Information surfaces that 4 detectives in the case have been in Atlanta "for several days". Channel 9 in Denver reports that they are supposedly taking palm prints and DNA samples from friends and a family member. McCrary speculated that because all four went to Atlanta it could be that "they wanted to do additional interviews, to simultaneously talk to multiple people at the same time.'' March 5, 1999 It is reported that the grand jury is likely to meet at least another month. If the grand jury doesn't complete its work in the next month, Hunter will have to ask the county commissioners for more money. Speculation continues for the reason the detectives traveled to Atlanta, and speculation continues on why it would take FOUR detectives to draw a DNA sample, if that were the reason for the trip. March 6, 1999 Detectives are supposed to finish up their trip to Atlanta today, and return to Boulder on Sunday. It was reported that, contrary to earlier reports, Lang was not consulted for profiling work. It was further reported that Lang was simply helping facilitate some interviews. March 10, 1999 Today's grand jury session was delayed for two hours because not enough members of the panel were present to conduct business. March 12, 1999 Suzanne Laurion, spokeswoman for Hunter's office, confirmed that the March 23 meeting with the Boulder County commissioners will be a request for cash to carry the case through June. Laurion stated it is not indicative of the (expected) time frame for the grand jury to complete its work. If approved, the extra money will send the total tab for the investigation over the $1.6 million mark. Reportedly to date, Boulder police had spent $1,183,809 on the case; the DA's office had spent $388,904; and the state had paid out $25,762 for grand-jury expenses. The grand jury, which usually meets twice a week, met three times this week. March 18, 1999 Boulder County jury commissioner Pat Wettreich confirmed that all five grand jury alternates were dismissed after a Feb. 24 grand jury session. Det Arndt submits her resignation letter. Effective date is April 1, 1999. Leslie Aaholm is also resigning her post at the end of May. March 20, 1999 Peter Boyles discusses Gov Owens. March 22, 1999 The grand jury investigating the Ramsey slaying received an additional $62,001 to keep working for up to three more months. March 25, 1999 It was ruled that Allison Krupski was defamed, awarding her $115,000 in damages. April 1, 1999 Linda Arndt resigned from the BPD due to a "negative work environment". April 3, 1999 It is reported that John Ramsey has left his executive position with a computer software firm (Jaleo North America). April 6, 1999 A report surfaces that the Grand Jury will likely be extended to continue their work. April 7, 1999 It is reported that police questioned a Boulder woman this week about whether Patsy Ramsey had used nylon cord in an arts-and-crafts class. Grand Jury officially requested for extension until Oct 20, 1999. April 8, 1999 Kane said the 1998 grand jury will not likely be asked to hear any case other than the Ramsey case because of the special request for an extension. Mike Evans reports that Patsy Ramsey has told friends she expects to be indicted in her daughter's death. Evans also reports that the Ramseys are preparing to sell the Atlanta home they currently live in. April 9, 1999 Investigators meet with Dr Lee for 6 hrs on the Ramsey case. April 11, 1999 John Ramsey reportedly has hired a "team of high powered investigators" who have volunteered to help him find the killer. Per Marino, Ramsey left his job at Jaleo North America to devote time to the family's own investigation. Bob Grant stated that a side investigation with private investigators could cause problems. Per Marino, the investigators are going to "focus on this DNA thing." April 14, 1999 Chuck Green reports that his sources tell him to stay close to home the last 3 days of next week. Carol McKinley reports that the Grand Jury is still seeing witnesses, and that she's hearing from one source that nothing will happen until end of April and from another source nothing until about 2 ˝ weeks. April 15, 1999 Bob Grant reportedly believes the Grand Jury will go into its deliberative mode by end of April, or first of May. Requests for the Boulder County Sheriff's Department to provide security for the grand jury are coming in one day at a time now rather than by the month or the week. Security has been requested through Tuesday. Craig Silverman predicts the Grand Jury will end May 26. Dan Abrams reports that Patsy Ramsey is the only person the Grand Jury is focusing on. Dan Abrams reports that the Ramsey selling of assets has fueled speculation that the money is for bail. Dan Abrams predicts there will be an indictment; Geraldo predicts an indictment; Jeralyn Merritt predicts no indictment. April 16, 1999 Carol McKinley reports that it has been confirmed that John and Patsy Ramsey's attorneys are preparing their clients for a possible arrest. The Boulder County DA's office reportedly got a letter from John and Patsy's attorneys which says that they want to try to work out a contingency plan in case of a possible indictment. This letter was supposedly delivered the first part of this week. Carol M also reports that the Grand Jury investigation has 2 or 3 more weeks before it wraps up and actually makes a decision on whether to indict anyone. Carol M also reports that the Ramsey attorneys are telling their clients are 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst'. April 29, 1999 Pam Paugh accuses Alex Hunter of "playing games." Paugh also denies her sister is predicting her own indictment. Paugh issued the following challenge to Boulder authorities: "They can play fair ball with us now, or they can get their just deserts after the fact, when they see we are not stopped. We are going to find JonBenét's killer."