Transcript [Courtesy Panico, Justice Watch Forum]
Panico Jan-28-00, 01:57 PM (EST)
5. "Here tis--" And now to the question of who killed JonBenet Ramsey. There is some explicit information coming in from the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation today. Carol McKinley is live in Denver with all the details. Carol? CM: Well, it appears that some of the case has been dormant for the past 3 months, but investigators will tell you no it's not. It looks like the Ramsey case has a life again and that's because prosecutors, detectives, even the FBI met for an intense 6 hour summit on Thursday. We ---- off with Dr. Henry Lee, who was at that summit. He's been consulting on this case. He tells us that with new leads, there's new energy. Lee: Yes, I'm very encouraged about the case, and as you know, Alex Hunter, his office, and the BPD work diligently on the case. We examined original evidence collected and we was able to see couple potential new leads to follow. CM: Really? On old evidence? Lee: Yes CM: DA Alex Hunter and Lee talked with FBI experts via phone yesterday, who were examining physical evidence and who are working with Lee to reconstruct the crime scene. This is a tough job because John Ramsey destroyed important evidence when he discovered his daughter's body, pulled duct tape from her mouth that afternoon, and moved her upstairs. Now investigators on the inside tell me their main focus is still to eliminate any possibility of evidence that a stranger broke into the home and killed JonBenet that night. And they've stressed to me there were only three people in the house. Burke Ramsey was one of them, that's JonBenet's brother, he's been cleared. That leaves John and Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet's parents. Now the question is if they did it, and that's a big if because it hasn't been proven, which one and how. Still those questions after more than three years. Thhhhaattts all folks Panico Jan-28-00, 05:41 PM (EST) "Another Carol/Fox Spot" I'm starting a new one since the old one is almost 30. Carol emailed this to me--I missed seeing it. Caps are Carol, small letters are Lee. IT APPEARS THE RAMSEY CASE HAS NEW LIFE yes, i'm very encouraged about the case. CRIME SCENE EXPERT DR. HENRY LEE, WELL KNOWN FOR HIS WORK ON THE SIMPSON CASE, HAS CONSULTED ON THE RAMSEY INVESTIGATION FOR THREE YEARS....HE SAYS INVESTIGATORS WOULDN'T LISTEN TO HIS SUGGESTIONS EARLY ON...BUT THEY ARE NOW...AND HIS ADVICE IS TO TAKE A NEW LOOK AT OLD EVIDENCE FOR CLUES. we examined the original evidence collected. we was able to see couple potential new lead to follow through. (on old evidence? yes) OLD EVIDENCE SUCH AS TRACE HAIRS AND FIBERS FOUND AROUND JONBENET'S BODY.IS THERE A MATCH WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN OVERLOOKED? LEE IS WORKING WITH THE FBI TO RECONSTRUCT A CRIME SCENE WHICH WAS BADLY CONTAMINATED. DURING AN INTENSE SIX HOUR SUMMIT IN BOULDER, LEE MET WITH DISTRICT ATTORNEY ALEX HUNTER, FBI EXPERTS, KEY PROSECUTORS AND LEAD CASE DETECTIVES. the case still have so much to other words, we haven't exhausted every single piece of evidence yet. stand up even after more than three years of sometimes frustration investigating this ramsey case, DOCTOR LEE SAYS IT'S STILL WARM. AFTER MEETING WITH INVESTIGATORS AT THE SUMMIT, WE CAUGHT UP WITH LEE HERE IN LONGMONT COLORADO AT A FIE INVESTIGATORS CONFERENCE. (question) still in the middle LEE SAYS THE CHANCE OF FINDING JONBENET'S KILLER IS STILL FIFTY-FIFTY.EVEN AFTER A BOULDER COUNTY GRAND JURY SPENT THIRTEEN MONTHS INVESTIGATING THE CASE WITHOUT RECOMMENDING AN INDICTMENT "BUT YOU'D TELL US IF YOU SAID THIS CASE WAS OVER?YOU'D JUST SAY IT WOULDN'T YOU?" "yes." THURSDAY'S SUMMIT SEEMED TO HAVE GIVEN A LIFT TO THE UNSOLVED CASE. INVESTIGATORS SAY THIS IS NO TIME TO WALK AWAY. she is a little girl and she cannot speak for herself. it's law enforcement's responsibility to find out the truth. IN LONGMONT, COLORADO, CAROL MCKINLEY FOX NEWS. |