Gov Romer informs Fleet White that he would not intervene in the case January 8, 1998 Ali Krupski testifies on her case. She testified that she destroyed Ramsey-related documents she claimed were given to her by a source (at the insistence of this source, she claims, she destroyed them) January 9, 1998 Judge hale rules that Krupski did not commit theft when she removed her files, documents, and newspaper clippings about the Ramsey murder when she left the newspaper Judge Hale also said he did not find Krupski surreptitios Judge Hale ruled that Krupski could keep her documents but that the newspaper must be allowed to make copies of them January 12, 1998 Gov Romer notifies Fleet White in a letter to officially inform him that he will not intervene to remove Hunter from the case Bob Grant states that he has seen stun gun injuries before and that they are very obvious. He further states that if such had been noted by the coroner that this would have been followed up by him January 13, 1998 Hunter states that Schiller's article saying that DNA of an unknown person was found on the body is misleading Laurion states that the report that Hunter is willing to exhume JonBenét's body is over-stated. January 14, 1998 Aaholm stated that the story that the flashlight taken into evidence had been lost and recovered was untrue. January 16, 1998 Parents will not submit to a second interview because investigators won't let the couple's legal team review the evidence in the case Beckner expresses disappointment in the position the Ramseys take over the request for a new interview. Fleet White sends letter stating that Gov Romer should remove Hunter from the murder investigation
With respect to the Whites' letter, Hunter was quoted as saying: "Unfortunately, because of Mr. and Mrs. White's status as witnesses in the case, we are unable to share with them information and insights that might provide them with the reassurance they seek." Dan Vigil, a CU professor of legal ethics, was quoted as saying [in response to Hunter not filing a case]: "It would be unethical for (Hunter) to file a case if he doesn't have probable cause." Julie Haydon, Channel 7 News, releases this information about the case:
January 20, 1998 Judget Bailin dismissed Darnay Hoffman's lawsuit against Hunter, stating his suit was based partly on "innuendo, rumor, opinion and speculation". February 3, 1998 Koby makes a statement that the letter sent by the Ramsey attorneys basically said "we're not talking to you. Don't bother communicating with us". Boulder photographer Stephen Miles filed a lawsuit against John Ramsey for slander and libel. His claim is that John Ramsey falsely implicated him in the murder of his JonBenét. The suit also named the tabloid National Enquirer and two of its writers. The suit cited the Oct. 21 and Nov. 11 1997 issues of the Enquirer which claim that Ramsey told police that he believed Miles was JonBenét's killer. The tabloid also reported that Miles is a drug addict and and a sex offender. February 4, 1998 It is reported that the Ramseys have hired a lawyer to represent Burke February 5, 1998 A group of investors bought the former Boulder home of John and Patsy Ramsey and pledged to resell it at a later date, donating profits to the JonBenét Ramsey Children's Foundation. Michael Bynum said the house sold for $650,000 to an investor group named after the Ramsey homes address, 755 15th St., L.L.C. February 7, 1998 It is reported that Stephen Miles was questioned by police and asked to submit a palm print, along with DNA and handwriting samples, just two days after he filed his suit. February 13, 1998 Dr Lee meets privately at Denver International Airport with the prosecution task force It is reported that Dr Lee will take documents and evidence back with him and "try to narrow the focus of the investigation" Dr Lee estimates that the case has a 50/50 chance of being solved February 14, 1998 Hunter stated publicly his disappointment that they have not had more cooperation from the Ramseys in helping to get to the truth. February 19, 1998 Ramsey parents refuse to allow Burke reinterviewed because of the police stipulation that they not be told the contents of the interview
Conditions for the Burke interview are: Press release from Cdr Beckner, that the leak about the interview with Burke Ramsey did not come from the BPD February 21, 1998 America's Most Wanted devoted a special episode to the Ramsey murder