Bill "Santa" McReynolds and his wife were married 40 years ago this date. September 1, 2002 Santa McReynolds was found dead this date by his wife (when she returned from a weekend trip). He was 72 years old. He died from a heart attack. September 6, 2002 A memorial service was held in Massachusetts for Santa McReynolds. September 12, 2002 Boulder District Judge Lael Montgomery told Fleet and Priscilla White in a hearing that she will consider their request to have access to police files that involve the "Mystery Woman"'s allegations of the child sex abuse ring as it pertains to JonBenet's death. October 20, 2002 Darnay Hoffman sent a letter to Erin Moriarty reference her "suck up to the Ramseys" behavior in her "Ramsey Infomercial".