q As I understand it, there was foreign DNA 7 found either on -- I'll just say on her underwear? 8 A Yes. 9 Q Now, I'm not aware as I sit here of any 10 other DNA. Was there any other? 11 A Yes. 12 Q Where was it? 13 A Well -- 14 MR. MILLER: Just a minute. 15 THE DEPONENT: Yeah. We're getting into 16 evidence here. 17 MR. MILLER: I don't think you should 18 answer that question. 19 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I have to be able to know. 20 You raised the issue yourself about the different 21 areas of DNA. So I assume it has some relevance to 22 the subject matter that I'm asking you about in terms 23 of the tests done with Chris Wolf. 24 A You can certainly ask me if Chris Wolf 25 matched any DNA at the scene. I can answer that.
2 you whether anyone else's did and you indicated 3 initially no. I said Do you know whether DNA -- I 4 believe you told me DNA tests were done or performed 5 with respect to Chris Wolf? 6 Yes; to the best of my recollection, yes. 7 Do you know the results? 8 Yes. 9 What were the results? 10 "Answer: He did not match the DNA from 11 the scene. 12 "Question: Has anyone matched the DNA 13 from the scene? 14 "Answer: No. 15 "Question: Can you give me a ballpark 16 figure of how many individuals have submitted DNA" 17 and you didn't answer that. 18 You said "Well, back up a minute. There 19 is more than one sample of DNA. So specifically what 20 are you referring to" was the question you posed to 21 me. 22 So that has relevance of your own inquiry 23 and so I need to find out what other DNA you're 24 referring to. 25 A When you asked the question, I'm thinking
2 Q Well, I mean -- 3 A I answered the question in that context. 4 Q Known DNA -- I'm talking about DNA foreign 5 to JonBent. 6 A Okay. 7 Q That's what I'm asking you about and 8 whether any of that has been matched, DNA found on 9 her, foreign to her, whether that was matched to 10 Chris Wolf? 11 A DNA found on her? 12 Q Or on her clothing. 13 A And the question is did that match to 14 Chris Wolf? The answer is no. 15 Q Has it matched, been matched to anyone? 16 A The DNA on JonBent? 17 Q And/or on her clothing? 18 A No. 19 Q Obviously you're telling me there was DNA 20 that was not on JonBen t or on her clothing; is that 21 correct? 22 A Correct. 23 Q Where was that? 24 A We're getting into areas where I feel like 25 we can't go.
2 done with Chris Wolf, and then obviously I'm trying 3 to find out if it's been matched with anyone since 4 that's the larger picture of the case in its 5 entirety. But I don't know what I'm getting if I 6 don't know what I'm asking about. You raised the 7 question, you've indicated there was DNA that was 8 found somewhere other than on her body or on her 9 clothing. 10 I had initially asked you about the crime 11 scene, I thought. Pull that back up. I asked you 12 specifically, you did not match the DNA from the 13 scene? Answer -- 14 "Question: Has anyone matched the DNA 15 from the scene? 16 "Answer: No." 17 And you seem to be telling me now that you 18 want to modify that answer, that there was DNA from 19 the scene foreign to JonBent. And I'm asking you 20 where? 21 A What I'm saying is I am getting into 22 evidence that goes beyond Chris Wolf. 23 Q Well, was Chris Wolf's -- was Chris Wolf's 24 DNA tested against this other DNA that you say was 25 found at the scene that you don't want to tell me
2 A Well, that wouldn't be accurate. Compared 3 against would be the accurate question. 4 Q Well, was it compared against? 5 A Yes. 6 Q Why would it be compared against if it had 7 already been identified as known? 8 A Well, again -- 9 MR. MILLER: I don't think he can answer 10 this question. 11 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Well, the DNA evidence from 12 Mr. Wolf was obtained in February or March of 1998, 13 right? 14 A To the best of my recollection, yes. 15 Q Why would you have tested it, and maybe 16 you didn't, why would you have tested it against 17 foreign DNA that you had already had a match on from 18 someone else? 19 MR. MILLER: He didn't say he already had 20 a match on. That's why -- 21 MR. WOOD: I may have been reading too 22 much in because he made reference to known DNA. And 23 I thought he was -- I was assuming that maybe they 24 had gotten a match and you knew the source. 25 A We have JonBent's DNA; that's known DNA.
2 foreign DNA? 3 A Yes. 4 Q And the question was has any of the 5 foreign DNA, foreign to JonBen t, you have indicated 6 to me has not been matched to Chris Wolf? 7 A Correct. 8 Q And I asked you had it been matched to 9 anyone and you initially said no; is that correct? 10 A The DNA on her body or clothing, the 11 answer is no; that's right. 12 Q What about the crime scene? 13 A That's what I can't answer. 14 Q But here is the dilemma. I want to know 15 if whatever this we'll call it DNAX, okay, was Chris 16 Wolf's DNA compared to DNAX? 17 MR. MILLER: He answered that yes. 18 A Yes. 19 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Okay. 20 A I can tell you it does not match DNAX. 21 Q Right. At the time that Chris Wolf's DNA 22 was compared to DNAX, had it been compared to any 23 other DNA and found to be a match? 24 A Compared with other -- no, it's not 25 been -- his DNA has not been matched to anything at
2 Q But the DNAX at the time that you compared 3 Chris Wolf's DNA to the DNAX, had you compared the 4 DNAX to other individual's DNA and found there to be 5 a match or been able to identify whose DNA it was? 6 A Well, you're time line is all way off 7 base. 8 Q Well, my time line is limited to the 9 moment -- 10 A Yeah. 11 Q -- to the fact that you took the DNA from 12 Chris Wolf, you obtained it in February or March of 13 1998. 14 A And we did not have DNAX at that time. 15 Q So DNAX came along subsequent in time? 16 A Yes. 17 Q And when it came along, was Chris Wolf's 18 DNA which had been kept on file, right, you maintain 19 it? 20 A Um-hum. 21 Q Was it compared to DNAX? 22 A The lab would have to answer that. 23 Q Well, would you have expected it to be? 24 A Not necessarily. 25 Q Why?
2 MR. MILLER: No, not hypothetically. 3 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I would rather you -- 4 A I don't know how to answer it without 5 giving away information. 6 MR. MILLER: Well, then don't answer it. 7 Then don't answer it. 8 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You know, part of the 9 process here is going to require you ultimately to 10 give away information. 11 MR. MILLER: He doesn't have to give away 12 information that is related to the ongoing 13 investigation and that's really the key here. 14 MR. WOOD: Well, unfortunately that's the 15 argument we will have. 16 MR. MILLER: That's the -- 17 MR. WOOD: I'm defending clients on a 18 murder charge in a civil case. 19 MR. MILLER: Well, you're not really. 20 You've got a civil case -- 21 MR. WOOD: Yes, I am. 22 MR. MILLER: You've got a civil case and-- 23 MR. WOOD: Where the allegation is murder. 24 MR. MILLER: Well, you've got a -- you 25 could classify it that way. The legal claims are not
2 MR. WOOD: Let me just tell you that Judge 3 Julian Korns, a former United States attorney, as you 4 have been, has clearly characterized this as a 5 defense against a charge of murder. And I have the 6 transcript to show that to you. 7 MR. MILLER: Well -- 8 MR. WOOD: And the point is, we don't need 9 to argue about it today. But I am being met with a 10 lawsuit that is in fact supported in part by Boulder 11 police detectives or former Boulder police detectives 12 as witnesses and information leaked and provided to 13 the public, the media from the Boulder Police 14 Department as part of the basis of Darnay Hoffman's 15 case against my client. It may be painful down the 16 road for information to come out but that's just the 17 way things may have to be. 18 Q (BY MR. WOOD) The point here is maybe 19 this will at least help us know if it's a total waste 20 of time. Was DNAX obtained before or after Chris 21 Wolf was cleared from under the umbrella of 22 suspicion? 23 A I would have to go back and look and see 24 what the time frames were. 25 Q Was the DNAX discovered prior to June of
2 it's been referred to was made? 3 A No. 4 Q Do you know in relationship to the grand 5 jury whether it had been discovered prior to the 6 grand jury convening in September, I believe, of 7 1998? 8 A Prior to? 9 Q Yes. 10 A I don't believe so. 11 Q So does that help you relate to Chris Wolf 12 how it might time out? 13 A Yeah, it probably would have been 14 afterwards time-wise. 15 Q After he was cleared? 16 A You're using the word cleared. We've 17 never cleared Chris Wolf. 18 Q Well, maybe that's -- I meant to go over 19 that with you. To take someone out from under the 20 umbrella of suspicion, does in effect say, as you 21 said in the statement to Chris Anderson, that that 22 person is no longer an active suspect, right? 23 A Correct. 24 Q Without trying to invent a new 25 classification, I think that what you're saying from
2 basically until the crime is solved, would remain an 3 inactive suspect? 4 A Not necessarily. You could develop new 5 information all the time. 6 Q That's what I mean until the case is 7 solved they would remain an inactive suspect -- 8 A Not necessarily -- 9 Q But could they -- 10 A -- solve it. 11 Q Well, wait a minute. 12 A Not necessarily solve it. 13 Q But perhaps get information that would put 14 that person back under the umbrella or maybe even 15 make that person a suspect? 16 A Absolutely. 17 Q That possibility still exists today as it 18 pertains to Chris Wolf, doesn't it? 19 A Absolutely. 20 Q I mean, you have not excluded Chris Wolf 21 as being involved in this murder? 22 A As far as clearing him, no, we have not. 23 Q And would I be safe without going into 24 specific names, would I be safe in saying that there 25 are, it's a considerable number of individuals who
2 this moment be under the umbrella of suspicion? 3 A I think that's true any time you have an 4 open case. 5 Q And it's true in this case? 6 A Yes. 7 MR. MILLER: It's about noon, Lin. How 8 long do you think we're going to go here? 9 MR. WOOD: Well, I would like to try to go 10 until 1. I think we'll be through by 1 with this 11 area that we've agreed to. That would get us lunch 12 and get us back to Weinheimer on time so give or 13 take a few minutes or depending on your all 14 preference we can grab a sandwich now. 15 MR. MILLER: No, I would rather -- let's 16 just take a break now. We've been going for awhile, 17 and then come back. 18 MR. WOOD: Why don't we at least take a 19 break for a while and then we can continue. 20 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're off the record at 21 approximately 11:57 a.m. 22 (Recess taken from 11:58 a.m. to 12:12 23 p.m.) 24 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We are on the record at 25 approximately 12:12 p.m.
2 want to make sure because I'm still not clear, were 3 any samples of Chris Wolf's DNA compared to DNAX? 4 A I don't know the answer to that question. 5 Q Would you have expected them to be? 6 A Not necessarily. 7 Q Why not? 8 A Well, again, I think we're going down the 9 road of talking about the evidence. 10 Q I mean, I have to talk about the evidence 11 because you've got DNA. You have DNA from Chris Wolf 12 and you've got an open investigation. Chris Wolf has 13 not been cleared and the question to me is very 14 logical. Why would you not have compared Chris 15 Wolf's DNA to this DNAX? 16 MR. MILLER: First of all, I don't know 17 that he said that he didn't. He doesn't know. 18 MR. WOOD: Yeah, but he said not 19 necessarily. I'm trying to find out why would they 20 not necessarily have done so. 21 MR. MILLER: I think what he said is that 22 because of the other factors going on in this 23 investigation that he knows and that shouldn't be 24 part of this case tends to make him believe that it 25 wasn't necessary. And therefore we're asserting the
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Has a source for DNAX been 3 identified. I don't want to know who it is, but has 4 a source for DNAX been identified? 5 THE DEPONENT: Do I answer that? 6 MR. MILLER: I don't think so. I don't 7 think you should answer that. 8 MR. WOOD: You're taking the privilege? 9 MR. MILLER: Yes. 10 Q (BY MR. WOOD) If a source hasn't been 11 identified the question would be why would you not 12 compare the DNA that you have in your investigation 13 from people under the umbrella of suspicion to DNAX; 14 you would, wouldn't you? 15 A I'm not sure it hasn't been. 16 Q So do you -- DNAX stands out in your 17 mind's eye obviously? I mean it came back to you 18 today when we were talking about DNA from the scene 19 and do you have knowledge that DNAX, that a number of 20 individuals' DNA specimens have been compared to what 21 you call DNAX for analysis? 22 A I don't know how many people have been 23 compared to that. 24 Q But could you give me a ballpark estimate? 25 A No, I couldn't.
2 A Because I didn't speak to the lab about 3 that. 4 Q Do you think it was a considerable number? 5 I mean, you know -- 6 MR. MILLER: I object. 7 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Did you go back, Chief -- 8 MR. WOOD: Maybe it's just my own 9 inability to frame the question correctly, Bob. 10 But I've got Chris Wolf here who has been 11 taken out from under the umbrella of suspicion. It 12 appears at a subsequent time that there is another 13 sample of DNA found foreign to JonBent somewhere on 14 the crime scene other than on her body or her 15 clothing. I'm trying to find out whether Chris Wolf 16 who has not been cleared, whether his DNA would have 17 been expected to be compared to the DNAX. I just 18 think that's -- 19 MR. MILLER: He's answered he doesn't 20 know, Lin. I mean that's the answer. It may not be 21 the one you want, it's still the answer. 22 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Who would know? Who would 23 I talk to to get the answer to that question? 24 A Of whether his DNA was compared -- 25 Q Yes.
2 Q The FBI laboratory? 3 A (Deponent nods head.) 4 Q Is there any reason why FBI versus CBI? I 5 thought maybe the DNA testing had been done by FBI 6 all along. I don't know. 7 A Yes, there is a reason. 8 Q But wouldn't the specimens have been sent 9 from the Boulder Police Department, whoever the FBI 10 tested, wouldn't it have gone to the FBI from the 11 Boulder Police Department? 12 A Well some explanation is in order here. 13 Once you have the markers for DNA, you don't 14 necessarily have to have the DNA sample to compare 15 those markers to other DNA. 16 Q But the FBI didn't keep those markers on 17 file; the Boulder Police Department or CBI did I 18 would take it? 19 A CBI has those. 20 Q So somebody would have to send those 21 markers because there are reports that show the 22 markers, right? 23 A Correct. 24 Q Somebody would have to send that to the 25 FBI from either CBI or the Boulder Police Department,
2 A Yes. 3 Q Do you believe that samples -- clearly 4 there were some samples sent? 5 A Yes. 6 Q Possibly Chris Wolf's? 7 A Possibly. 8 Q Possibly a number of other individuals who 9 had been under the or were under the umbrella of 10 suspicion? 11 A Possibly. 12 Q Can you just give me your best estimate as 13 to when these materials would have been sent to the 14 FBI? 15 A No, I really can't. Because the FBI is so 16 backed up, I know we waited a long time on some of 17 the lab tests to be done. And so it would be hard to 18 pin down when we sent it in without actually checking 19 the records. 20 Q Can you ballpark when you started getting 21 the results back? 22 A I'm not sure. I believe it was sometime 23 in 2000. 24 Q Can you back that up now to months or 25 several months to try to figure out when --
2 because I'm just not sure enough. 3 Q I don't want you to just purely speculate. 4 If you have a reasonable, you know, if you reasonably 5 can estimate then I would ask you to do that, but I 6 don't want you to just pull something out of the air. 7 A I wouldn't be comfortable right now doing 8 that. 9 Q Okay. That's fair. Recognizing it was 10 2000 that you began to get results back, in your 11 mind's eye, Chief, can you ballpark the number of 12 results that you got back? 13 A Well, you have misinterpreted a little bit 14 of what I said. 15 Q Okay. Help me out. 16 A When you say start to get results back, 17 the FBI has been involved in this case from the 18 early, the early days. 19 Q From day one. 20 A So there has been -- there have been 21 different results coming back at different times 22 throughout the year so we didn't just start to get 23 results back in 2000. 24 Q Right. But I'm talking about DNAX. 25 A Well, the result starts and ends on one
2 there it is. 3 Q But did it cover a number of individuals, 4 one report back, is that what we're talking about? 5 A I don't know that I have ever actually 6 seen the written report. 7 Q Well, based on what you know about it. 8 A I don't know. I really don't know whether 9 they included others on that report or not. 10 Q Well, I'm clearly speculating but I think, 11 with some degree of a reasonable basis, that John and 12 Patsy's DNA would have been sent to compare to DNAX. 13 So maybe the question ought to be just put to you, 14 were other individuals' DNA samples sent to the FBI 15 markers for comparison to DNAX, other than John or 16 Patsy Ramsey? 17 A Yes. 18 Q Okay. Would it be fair from your 19 recollection to say that it was a number of 20 individuals? 21 A Mr. Wood, I don't know that for a fact, 22 but that would be my guess. 23 Q Okay. And whether Chris Wolf is in there 24 or not is something we could ascertain by someone 25 researching the record?
2 Q Okay. You have indicated to me earlier 3 that Chris Wolf does not have a confirmed alibi, 4 right? 5 A Correct. 6 Q In the case where you do not have a 7 confirmed alibi and specifically with Chris Wolf, as 8 I understand it, his claim was that he was with 9 Jackie Dilson. Her claim was that he was not, that 10 he came in the early morning hours of the 26th and 11 the clothes were dirty, he took a shower. 12 Why did you not ask Chris Wolf to submit 13 to a polygraph test on the issue of his alibi? 14 MR. MILLER: Object to the basis of the 15 question. I don't think it's been established he 16 didn't. 17 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Well, I apologize. Chris 18 Wolf has testified that he was never asked to take a 19 polygraph test. Let me see if the Chief agrees with 20 that. Was he asked or was he not asked? 21 A I don't know. 22 Q Well, would you have expected him to be 23 asked in proper investigative techniques and 24 procedures particularly where we've got an alibi 25 situation as I have just described it?
2 Q Why not? 3 A Many people that we have investigated, you 4 wouldn't necessarily ask them to take polygraphs. 5 Q But if you've got someone who has given 6 you -- that can't confirm an alibi and it's just a 7 matter of you either having to accept that person's 8 statement as true or not, isn't that an ideal 9 situation for you to ask for a polygraph? 10 A Well, you're taking it out of the context 11 of the whole of what we knew about the evidence of 12 the case and the evidence that we have from Chris 13 Wolf. 14 Q What if he takes a polygraph on the issue 15 of his alibi and he shows deception. That may change 16 the whole picture of Chris Wolf, couldn't it, Chief? 17 A Possibly. 18 Q So why wouldn't you find that out? 19 A Well, you don't have any other evidence 20 linking him to the crime. 21 Q You've got knowledge that he had an 22 association with Bill McReynolds? 23 A No other evidence linking him to the 24 crime, though. 25 Q But you've got evidence that linked Chris
2 wrote and referenced Access Graphics prior in time in 3 the Boulder -- that local business newspaper, right? 4 A Um-hum, yes. 5 Q You've got writings that indicate some 6 admitted dislike for Lockheed and suppliers of arms 7 to Third World people. Chris Wolf, you found that 8 out, didn't you? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Did you know that you had a man that would 11 go and submit for money to go to parties where all of 12 the people there would be men and that he would strip 13 naked and allow them to fondle him and he would then 14 allow them to perform oral sex on him; did you ever 15 learn that about Chris Wolf? 16 A No. 17 Q Did you ever learn that Chris Wolf would 18 go to parties and allow women and men to touch him 19 and then have intercourse in front of other people 20 with women while the others watched; did you ever 21 learn that about Chris Wolf? 22 A Not to my knowledge. 23 Q Did you ever make any inquiries and 24 ascertain the use by Chris Wolf of illegal drugs? 25 A I don't know.
2 Chris Wolf's subsequent employment history after 3 he -- the death of JonBent and whether he had any 4 jobs that might have put him into contact with young 5 females age four, five, six or seven? 6 A I don't know. 7 Q Did you ever learn that Chris Wolf would 8 take pictures of himself masturbating and display 9 them to other people? 10 A No. 11 Q Did you ever learn that Chris Wolf would 12 allow himself to be photographed nude and to have his 13 picture used in publications to sell erotic devices? 14 A No. 15 Q Don't you think that that is information 16 that you would want to know? 17 A Certainly. 18 Q Wouldn't a thorough investigation of Chris 19 Wolf have resulted in the Boulder Police Department 20 learning those facts about this man if you accept 21 that I'm telling you the truth about what he admitted 22 to when he was put under oath? 23 A I'm not sure. 24 Q There was some reference that there was a 25 police record that Chris Wolf had failed to notify
2 aware of that prior law enforcement matter as it 3 pertains to -- 4 A That doesn't ring a bell. 5 Q Would you expect there to be a transcript 6 of the January 1997 attempts by Detective Thomas and 7 others to interview Chris Wolf? 8 A I don't know that they tape recorded that 9 or not. 10 Q If they did, and I think Detective Thomas 11 told me he thought he did, but would that tape still 12 exist, would -- it would be maintained? 13 A It should, yes. 14 Q No physical evidence of interviews or of 15 any type of matters relating to this case that are in 16 writing or otherwise physical items, tangible items 17 has been lost or destroyed? Maybe the question would 18 be destroyed -- 19 A Not to my knowledge. 20 Q -- or discarded? 21 A Not to my knowledge. 22 Q Intentionally? 23 A Not to my knowledge. 24 Q What were the parameters that you were 25 working on in terms of the investigation as to when
2 submit to a polygraph test? The guidelines I guess 3 is what I'm asking for. 4 A Yeah, I think it was -- well, there's a 5 combination of things you look at. One would be to 6 what level they rose to be under suspicion, whether 7 you could answer some questions some other ways, the 8 level of cooperation, that sort of thing. 9 Q Well, where did Chris Wolf fit on that 10 scale if we had -- I'll put it on a one to ten, ten 11 being at the highest level of suspicion under the 12 umbrella, one being at the lowest level but still 13 under the umbrella of suspicion, where would you 14 place Chris Wolf on that scale at its highest point? 15 A Well, some of this involves my review of 16 '97 rather than just my knowledge of Chris Wolf. I 17 would say he was probably -- do you want me to give a 18 number, one to ten? 19 Q Yeah, on my one to ten scale, if you 20 would, to give me some idea of -- 21 A Oh, probably six or seven. 22 Q Are you aware that after -- I mean there 23 comes a time where you exhaust your investigative 24 efforts with respect to a particular individual where 25 you just run out of things to do, true?
2 lead worth following anymore, so you may not totally 3 exhaust everything, but you get so much information 4 you've got to make some decisions on it, you have to. 5 You just don't have the resources to follow 6 everything up to final wherever it leads you. But 7 you have to make some decision at some point whether 8 this is panning out and getting stronger or this is 9 not, it's getting weaker and there is no evidence 10 right now that would lead us to believe we would get 11 any more evidence. So there are some decision points 12 that you have to make on different leads. 13 Q Did you ever ask Jackie Dilson to submit 14 to a polygraph examination? 15 A I don't know. 16 Q Was there ever a request to Chris Wolf to 17 do an opposite hand handwriting exemplar? 18 A I'm not aware of one but it would be 19 something that I would have to look at the file. 20 Q Are you aware of any requests made to 21 individuals under suspicion to give opposite hand 22 handwriting exemplars? 23 A Other than Patsy? 24 Q Yes, other than Patsy. 25 A No.
2 A Well, that really is a decision made by 3 CBI and that would be a question that they would have 4 to answer as to why they would want a left-hand 5 exemplar. 6 Q From her and no one else? 7 A Yes. 8 Q Back in the early part of 1997? 9 A Correct. 10 Q When the investigation was still in its 11 early stages? 12 A Correct. 13 Q Who at CBI? Is Ubowski still there, is he 14 the one that -- 15 A Chet Ubowski -- 16 Q -- you believe would make that -- 17 A Chet Ubowski is the one that I believe 18 would request that. 19 Q Are you aware from any source of any 20 information that either the Ramseys' attorneys or the 21 Ramseys' attorneys' investigators provided to the 22 Boulder Police Department that related to Chris Wolf? 23 A Yeah, I believe they provided some 24 information. 25 Q Tell me what you know about that.
2 I don't know what the specific information is but I 3 know we received some. 4 Q You don't recall the date? Was it down 5 the road in the investigation? 6 A I think actually there were several times 7 where we received information on Chris Wolf. 8 Q Do you know who you received it from? 9 A I can't recall specifically. 10 Q Can you pin down the latest date you 11 believe you might have received any information about 12 Chris Wolf from a Ramsey investigator or attorney? 13 A I think in 2000. 14 Q What did you receive in 2000 about Chris 15 Wolf? 16 A I think we received a packet of 17 information that listed him in there as a possible 18 suspect. 19 Q Do you know who sent that to you? Was it 20 Ollie Gray? 21 A It may have been Ollie Gray. 22 Q Okay. And what was done in response to 23 that information? 24 A It was handed over to Tom Wickman to go 25 through that material and to look at it to see if
2 up on or any leads in there that need to be looked 3 at. 4 Q I mean based on some things that I have 5 indicated to you today and because you're under the 6 confidentiality order that you're allowed to see, 7 would the Boulder Police Department be interested in 8 reviewing the deposition testimony of Chris Wolf? 9 A Yes. 10 MR. MILLER: Is that an offer? 11 MR. WOOD: Yeah, I think that within the 12 confines of the order I don't know that I can just 13 simply give it to you to say use it for purposes 14 unrelated to the investigative -- I'm not sure I have 15 the authority to give it to you when I know that it's 16 going to be looked at from an investigative 17 standpoint as opposed to limited to this litigation. 18 MR. MILLER: Now you have my problem. 19 MR. WOOD: But I'm going to solve my 20 problem because I -- 21 MR. MILLER: All right. Well, then I -- 22 MR. WOOD: I might -- I'm going to reserve 23 the right to make sure by reading the order that I 24 could do it. If I can, you will have it; if I can't, 25 I'll ask Judge Carnes for permission to do it or
2 MR. MILLER: What other depositions might 3 you have that we would be interested in? 4 MR. WOOD: Steve Thomas. 5 MR. MILLER: We would love to have that 6 one as well. 7 MR. WOOD: I would think that Steve 8 Thomas's deposition would be of -- you know, you 9 would like to have that. 10 MR. MILLER: We would like to have them 11 both. 12 MR. WOOD: It's okay with me. Thomas has 13 filed -- let's go off the record for just a second. 14 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're off the record at 15 approximately 12:34 p.m. 16 (Recess taken from 12:34 p.m. to 12:35 17 p.m.) 18 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're on the record at 19 approximately 12:35 p.m. 20 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I was just pointing out 21 Chris Wolf did not claim confidentiality except three 22 or four specific portions of his deposition. Some of 23 that information I have talked about today because I 24 am allowed to do so under the protective order once 25 you sign on. So we'll get that to you and then I'll
2 you in light of the fact that you're part of the same 3 protective order where you would be obligated to not 4 disclose them without court order. 5 MR. MILLER: And without knowing who all's 6 depositions you have we would be interested in any 7 depositions of anybody that sheds any light on this 8 whole matter. 9 MR. WOOD: Okay. We're here. We're going 10 to try to get some more. I can tell you that Fleet 11 White is under subpoena from Darnay Hoffman. We 12 expect to depose him in December. His lawyer said 13 he's going to honor his subpoena. 14 MR. MILLER: Good luck. 15 MR. WOOD: Is he still in jail? Don't 16 answer that. 17 Q (BY MR. WOOD) If Chris Wolf has indicated 18 to us that he was told by members of the Boulder 19 Police Department that he had been cleared, he's 20 either -- he's mistaken or he's misunderstood what 21 somebody has said to him; is that fair? 22 A Oh, somebody may have used those words. 23 Q But that would not have been an accurate 24 description? 25 A Not in terms of officially, no.
2 officially cleared and being unofficially cleared? I 3 thought earlier you told me that Wolf had not been 4 cleared. Are you telling me that he has been 5 unofficially cleared but not officially cleared? 6 A Well, I think the problem comes in 7 semantics and people use that term differently and 8 some detectives may use those words. If you're 9 asking me is he cleared, I would say -- tell you no. 10 I would tell anybody no. We haven't cleared anybody 11 in this case until we solve it. Then everybody 12 except the person responsible is cleared at that 13 point. 14 Q Tom Wickman contacted Wolf we're told in 15 1999 when he was living down in New Orleans and asked 16 him to come by the Boulder Police Department on his 17 next visit to Boulder. Do you have any information 18 about that in terms of, if true, why he would have 19 made that contact? 20 A When was that? 21 Q I think Jane Harmer may have been involved 22 in it, also. It was in, I want to say July of 1999, 23 Chief, but I would have to go back to my notes. I 24 clearly know it was 1999. 25 A I think that was in relation to the grand
2 Q What role would Chris Wolf -- 3 A See, I'm not sure I can talk about that. 4 I'm under order not to talk about grand jury stuff. 5 Q Did Tom Wickman work with the grand jury? 6 A Yes. 7 Q Jane Harmer? 8 A Yes. 9 Q As I understand it, the Boulder Police 10 Department does not have a polygraph polygrapher on 11 its staff? 12 A That's correct. 13 Q And were all of the polygraph examinations 14 performed in the Ramsey investigation done by FBI 15 examiners? 16 A I believe so. 17 Q Was there any input given to the Boulder 18 Police Department by the FBI as to who should or 19 should not be polygraphed? 20 A Not to me. I'm not aware of that during 21 my time on the investigation. I don't know if that 22 occurred prior to that. 23 Q You said the FBI had been involved since 24 early in the case? 25 A Yes.
2 involvement? Minimal, moderate, significant, heavy? 3 A I think they were moderately involved. 4 Q Would that be consistent throughout? 5 A Yeah, that was pretty consistent. 6 Q What was the basis of their jurisdiction 7 to be involved in what was a state homicide case? 8 A I think just as a consultant to us in the 9 case. It's pretty typical that the FBI will help 10 local jurisdictions on major cases. 11 Q Would you believe that three FBI agents 12 prior to April the 30th of 1997 would have stated 13 that the intruder theory in this case was baloney? 14 A Would that surprise me? 15 Q Yeah. 16 A No. 17 Q Why would that not surprise you? 18 A I think there is a lot of evidence that 19 would point to it not being an intruder. 20 Q Right. But this is in the first few 21 months of 1997 -- 22 A Um-hum. 23 Q -- prior to John and Patsy even being 24 formally interviewed on April the 30th -- 25 A Um-hum.
2 professional investigator before critical evidence 3 has been examined and tested would reach that kind of 4 conclusion; that doesn't surprise you? 5 A Well, if they said it -- if you're telling 6 me they said it in a manner of this is fact and there 7 is no other possibility, then that would surprise me 8 that they would say it as an absolute conclusionary 9 statement; yes, that would surprise me. 10 Q Was the F -- did the FBI ever provide any 11 assistance to the Boulder Police Department in 12 connection with its investigation of Chris Wolf? 13 A You know, I'm not sure. I was not in -- 14 most of the team meetings that occurred, occurred 15 before I arrived and so I'm not sure what all was 16 discussed in those meetings. 17 Q When you say the team meetings, you're 18 talking about meetings between -- with the Boulder 19 Police Department and members of the FBI? 20 A Yes. 21 Q The September 1997 meeting in Quantico, 22 you were not involved in the case at that time? 23 A No, I wasn't. 24 Q Has it ever been brought to your attention 25 that an agent, I believe by the name of Ken Lansing,
2 that this -- they should keep an open mind that this 3 could be a sexually related killing? 4 A Lots of people have cautioned us in that, 5 so -- 6 Q Has the FBI agents in fact cautioned you 7 in that? 8 A I'm not sure what you mean by cautioned. 9 Q Just stated -- 10 A Certainly in our discussions -- 11 Q -- keep an open mind? 12 A -- sure, that's been part of our 13 discussions. 14 Q With the FBI? 15 A Sure. 16 Q Were you involved in the investigation 17 from an internal affairs standpoint of Detective 18 Mason? 19 MR. WOOD: I'll link this up for you in a 20 minute, Bob. 21 Q (BY MR. WOOD) As I remember, Mason was 22 investigated and I know there was a lawsuit and I 23 want to go -- Mason was investigated by internal 24 affairs because it was believed, at least that there 25 was some basis to believe, that he may have leaked
2 A Yes. 3 Q Was it then and does it remain the policy 4 of the Boulder Police Department to appropriately 5 investigate any officer who is thought to have leaked 6 confidential police file information to the media 7 and, if found to have done so, to institute some form 8 of punishment or penalty? 9 A Are you saying is it now the policy? 10 Q Was it then and is it now? 11 A Yes. 12 Q Am I correct that if the Boulder Police 13 Department had learned, say, in September of 1997 14 that one of the officers on the Ramsey case had 15 provided confidential police file information about 16 the case to a journalist, that at a minimum, if 17 proven to be true or admitted to by the individual 18 officer, you would have expected at a minimum that 19 the officer would have been immediately removed from 20 that particular case? 21 A If it was proven? 22 Q Yes. 23 A Yes. 24 Q With the potential to even be discharged 25 from employment?
2 Q Has it ever been brought to your attention 3 that Steve Thomas has admitted that he in fact met 4 with Ann Bardach on four or five occasions and was 5 her police source for the Vanity Fair article that 6 was published in this case, including an admission 7 that he provided her with the content of the ransom 8 note, although he says he did not give a copy of it 9 to her? If I tell you that as fact, would that be 10 news to you? 11 A Some of it. I didn't know it was four to 12 five times. That would be new to me. 13 Q Did he discuss the contents of the ransom 14 note with her? 15 A You know, I don't recall hearing that 16 specifically, that specific. 17 Q But if Steve Thomas had admitted to that 18 information in September of 1997, he would have, 19 having admitted to it, would have either -- he would 20 have clearly been removed from the Ramsey case and 21 may very well have been fired? 22 A May have been, yes. 23 Q But clearly without a doubt removed from 24 the Ramsey case? 25 A You're asking me to answer for Chief Koby.
2 Q Well, under your understanding of the 3 setup as it existed then? 4 A I believe that would have happened, yes. 5 Q Because I think after Mason everybody 6 understood that they were subject to internal affairs 7 and potentially dismissal but absolutely removal from 8 the case? 9 A I believe that would have happened, yes. 10 Q There -- former Detective Thomas, and I 11 ask this because he is identified by Darnay Hoffman 12 as the Boulder police detective who will be the 13 primary witness on this case from the authorities 14 standpoint in the Wolf case, Detective Thomas said 15 that he had a working briefcase at the time that he 16 resigned in which he kept his working file papers 17 that included his own reports and notes and then 18 other reports and notes. I don't know if it included 19 the master affidavit he refers to. 20 And he said he turned that briefcase in. 21 But he said he made copies of the materials. That 22 would have been absolutely against department policy 23 for him to keep copies of the materials, wouldn't it? 24 A Not necessarily. Many officers will keep 25 second copies of reports as working copies --
2 A -- and then put the original in the file 3 and then work off of their working copies and 4 maintain those. 5 Q But would that be true if they're leaving 6 the force? 7 A No, that should not occur if you're 8 leaving and taking those with you. 9 Q That's my point. When he resigned and he 10 turned in his working papers and before he did it he 11 said he made copies and kept them, that would be 12 inappropriate then under the department guidelines? 13 A Yes. 14 Q And he would know that, your officers know 15 that, don't they? 16 A Yes. 17 Q He then said that starting in January of 18 1999 after it was learned that he was going to 19 publish a book, that he started receiving anonymous 20 packets of police reports on the JonBent Ramsey case 21 from postmarks in Boulder and postmarks in Denver. 22 And that over the course of time, he accumulated 23 several hundred pages of Ramsey police reports from 24 these anonymous sources. Have you ever heard 25 anything about that before?
2 MR. MILLER: Is this from his deposition? 3 MR. WOOD: It is, it is. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) And the question I have is 5 whether the universe -- there would be a fairly 6 definable universe of individuals that could have 7 done such a thing if it happened, I mean, I'm not 8 asking you to believe Thomas and I'm not suggesting 9 that I necessarily believe him. I would lean more 10 candidly to thinking that he copied everything, 11 thousands of pages, and nobody sent him anything but 12 I don't know that. He has testified to the contrary. 13 But the universe of people that could conceivably get 14 their hands on Ramsey police reports in January and a 15 few months thereafter in 1999 and copy them would be 16 fairly limited but clearly definable, wouldn't it, 17 Chief? 18 A Not necessarily. If somebody really 19 wanted to go to that extent, they probably could have 20 obtained copies. 21 Q But out of what universe? 22 A Probably detectives would be the most 23 likely universe. 24 Q So again, fairly definable and I think if 25 one might look at leak investigations, limited in
2 A Well, yeah, it's still -- you're still 3 looking at 16, 18 people. That's still a pretty 4 broad net. 5 Q Would you agree that the investigation of 6 Chris Wolf was primarily -- by the Boulder Police 7 Department was instigated and conducted primarily, if 8 not almost exclusively,, based upon the initial 9 information provided to you by Jackie Dilson? Is 10 that the driving -- 11 MR. MILLER: Could you restate the 12 question, it sounded compound? 13 Q (BY MR. WOOD) The driving force behind 14 why Chris Wolf was investigated clearly was Jackie 15 Dilson and the information she initially provided; is 16 that true? 17 A Well, certainly initially, yes. 18 Q And then a lot of it could have been the 19 result of Chris Wolf's own decision for whatever 20 reason not to cooperate in January of 1997? 21 A Sure. 22 Q He could have gotten himself out from 23 under the umbrella potentially earlier had he decided 24 to do differently than what he did in January, 25 conceivably?
2 Q You indicated the Ramsey investigators had 3 provided you with some information about Wolf. Do 4 you believe that the Ramsey investigators were a 5 motivating driving factor for the Boulder Police 6 Department's investigation of Chris Wolf? 7 A Are you including me in that question? 8 Q I guess I would have to. You're part of 9 the investigation? 10 A I would say yes then. 11 Q Explain that to me. 12 A Well, when I came on, part of the job I 13 had to do was review the case up to that point. And 14 part of that was learning what had been done, what 15 hadn't been done, what needed to be done. You know, 16 we developed a whole task list of items to do and 17 certainly taking, you know, a better look at Chris 18 Wolf and getting some of the non-testimony evidence 19 from him was one of those things that we needed to do 20 and was put on that list. 21 Q But the need to get non-testimonial 22 evidence from Chris Wolf was not a need developed 23 because of information that the Ramsey investigators 24 had given you, that was just a review of the umbrella 25 list, so to speak, by you in a decision about what
2 done? 3 A Well, and I can't tell you that, you know, 4 what pieces of evidence at that point or information 5 came from what sources. I was getting it in a 6 composite, not in a Jackie Dilson said this, so and 7 so said this, Ollie Gray said this. It was a 8 composite that I was receiving at that time so I 9 couldn't tell you what was -- 10 Q So you don't know whether the Ramsey -- 11 any information provided by the Ramsey investigators 12 had anything to do with your decision on Chris Wolf 13 or the Boulder Police Department's decision with 14 Chris Wolf? 15 MR. MILLER: I object to the 16 characterization of the answer. I don't think that 17 is what the witness testified to. 18 MR. WOOD: Well, he said I can't tell you 19 what pieces of evidence at that point or information 20 came from what sources. I was getting it in a 21 composite, not a Jackie Dilson said this and said 22 this, Ollie Gray said this, it was a composite. 23 Q (BY MR. WOOD) So as we sit here today, 24 you can't tell me that you have knowledge of specific 25 information provided by the Ramsey investigators back
2 driving factor in why the police department 3 investigated him; is that fair? 4 A No, that's not fair. Certainly the 5 information they provided that they had was a driving 6 factor in continuing that, to investigate Chris Wolf. 7 Q What information? 8 A The composite information that we had 9 about Chris Wolf. 10 Q What information -- 11 A I don't have -- 12 Q -- from the Ramsey -- how do you know the 13 Ramseys gave you any information that was of any 14 assistance to you? 15 A I'm not saying they did or didn't. 16 Q Maybe you're not understanding my 17 question. 18 A Yeah, that could be. 19 Q In terms of being a significant factor, 20 maybe that's a good term, in why the Boulder Police 21 Department was investigating Chris Wolf in 1997 and 22 1998 -- 23 A Okay. 24 Q -- you don't know whether information 25 provided by Ramsey investigators to the Boulder
2 significant factor or not, do you? 3 A No, I don't. 4 Q Okay. What you know is that you had a 5 composite of information from a variety of sources, a 6 composite being such that when you came on board in 7 October of 1997, you felt like Chris Wolf was a 8 viable individual to be under the umbrella of 9 suspicion somewhere in that six or seven category we 10 talked about on my level of one to ten, ten being at 11 the top. And you wanted a number of things done in 12 terms of non-testimonial evidence and follow-up 13 investigation about him that had not been done up to 14 that point in time -- 15 A Correct. 16 Q -- is that fair? 17 A That's fair. 18 MR. WOOD: Let me have -- hang on. Don't 19 go off yet because I do want to cover one quick area 20 with him. 21 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I've got a March 14, 2000 22 article in the Denver Rocky Mountain News by John 23 Ensslin, E-n-s-s-l-i-n. Do you know him? 24 A No. I know the name. 25 Q This is in connection with Lou Smit's
2 Again, the date is March 14, 2000. I think that 3 coincides roughly with the release of the Ramseys' 4 book. I'm going to read this and if you need to see 5 this I'll be glad to let you see it. 6 Beckner said he was disturbed that Smit 7 decided to talk about evidence in the unsolved case. 8 Quote, He's willing to go out and talk about his 9 theory but, in so doing, he ignores a lot of other 10 evidence, end quote, Beckner said. 11 Does that sound like something you would 12 have said? 13 A Yes. 14 Q Is that an accurate quote? 15 A Yes. 16 Q You were saying that with respect to Lou 17 Smit? 18 A Yes. 19 Q Would you also tell me that that is 20 absolutely true with respect to Steve Thomas? 21 A Yes. 22 Q That he also is willing to go out and talk 23 about his theory but in so doing, he ignores a lot of 24 other evidence? 25 A I don't know if I would say a lot of other
2 things in the case. 3 Q And it's not just some other things in the 4 case because Steve Thomas has said that his book as 5 such was based on the police file information as it 6 existed up to the end of August of 1998 in 7 combination with any public information that was 8 released. And I think you have said on the record 9 that there has been significant developments and 10 changes and new information developed since August of 11 1998 -- 12 A Yes. 13 Q -- during the course of the grand jury and 14 after the grand jury. Before Steve Thomas's book was 15 published in August -- in April of 2000? 16 A Yes. 17 Q True? 18 A True. 19 Q We had the back and forth by letter about 20 Katy Couric's comments that Chris Wolf was no longer 21 under suspicion and I wrote this mean-spirited letter 22 asking you to investigate and find out who in the 23 world said that, that was in 2001. I had failed to 24 do my job and realized that in 2000 you had actually 25 said that publicly when you gave the quote about
2 that they were no longer actively under -- no longer 3 active suspects. 4 I then asked you in another letter whether 5 you had been the source for some information about 6 urine on the bed sheets and I never did hear back 7 from you, on an NBC broadcast. 8 A So what is your question? 9 Q Were you the source for that information? 10 A No. 11 Q I think you have told me that you have 12 never provided any information to a member of the 13 media about the investigation under the condition of 14 anonymity? 15 A That's correct. 16 Q And you have not yourself ever provided 17 any confidential information about the law 18 enforcement investigation to any member of the 19 media -- 20 A That's correct. 21 Q -- off the record? 22 A That's correct. 23 MR. MILLER: Well, wait a minute. Just so 24 the question is off the record, right, I mean 25 obviously he made press releases.
2 record. 3 MR. MILLER: Okay. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You do know Bill Hagamaier? 5 A Yes. 6 Q And Bill Hagamaier has been involved in 7 the case pretty much the entire time the FBI has 8 been? 9 A Yes. 10 Q You made a statement in June of 1998 in a 11 press release that said the question was, Do you know 12 who did it? 13 And you said, answer: I have an idea who 14 did it. What was the purpose in saying that? 15 A Well, I think part of the purpose is 16 reassuring the public that we're not clueless about 17 this case. And it's so you want to try to be 18 truthful but at the same time you don't want to give 19 out more information than you have to. And it's a 20 fine line to walk. 21 Q And would it be fair to say that when you 22 made the statement I have an idea who did it you 23 weren't trying to focus on John and/or Patsy Ramsey, 24 were you? 25 A I wasn't intending that to be necessarily
2 to know, yeah, we had an idea. 3 Q Because in June of 1998, the next day in 4 an interview, you indicated that you all investigated 5 I think this article says 68 possible suspects. And 6 then you said. Quote, There are certainly less 7 people under the umbrella of suspicion now than there 8 were in October, Beckner said, quote, The umbrella is 9 not quite so big, end quote. There were still a 10 number of people under the umbrella of suspicion in 11 June of 1998, weren't there, Chief? 12 A Yes. Yes. 13 Q And it was more than just John and Patsy, 14 wasn't it? 15 A Yes. 16 Q You would concur with the statement that 17 you believe that sharing information about the 18 evidence in the case that is otherwise confidential 19 from a police officer's standpoint is unethical and 20 potentially disastrous to the police department's 21 ability to find justice? 22 A I would agree with that. 23 Q In the letter that you said that in in 24 effect, I paraphrased it, it was a letter to the 25 Daily Camera editorial, a letter to the editor,
2 A Yes. 3 Q You actually said "Unlike Mr. Smit and 4 others who have left the investigation I believe that 5 sharing information about the evidence is unethical 6 and potentially disastrous to our ability to find 7 justice." 8 You didn't name him but I think you would 9 certainly say that absolutely applied to Steve 10 Thomas, didn't it? 11 A Yeah. 12 Q And I think he would have been one of the 13 others who had left, right? 14 A Yes. 15 Q And then back in that March 16th, 2000 16 article by Chris Anderson that we had shown you 17 earlier about the not currently active suspects. You 18 were quoted as saying, quote, The problem with it is 19 he, and he refers to Lou Smit, ignores the other 20 evidence in the case, end quote, said Beckner who 21 believes Smit may have grown too close to the 22 Ramseys. Quote, Some of the information he is using 23 is not accurate, end quote. 24 Do you do you remember that? 25 A No, but --
2 statement, do you? 3 A No. 4 Q Would I also be right that you would apply 5 that same statement to Steve Thomas in his public 6 disclosures about this case and discussions -- 7 A Read the whole thing to me again. 8 Q "The problem with it is he ignores the 9 other evidence in the case, some of the information 10 he is using is not accurate." 11 A Yes. 12 Q That would apply to Steve Thomas in your 13 view? 14 A Yes. 15 Q True? 16 A True, in the sense that he does not have 17 all the information that has been developed since 18 that time. 19 Q Have you ever read his book? 20 A No, I haven't. 21 Q Was there ever during your time since 22 October of '97 at any time period where any members 23 of the Boulder Police Department were allowed to have 24 screen savers that identified anyone including Chris 25 Wolf as being the killer?
2 Q If you had known that would you have 3 stopped it immediately? 4 A Yes. 5 Q It would have been totally unprofessional 6 and inappropriate, wouldn't it, Chief? 7 A Yes. 8 Q Do you recall an incident when the mayor, 9 Boulder Mayor Greenlee, got fairly upset at least 10 with Steve Thomas, maybe others, about Chris Wolf? 11 This would have been in February of 1998? 12 A No, I don't recall that. 13 Q This is, and I'm going to read to you from 14 my notes from what I believe are quotes from Steve 15 Thomas' book. It said an incident involving you and 16 Thomas where it starts off, Mayor Bob Greenlee wants 17 to ask you a few questions my boss Beckner said and 18 retreated to a chair. Detective, Mayor Greenlee 19 began all business, what do you know about Jackie 20 Dilson? He gave me no chance to respond. I had to 21 suppress a grin. I knew all about Jackie Dilson who 22 was a regular visitor to police headquarters with her 23 theory that her boyfriend probably murdered JonBent. 24 Greenlee said that he had personally met with 25 Ms. Dilson. Did you know, detective, that her
2 I don't need to go on and on but do you 3 recall that incident taking place? 4 A Yeah, I recall the mayor coming over and 5 having some discussion about the case. I couldn't 6 recite it as specifically as you have, but I do 7 recall some conversation with Bob Greenlee. 8 Q The mayor had apparently gotten 9 information from Jackie Dilson and apparently was to 10 some level at least upset that there may be questions 11 about Wolf that had not been answered? 12 A I don't recall him being upset. I recall 13 him being inquisitive as to getting this information. 14 It was not unusual for politicians to call us and 15 say, hey, so and so told me this and pass it on or 16 want to know what we were doing. 17 Q Upset may be the wrong word. Thomas 18 described Greenlee's ruddy face as being tinged with 19 contempt and I stole a glance at Beckner who looked 20 away from him. Greenlee eventually ran out of breath 21 and let me speak. 22 A Well, I wouldn't characterize it that way, 23 but that's his interpretation I guess. 24 Q And Chris Wolf (sic) said we are 25 thoroughly investigating Chris Wolf?
2 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Well, here is what it says 3 is we -- 4 MR. MILLER: You said Chris Wolf. 5 MR. WOOD: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. And Steve 6 Thomas. 7 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Do you remember making a 8 statement to Mayor Greenlee, We are thoroughly 9 investigating Chris Wolf? 10 A Not specifically. 11 Q Do you believe that the Boulder Police 12 Department has thoroughly and completely investigated 13 Chris Wolf? 14 A Up to a point, yes. 15 Q Tell me what you mean when you say up to a 16 point. 17 A To the point where there is agreement that 18 he is not a suspect right now or under suspicion. 19 Q And there was -- I didn't ask this 20 although you may have told me the answer which tells 21 me the answer to this, but was there any forensic 22 test with respect to Susannah Chase which removed 23 Wolf from any level of suspicion in that case? 24 A Well, we do have DNA and we do have Wolf's 25 DNA so there would have been a comparison of the DNA
2 database. So any case that comes in after that it's 3 automatically run against that database so you don't 4 have to go back and request every time that you want 5 every previous suspect you have had in a similar case 6 run against that DNA. 7 MR. WOOD: Okay. Let me get a couple 8 minutes with my lawyer here and then we'll see if 9 we're good to go. 10 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're off the record at 11 approximately 1:08 p.m. 12 (Recess taken from 1:08 p.m. to 1:11 p.m.) 13 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: We're on the record at 14 approximately 1:11 p.m. 15 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Chief Beckner, have you 16 ever learned or been made aware that simultaneously 17 with or perhaps even subsequent to the Boulder Police 18 Department's investigation of Chris Wolf in 19 connection with the JonBent Ramsey case that the 20 Boulder district attorney's office undertook an 21 investigation of Mr. Wolf as a suspect in connection 22 with the case? 23 A What time frame are you talking about? 24 Q I think it would be in 1998 and perhaps 25 even 1999. That's why I say subsequent,
2 to the point in time where you felt like you had 3 reached the point that he was no longer under the 4 umbrella that the DA's office might have continued 5 efforts to investigate him? 6 A No, because we were working as a team at 7 that point and most of those -- all of those 8 decisions were discussed as a team in terms of, you 9 know, who we considered under suspicion, who needed 10 more investigation, you know, whether we were 11 satisfied with where we were at, those kind of 12 things. 13 Q The district attorney's office concurred, 14 did they not, its investigators and the involved 15 personnel from the district attorney's office 16 concurred that based on the information known that 17 Chris Wolf was in fact a viable individual to be 18 under the umbrella of suspicion, to be under 19 suspicion in connection with the case? 20 A What time frame are you talking about? 21 It's been five years. 22 Q When you all were working together with 23 them? 24 A Well, that covered a period of four years, 25 so what time frame are you talking about?
2 that the Boulder district attorney's investigators 3 concurred during that time period at some point 4 that -- 5 A Okay, yes. 6 Q -- Chris Wolf was an individual who should 7 be considered as under suspicion in connection with 8 the murder of JonBent Ramsey? 9 A Yes. 10 Q Whether the Boulder district attorney's 11 office did any investigation beyond that done by your 12 office, maybe, maybe not, you don't know? 13 A Well, again it depends on your time frame. 14 If you're talking about prior to the second half of 15 '98, because the team was reorganized in the summer 16 of '98 -- 17 Q Sure. When it went over to the grand 18 jury? 19 A Reorganization took place. Then it was a 20 different arrangement than what had been previously. 21 We worked much closer together once the team was 22 rearranged. 23 Prior to that, I think there was a 24 parallel investigation going on. 25 MR. WOOD: I'm going to have to ask you
2 it's my only copy that I brought. Let's mark this as 3 Exhibit 7. 4 MR. MILLER: What is it? 5 (Exhibit 7 was marked.) 6 MR. WOOD: This is a letter and a packet 7 of materials sent from Newsweek journalist Dan Glick 8 to Alex Hunter in 1999. 9 MR. MILLER: Is it signed any place? 10 MR. WOOD: I think the letter on the 11 second page is signed. Let me take a look here. 12 Yeah, I don't have a signature copy. 13 MR. MILLER: And it's not on letterhead, 14 huh? 15 Q (BY MR. WOOD) That's my question is 16 whether or not you have either seen that packet of 17 materials or whether such a packet of materials from 18 Dan Glick was ever discussed with you by Alex Hunter 19 on or after February of 1999? 20 A Briefly looking at this, much of this is 21 familiar; I don't know if I have actually seen this 22 document before. 23 Q If that document itself had been shared 24 with you, would it be in the Boulder Police 25 Department files or any parts of it?
2 MR. WOOD: Before I leave, I need a copy 3 of that so I have it tomorrow. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Who made the decision to 5 remove Chris Wolf from under the umbrella of 6 suspicion? 7 A It doesn't work like that where it's, you 8 know, today you are, and tomorrow you're not. It's 9 more of a transition that takes place over a period 10 of time and there is no one person that says, okay, 11 they are or they aren't. It just doesn't work that 12 way. 13 Q Just a collective unspoken type decision 14 almost because there is nothing else to investigate? 15 A Yeah, kind of. You know, in discussions 16 and, you know, team meetings and such as far as 17 whether to take a lead further or not, or what needs 18 to be done, those decisions are made. And it's a -- 19 I think I gave you a time frame but that's a loose 20 time frame. I mean there is no specific date where 21 you could look at anything in our files and say today 22 this person is under suspicion and tomorrow, on such 23 and such a date, they're not. It doesn't work that 24 way. 25 Q In terms of making a statement under oath
2 light of some of the issues we have discussed today, 3 would you agree that you might be more comfortable 4 deciding that upon a closer review of the file as it 5 pertained to what was done or not done on Chris Wolf? 6 A Well, you've got to understand I'm 7 answering these questions in generalities -- 8 Q Right. 9 A -- because I'm not the person doing the 10 investigation. You've also got the work that was 11 done by the district attorney investigators in this 12 case that were -- it's a composite of that as well. 13 And a lot of faith in those investigators as well. 14 So given that, I'm comfortable in that I 15 haven't closed the door on looking at any new 16 information that may come up on anybody in this case. 17 We haven't closed the door on anybody in regard to 18 that. So we're always open to that. 19 Q Do you reach a point in time, though, 20 where you're able to say that with respect to a 21 particular individual, you have basically, barring 22 new evidence or new information, exhausted your 23 investigative efforts? 24 A Well, again you've got to take that in 25 context. You can always do more on every individual
2 something more you could have done. So no, you can't 3 say with absolute positively there is nothing else 4 that can be done on a certain individual. I don't 5 think you can say that about anybody. At some point 6 you just get to a point in your investigation where 7 you have to say is this leading to anything that 8 raises the level of suspicion of this person. And 9 you make those decisions in an investigation all the 10 time. Investigators do that, that's routine. That 11 doesn't mean you close the door to any new 12 information that may come forward, but certainly 13 you've got to make decisions in any investigation as 14 to where you're going to spend your time and your 15 resources. 16 Q In terms of the investigation now at the 17 five-year, almost the five-year, mark with respect to 18 Chris Wolf and any other individuals, I mean aren't 19 you at the point with respect to everybody that you 20 are with Chris Wolf that, barring new information, 21 the level, an increased level of suspicion is just 22 simply not going to occur with respect to anyone? 23 Because I'm sure after five years you've done all the 24 tests you could possibly do that you know of at 25 present, collected all the evidence you can possibly
2 could, aren't you at that point with everybody, 3 including Chris Wolf? 4 A Okay. Ask me that again. 5 Q In terms of the investigation now at the 6 five-year mark with respect to Chris Wolf and any 7 other individual who either is or has been under the 8 umbrella of suspicion, aren't you at the point that, 9 barring new information, that you're not going to 10 have the level of suspicion increased as to anyone 11 from where it currently is, true? 12 A Understanding that people are at different 13 places on that scale? 14 Q Sure. 15 A Yeah. 16 Q Whatever place they are on, barring new 17 information, they're not going to move up at this 18 point, you're at the point where you've done 19 everything you know to do at this point; isn't that 20 true? 21 A That's pretty true at almost any point in 22 the investigation, people move or are lowered on that 23 scale based on new information. 24 Q Yeah, but there are points in the 25 investigation clearly where you have still got a task
2 make such a determination? 3 A And we're still doing some things; we 4 still have some things that we're working on. 5 Q They haven't been done in five years? 6 A Yeah, that's true. 7 Q Would that involve new information about 8 new people that has been brought to your attention, 9 even in the last several months? 10 A Some of it has, yes. 11 Q Okay. Do you know of anything outstanding 12 that has yet to be done on Chris Wolf? 13 A No, there is nothing outstanding at this 14 time. 15 Q How about with respect to the Ramseys? 16 A (Answer inaudible due to simultaneous 17 objection.) 18 MR. MILLER: Objection. 19 Q (BY MR. WOOD) After five years, you still 20 have something you haven't done with respect to them? 21 MR. MILLER: Object. 22 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Anybody else, were there 23 things outstanding with other individuals? 24 MR. MILLER: Objection. 25 Q (BY MR. WOOD) After five years? I'm just
2 investigation is. 3 MR. MILLER: I know you are and that's why 4 I'm objecting. 5 MR. WOOD: Chris Wolf is part of the 6 investigation. 7 MR. MILLER: We've answered all the 8 questions about Chris Wolf. You don't have a right 9 to know where we are generally about the 10 investigation. 11 MR. WOOD: Absent a court order? 12 MR. MILLER: Absent a court order. 13 Q (BY MR. WOOD) Let me ask you a question 14 then -- wait a minute. 15 The answer is on here. I want to make 16 sure the record is not confused. The question was I 17 had asked you whether that involved new information 18 about new people that had been brought to your 19 attention even in the last several months. 20 Answer: Some of it has, yes. 21 Question: Do you know of anything 22 outstanding that has yet to be done on Chris Wolf? 23 Answer: No, there is nothing outstanding 24 at this time. 25 Question: How about with respect to the
2 Answer: The same. 3 Mr. Miller: Objection. 4 Mr. Wood: After five years you still have 5 something you haven't done with respect to them? 6 Mr. Miller: Object. 7 Q (BY MR. WOOD) I'm not sure that you -- 8 what the same answer meant. Do you follow me because 9 you didn't answer when I came back and asked you more 10 specifically if there was anything outstanding to the 11 Ramseys but you did answer, do you know of anything 12 outstanding that has yet to be done on Chris Wolf? 13 No, there is nothing outstanding at this 14 time. 15 Question: How about with respect to the 16 Ramseys. 17 Answer: The same? 18 MR. MILLER: I didn't remember him saying 19 that. 20 MR. WOOD: I didn't either and that's why 21 I wanted to go back and make sure this is clear. 22 MR. MILLER: I was pretty confident my 23 interjection or my interjection of the objection 24 preceded any response of the witness. 25 MR. WOOD: Let's make sure that we've got
2 the Ramseys, and I don't think the Chief wants it to 3 be unfair to the Ramseys. 4 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You're not willing to 5 answer the question with respect to the Ramseys or 6 anyone else as we sit here today about whether there 7 remains anything outstanding that is yet to be done 8 with respect to them? 9 MR. MILLER: That's right. 10 Q (BY MR. WOOD) You don't say, yes, there 11 is or, no, there is not; is that right? 12 MR. MILLER: That is right. 13 A That's correct. 14 MR. MILLER: And I would say, I would just 15 for the record say that at least to my ears, I didn't 16 hear him utter the words the same. 17 MR. WOOD: I thought that I heard 18 something that indicated there was still something to 19 be done on the Ramseys and that's why I quickly said, 20 Do you mean after five years, but I think that going 21 back I want to make sure the Chief didn't mean to say 22 that. Because if he did, if you're willing to say it 23 that there is something outstanding with the Ramseys 24 then I think in fairness we ought to go through and 25 see if there is anybody else out there that is in
2 A No, we're not willing to say that. 3 Q To say it as to anybody? 4 A That's to answer that question. 5 Q Yes or no? 6 A Right. 7 Q I understand. Okay. Well, that clarifies 8 that. 9 MR. WOOD: Subject to our agreement the 10 deposition at this point in time will be adjourned 11 and down the road pursuant to our agreement, in the 12 event we determine that there is a need to address 13 other aspects of the investigation particularly as it 14 would pertain to the Ramseys and perhaps other 15 suspects or individuals, other than Chris Wolf, that 16 we would then notify you and you would be given an 17 opportunity to take the appropriate steps to litigate 18 the issue of law enforcement privilege before the 19 appropriate court. Hopefully we won't get there but 20 obviously under our agreement we may need to. So the 21 deposition is not completed but it's simply adjourned 22 until that time. 23 MR. MILLER: Right. And I would just say 24 for the record that the notice I would require is 25 probably a couple weeks or so.
2 you to have 30 days. 3 MR. FRICKE: What I would need -- 4 MR. WOOD: I would give you 30 days' 5 notice and say -- I need the deposition in 30 days 6 and between that time period you can file whatever 7 motion is appropriate. 8 MR. FRICKE: That's fine. Perfect. 9 MR. MILLER: That's the agreement we have 10 on some other matters. 11 MR. WOOD: Yeah, and I may ask you, Bob, 12 in light of a couple of things that the Chief said 13 today that by letter I might ask you with respect to 14 Wolf whether you all would be willing to go back and 15 have somebody pull the file and answer some specifics 16 about forensic testing on Wolf that he was not able 17 to remember. He said he might be able to get 18 somebody to research it. I would like to reserve to 19 send you something, it may not be lengthy. 20 MR. MILLER: You can always send me a 21 letter. 22 MR. WOOD: Okay. Right. Thanks. 23 VIDEO TECHNICIAN: This concludes the 24 proceedings. We're off the record at approximately 25 1:29 p.m.
2 I, MARK R. BECKNER, do hereby certify that 3 I have read the foregoing transcript and that the 4 same and accompanying correction sheets, if any, 5 constitute a true and complete record of my 6 testimony. 7 8 9
4 Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter, Registered 5 Professional Reporter and Notary Public within the 6 state of Colorado, do hereby certify that previous to 7 the commencement of the examination, the deponent was 8 duly sworn by me to testify to the truth. 9 I further certify that this deposition was 10 taken in shorthand by me at the time and place herein 11 set forth and was thereafter reduced to typewritten 12 form, and that the foregoing constitutes a true and 13 correct transcript. 14 I further certify that I am not related 15 to, employed by, nor of counsel for any of the 16 parties or attorneys herein, nor otherwise interested 17 in the result of the within action. 18 In witness whereof, I have affixed my 19 signature this day of , 20 2001. My commission expires 4/21/03. 21 23 Certified Realtime Reporter