[Copy of Letter provided courtesy Justice Watch Forum]
David Liebman, M.A., C D.E, November 26, 1997
Mr. Darnay Hoffman Re:Ramsey Handwriting Report Dear Mr. Hoffman: Please find enclosed the results of my examination of the following handwritten documents: SYNOPSIS Careful examination revealed the writer of the "ransom" note to be very probably the same writer as the author of the "known" of samples of the handwriting listed below. I found fifty one (51) points of comparison and similarity, which is a very high number. Ransom notes are often written in a disguised handwriting. Not surprisingly, the writer will attempt to hide his/her true identity. It is usually safe to assume that every effort will be made on the part of the writer to hide his/her normal style of handwriting. As result, the true writing habits and style of the writer will only occasionally appear. However, the greater the sample length of handwriting, the greater the likelihood the writer will not be conscious of the fact that he/she have slipped back into their normal writing style. It is my conclusion, which can be stated with a probability of 90-95%,that Patsy Ramsey is the ransom note writer. The following documents were examined as requested. Questioned Document (copy): Ql: A three page anonymous "ransom" letter beginning with the words "Mr. Ramsey" and ending with "S.B.T.C.". This document consists of 67 lines. Known Samples used for comparison (copies): Kl: A letter addressed to "Miss Kit" dated "Wednesday, June 4". K2: A greeting card beginning with "Wishing you a bright - season" and ending with "Love, Patsy, John & Family". K3: A color copy of a photograph of a sign "Welcome to the Northwest Territory." The sign is on a brown background. K4: A color copy of a photograph of a yellowish box. In the lower right is the word "Ramsey." K5: A color copy of a photograph of four young children, their heads are just above center. Under the photo is "Rainbow Fish Players" written in a red-brown color.
K6: A color copy of three photographs with the following print: "This me when I was first born. That's my Mom and the doctor." K7: Printing: "Hello. I'm Marilyn Monroe " on a circular background. K8: Printing on a box "RAMSEY XMAS." Consistencies between the "Ransom" note and the known exemplars. The designation Q = ransom note, K = known exemplars, P = page, and W = word number will be used. The dot is placed below the base line. QP3L 66; KlP2. The center strokes of the capital "W" are retraced. Q2 "W"e; KlLl. The distance between the first two parallel strokes is greater that the 2nd and 3rd of the W. QL2 We; KlP2L5 "w"ould. Capital W final upstroke is higher than the first stroke and is curved to the right. QL 12; K3. The 2nd downstroke of the "X" is higher than the lst. QP2; Sl&S2. The lower case "d" has a bow to the left down stroke. QL 12,34; K6 "doctor & Dad." In the letter "b" the curve comes to a point in the upper position. QL19 "bag"; K5 "Rainbow." The M is very similar, having angular tops and a concave final stroke. QLl "Mr."; K7 "I'm." Sometimes the lower case of Y" first down stroke is at least twice as long as the circle height. Q22; KlP2Lll. The reverse curved punctuation dots or commas. QL22 "will", QL24 The "F" cross stroke begins to the left of the down stroke. QL4; K6 "first born." Circle letters sometimes have an angle at the 12:00 position. QL52&44; K3 "to." Lower case "1" with a gentle curve above the baseline. QL 49&51 ; K3 We"1"come. The upper case "A" crossbar connects with the letter "n." QL29 "An"y; K4. The final down stroke of the uppercase capital "R" does not touch the baseline. QL1; K7 & K4. The uppermost right tending movement of the capital "R" overshoots the down stroke to the left. Q41; K4. The top of the capital "R: is open to the right. Ql; K4.The lower case "t" bar is sometimes concave. QL 12; K3 "t"o. The lower case "t" bar is sometimes to the left of the stem. QL34 "gentlemen"; KlL6. The lower case "t" bar is sometimes to the right of the stem. QPlL9,23 "t"o & Q2L35; KlL7 "it" & QlP21. The 'It" bar on the right is more common than the placement as in number 22. The "t" bar sometimes starts lower and raises as the stroke continues. QL7 "t"ime; K3 Terri "t"ory. The "t" horizontal stroke is used to start the next letter "h". QL33,,60; KlL4. The height of the "t" is lower than the "h" height. Q6,14; Kl Northwest. The lower case 1'r" and 'lo" are often connected when in succession. QL19 b"ro"wn; K7 Mon"ro"e. The lower case "n" and "d" have reduced intra-letter space or touch when in succession. Q8; K6 a"nd" the doctor. The lower case "n" and "9" touch. Q40 talki"ng"; K6 ridi"ng". The capital "I" base is much larger than the parallel top Q19 "I" will; K6 "I"m having. The majority of the slant in the Q and the K print samples is approximately perpendicular to the baseline. Some of the letters form a slight lean to the right/left. Q last page;.K3. The upper case "D" begins at the top well to the left of the down stroke. QL62; KlL2 "D"ear. The letter "s" is composed of two curves. Sometimes it is compressed in the upper curve. QL15 and 16; K6 Fi"s"h. Sometimes the upper"s"curve begins with a shorter initial (beginning) stroke. QL 15 and 16; K6 Player"s". Sometimes the upper curve of the "s" forms an angle in the left most part of the upper curve. QL37 "S"peaking, 38 "s"ituation; K6 Player"s". Sometimes the entire letter "s" is out of alignment with other letters. It appears to slant backwards or to the left. QLl Ram"s'ley,, QL5; KlL8, K6. The ending of the "ml' is with a curve similar to a hook. QLl "M"r.; K3 Welco"m"e.1; The indentation of the first paragragh under the salutation appears to be approximately determined by the beginning of the second word of that salutation. QL2 the "L" is below the "Rs'; KlL3 "we" is below the "M"iss. The lower case "e" appears compressed horizontally while the "c" appears filled in or expanded. QL48 de"ce"ive, QL49 enfor"ce"ment; KlL5 performan"ce". The lower case "t" bar connects to the "o". QL17 "to", QL23 "to"; KlPlL8 "to"ps,, KlP2Ll. The lower case "o" appears to float. Q36 and Q37 t"o"; KlP2L5&6 t"o", KlP2L2 t"o"morrow. In the word "to" the lower case "t" touches the "o" at the top and bottom. QL64; K2L7. A lower case "g" down stroke bent in a similar way. QL16 brin"g", QL55 gettin"g"; K2L7 goin"g". The final lower case "e" ends with straight line perpendicular to the paper edge or parallel the "t" bar cross. QL57 "the"; K2L8 "the". The final stroke of the lower case "s" connects to the final "e". QL23 advi"se", QL64 sen"se"; K4 Ram"se"y. The lower case "d" down stroke extends below the baseline. QL29 "d"eviation; KlL9 fiel"d". The lower case letter it S" is enlarged. QL29 in"s"tructiont's" QL47 "s"he, QL48 u"s"; KlP2Lll "s"ee. The treatment of enlarging the "a" can be observed in QL37 "a"nyone "a"bout; K4 R"a"msey. The middle of the "m" does not always return to the baseline. QL24 "m"onitor, QL15 "m"ake; K6L2 "m"e. "Ransom" note as well as Patsy Ramsey's writings have a tendency toward using exclamations "!". The lower case "C" is enlarged. QLl "C"arefully; KlL4 "C"rash "C"ourse. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN FUTURE EXEMPLARS & SAMPLES Observe "$" marks to compare with ransom note marks. Observe closely the printed letter llk". Obtain and study Patsy Ramsey's cancelled checks to observe number size variations, e.g. the smaller "ooo's" in the ransom note. Study the upside down and left handed script and printing to compare with mirror images in ransom note. Many printed letters have no intra-word space. Study more printed exemplars for this tendency. Look for the same letters that "touch" one another. Some letters in the ransom note are reduced, look for continuing pattern in exemplars. Observe closely the "pressure patterns" in the letter numerical "o". OPINION There are far too many similarities and consistencies revealed in the handwriting of Patsy Ramsey and the ransom note for it to be coincidence. Although many writers share some of the same traits found among other authors, as the number of identifiable traits increases,- the likelihood of two people sharing the same handwriting decreases dramatically. In light of the number of comparisons and similarities between Patsy Ramsey and the ransom note writer (51), the chances of a third party also sharing the same characteristics is astronomical. Taken individually, the similarities are not nearly as compelling as the sheer numbers and combinations found in both the writing of Patsy Ramsey and the ransom note. In my professional opinion Patsy Ramsey is the ransom note writer. David S. Liebman, C.D.E.