July 1, 1999 Six hundred households near the Boulder County Justice Center were warned to be ready for media invasion at any time due to the flood of journalists at the conclusion of the GJ investigation. Jennifer Bray cautioned that the letter is not to be viewed as an indication that the GJ is near the end of its investigation. Note: The Grand Jury still has not met since May 25, 1999 Parking spaces have been assigned out to media --- a total of 10, of which one each for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX, and the remainder going to local affiliates. July 9, 1999 Two men---Evan Ravitz and Bob MacFarland---have been subpoenaed to appear in court on Jul 23, for mailing portions of the book "Presumed Guilty" to grand jurors. Their charge is contempt of court. The portion of the book which was mailed had to do with the theory of JonBenét being murdered due to involvement in a child pornography ring. Ravitz stated he felt this was a portion of the investigation that "DA" Hunter was staying away from. Per Ravitz, the men initially sent the jury foreman a packet to the justice center; then they sent a copy to Hunter; then they called jury chairman; then they tried to hand deliver a copy to jury member Susan LeFever (who refused); then they mailed the packets to several grand jurors whose addresses they had Ravitz stated they were told by Lee Hill that it was his understanding that people could contact a grand jury member. July 13, 1999 JT Colfax is released from Boulder County jail. July 14, 1999 Report surfaces that a Colorado Springs based religious organization --- "Focus on the Family" --- sent a letter to KHOW radio in Denver, accusing them of appropriating their trademark name. The station had been distributing bumper stickers which said "Focus on the Ramsey Family". KHOW program director was quoted as saying it was "done tongue in cheek." Report surfaces that "DA" Hunter is considering asking for more money for the investigation to go into August RMN states that John and Patsy Ramseys are considered suspects [report dated Jul 14, 1999, title: "DA May Seek More Money for Grand Jury"] Note: Reports state that thus far $1.74M has been spent on this case's investigation July 15, 1999 Per Bob Grant, the reason the GJ has not met since May 25 is because they are waiting on "forensic analysis" results. Grant said the DNA taken from friends and family members in recent weeks, has been analyzed. Grant also said Bruce Levin has now been assigned to work on a murder case in Adams County. Due to the fact that Levin was working full time on the Ramsey investigation, this particular move has been viewed by many as a "sign" that the Grand Jury is about to wrap up its investigation. A report on the budget projections for the case is released, and it is stated that the remaining money will carry the case's investigation until Aug 9, 1999 July 16, 1999 Peter Boyles interviewed JT Colfax. July 20, 1999 A report surfaces discussing the testimony of former FBI agent John Douglas. This report states Douglas testified before the GJ, but not before re-interviewing Patsy Ramsey. Supposedly, Douglas testified before the GJ in March, but this was AFTER the 5 alternate jurors had been released.[they were released on Feb 24th]. Reportedly, after Douglas' testimony, the grand jury met with the prosecutors, and they gave the prosecution a list of over 20 questions they wanted answered. Also, in a recent interview Douglas stated his opinion that he believes the parents did not commit the murder, but asserts that it "can't be a stranger" and that it was "possibly someone with a grudge against the father." July 24, 1999 Picnic to be held today in Boulder between several posters from the Justice Watch and Cybersleuths forums. July 29, 1999 Hearing scheduled for Ravitz and MacFarland this date, has been postponed until August 5, 1999 July 30, 1999 It is reported that the "DA" is going to ask for an additional $57K to fund the GJ thru Oct 20th (the last legal day of their commission). Carol McKinley reports that investigators are now considering the possibility that marks on JonBenet's neck might have come from her scratching herself in the struggle. In addition, the possibility of her being hit last, instead of first, reportedly is a theory they are considering. August 5, 1999 "DA" Hunter received $56,999 to cover remaining costs of the grand jury investigation. This will supposedly last until the GJ legal term ends on Oct 20. "DA" Hunter would not speculate as to whether the panel will make a decision nor whether it was even likely a new GJ would convene when this one's term expired. He only indicated the "possibility" that a new GJ would be convened if needed. "DA" Hunter also expressed a "lot of optimism" for the investigative team. Evan Ravitz and Bob MacFarland were told they won't face charges as long as they steer clear of this GJ until it is disbanded. Ravitz stated that he and MacFarland may petition to be heard before the GJ. They believe there is evidence of possible corruption involving drug dealing and child pornography which, in their opinion, could be related to the Ramsey case. August 6, 1999 Today would be JonBenet's 9th birthday. August 7, 1999 New York attorney Darnay Hoffman states plans that he intends to announce his candidacy for the Boulder District Attorney next week at a formal press conference. Mr Hoffman promises in his letter such things as bringing the state of certain serious felonies --- such as the Ramsey case --- to quick arrest. He gives somewhat of a wakeup call to the citizens of Boulder with the following: "Boulder will have the best homicide clearance rates in America when I'm finished, and will, once again, be a respected name in the law enforcement community and not a judicial laughing stock." Mr Hoffman declared [what is widely felt by most who follow the Ramsey case] that "Hunter has done a terrible job protecting the citizens of Boulder from serious felonies and that his record for successful homicide prosecutions is one of the worst in the United States." August 25, 1999 A report surfaces that a plan has been submitted to "DA" Hunter for how to handle the media upon the end of the Grand Jury proceedings. Supposedly the report calls for three different scenarios: an indictment, a no-indictment and the issuance of a report if there is no indictment. The plan calls for a full-scale news conference if there is no indictment, and advises against such a conference if there is an indictment. Rumors continue to circulate that "DA" Hunter has no intention of indicting this killer. Rumors also circulate that some sort of cover up is behind the entire murder investigation. Hope, albeit slight, continues in some corners for the support for Mr Hoffman to run for District Attorney and "clean up this mess" created by the current (worthless) "DA". Fears that this cannot be accomplished, along with fears that the "DA" will do something to insure the case can never be tried, continue to be discussed. The Grand Jury still has not met since May 25, and hope is fading all throughout the Justice For JonBenet community that an arrest will ever occur.