Former BPD Detective Linda Arndt began a series of interviews on ABCs Good Morning America. In today's interview Arndt explained that she requested John Ramsey and Fleet White to "check the house, top to bottom and look for anything that might belong to JonBenét that is in a place where it shouldn't be - even if it's a box of matches, anything, leave it and come see me." Arndt stated that when she saw Ramsey coming up the stairs from the basement carrying JonBenét's body "my mind exploded. It literally ... I saw black with thousands of lights and everything I noted that morning that stuck out instantly made sense." Arndt said she and another detective were told by supervisors that the FBI could not be consulted on the case. Ramsey attorneys responded to Arndt's comments by stating that: "Her psychic impressions and 'thousands of lights' are no substitute for evidence and do nothing to advance the search for JonBenét Ramsey's killer." Ramsey attorneys also called Arndt's comments "bizarre speculations." And believed them to be "the latest in a seemingly endless series of attacks on the Ramsey family by people who seek to justify their own conduct at the Ramseys' expense." September 14, 1999 Former BPD Detective Arndt interview on Good Morning America continues. Arndt claimed that 20 minutes elapsed between the time John Ramsey brought his daughter's body up from the family's basement to when the first backup officers arrived at the home. Arndt said she was paged about 1:15 p.m. by officers who were asking how to get to the home. She said it was another 10 minutes before the backup officers she requested arrived. These were followed by FBI agents and Boulder police supervisors. When they arrived, they told Arndt that handwriting samples taken from the home had made John and Patsy Ramsey the focus of the investigation, she said. Arndt said she carefully carried the body into the living room. She said JonBenét looked as if she were asleep. Arndt said that moments later she "heard a wail, just a guttural moan, aching wail from the back area and it was probably one of the most pitiful things I've ever heard,". Arndt did not say who the wail came from. September 17, 1999 Former BPD Detective Arndt completes her interviews. Arndt stated she believed she knew who killed JonBenét and that she believes this person will never be indicted. September 21, 1999 Dr Henry Lee met for most of the night with Hunter and Kane. September 22, 1999 Dr Henry Lee stated on Fox News that additional forensic testing needed to be done. Peter Boyles's show discusses Henry Lee: September 23, 1999 The Grand Jurors returned for the first time in 4 months. September 30, 1999 H. Ellis Armistead was reported to have been seen going into the grand jury's prep room. It is not known if he testified before the Grand Jury or not. John Andrew and Melinda Ramsey reportedly testified before the Grand Jury this date. October 1, 1999 It is reported that sympathetic-to-the-Ramseys witnesses have appeared before the Grand Jury. It is also reported that last week Susan Stine supposedly appeared before the Grand Jury October 4, 1999 An attorney (Tom Kelly) representing the Globe newspaper asked a federal judge to invoke the First Amendment to block a criminal investigation into the alleged attempt to purchase the Ramsey ransom note. Mr Kelly reportedly asked for a 10-day temporary restraining order to prevent any further indictments from being handed down. October 6, 1999 About half of the grand jurors were reportedly at the Justice Center in an unofficial session. Because it requires 9 grand jurors in order for testimony to be heard, it is unlikely that testimony was heard. October 8, 1999 The grand jurors met for approximately 6 hours. It was speculated that this most likely was for deliberations. "DA" Hunter told reporters to "stay in touch" over the weekend. At around 3 PM, Laurion announced that there would be no public statements regarding the case today or over the weekend. She further stated that the grand jury would reconvene on the following Tuesday (Oct 12) October 9 - 10, 1999 Dr Lee met with prosecutors over the weekend. Craig Silverman speculated that Lee's visit might be a sign that he is trying to convince the grand jury to continue the investigation. October 12, 1999 Grand jurors met for 7 hours. Dr Lee was on Good Morning American stating he believed there would be resolution by Thursday of this week. October 13, 1999 "DA" Hunter held a press conference to announce there would be no indictments in the Ramsey case. Boulder District Judge Morris Sandstead signed an order warning that any attempt by members of the news media to talk to grand jurors about the case could result in contempt-of-court charges
Colorado Governor Owens states he will mull over the possibility of a special prosecutor. He stated he would not appoint a special prosecutor if it won't help. Owens further stated he was not surprised by the grand jury's failure to indict, as he had, reportedly, been hearing speculation "for three or four days that this was the result." The Ramsey Family issued a statement through their lawyers in response to the Boulder Jellyfish's press conference results.
October 14, 1999 Report surfaces that Gov Owens is considering appointing a special prosecutor to take over the investigation. Owens stated to reporters at his news conference that "everyone was disappointed" by the outcome, "except perhaps the killer or killers." Owens' attorney, Troy Eid, said the last prosecution to be taken over by the state - a child abuse case in Morgan County - was in 1987. But Owens also said to reporters, "I won't appoint a special prosecutor if it won't help." Owens said he wasn't particularly surprised by the grand jury's failure to indict. He said he had been hearing speculation "for three or four days that this was the result". Lou Smit reportedly breathed easier Wednesday with word that the grand jury did not indict the killers. His comment was: "Thank God," Beckner vowed the investigation would continue. He claimed that they have made progress in this case over the past 13 months because of the work of the grand jury. Beckner reiterated that the Ramsey parents were still under suspicion for murder of their daughter. Several comments came from Hunter and his minions: Hunter: (1)By no means do I or any of the men at this table feel a failure. We will continue to follow evidence in this case as long as there is work to be done. (2)Theories are not what we take into courtrooms; evidence is what we take into courtrooms. (3)I felt a need to stand in front of you and tell you this was money well spent. Kane: There was absolutely no dissent in any respect to the decision made in this case....Without a doubt this case at this time isn't fileable. Grant (1)You in large part caused the necessity of a grand jury'' because people who may have had information held back because they didn't want to be hounded by reporters. (2)This is not a happy day. There is no satisfaction here in Boulder. There is no satisfaction in this case. Beckner: (1)To say I don't have an idea of who did it, that would lack credibility. (2)It's not accurate to say mistakes have made it unsolvable. We will continue to be criticized by those who fail to recognize the complexities in this case. Beckner released a statement from the press conference:
October 15, 1999 About two dozen protesters showed up outside the Boulder County Justice Center to protest the handling of the case. One observer stated: "It seems clear that if you have the money you can do anything you want, including killing your daughter" Another observer said "I can't believe the parents would do such a horrible thing to their child. Another observer said: "disappointed and disturbed that after all this money, time and energy has been spent, and we have this out outcome." Another observer said: "a lot of things happen in Boulder that never get reported and nothing is done about them. The authorities don't want to give Boulder a bad name by letting people know about crimes." October 18, 1999 The Ramsey case moved to the Statehouse. Owens and Hunter sat down this date and talked about the investigation. The meeting began at 5PM and lasted into the night. On one side of the table sat Hunter, surrounded by his "dream team'' of Ramsey-case advisers: Adams County DA Bob Grant, Jefferson County DA Dave Thomas, Denver DA Bill Ritter, Arapahoe County DA Jim Peters, grand jury specialist Mike Kane, Bruce Levin, an Adams County prosecutor loaned to Hunter for the grand jury investigation, and Mitch Morrissey, loaned to Hunter from the Denver DA's office. Owens sat across the table, surrounded by his own dream team assembled last week: Attorney General Ken Salazar; Don Quick, deputy attorney general for criminal justice; Anthony Vollack, former chief justice of the Colorado Supreme Court; Troy Eid, the governor's chief legal counsel; Jeanne Smith, DA for El Paso and Teller counties; Stuart Van Meveren, Larimer County DA; and Gus Sandstrom, Pueblo County DA. None of them walked in carrying briefcases, notebooks or anything that looked like evidence or grand jury documents. October 20, 1999 Vandals scrawl on the slab of JonBenet's grave: NO JUSTICE IN USA in a red marker October 21, 1999 BPD and Gov Owens met and talked about the Ramsey case Governor's spokeswoman, Amy Sampson, confirmed that another meeting with Boulder police, and officials from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, is planned for tomorrow. Beckner would say only that the meeting was "productive" and added that he was "impressed with the procedure the governor is going through." October 23, 1999 Dan Caplis discusses the decision to not file charges. October 27, 1999 Gov Owens issues a press release about the case.
October 28, 1999 Ramsey parents --- speaking through their attorneys --- say Gov. Bill Owens' comments, including his reproach to "quit hiding behind their attorneys" are "slanderous." A statement released by Ramsey attorneys late Wednesday said "coming from a public official elected to the highest office of this state, his comments are unconscionable." What were those "comments" made by Owens during his Wednesday press conference, which was called to announce that no special prosecutor would be assigned to the case? When asked by reporters what he would tell John and Patsey Ramsey, Owens said, "I'd tell them to quit hiding behind their attorneys, quit hiding behind their P.R. firm. Come back to Colorado and help us find JonBenet's killers. . . .Come back to Colorado and work with investigators in this case, no matter where that trail will lead." Owens responded to criticism in an interview on KOA-AM radio. "Prosecutors and the police really can't talk, but I can," the governor said. "I've done so carefully and it certainly brought a response from the PR firm or the Ramseys' attorney." Owen also said it is his duty to keep the people of Colorado informed about the case which has cost about $2 million. Later, on CNN's "Larry King Live," Owens said, "it's been a very difficult process working with the Ramseys and I think that has delayed our ability to move on in this case." The governor would not say who "the right murder suspects" were, but reiterated Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter's affirmation that the case is stronger now. "Substantial new evidence is presently being analyzed and will continue to be analyzed," Owens said. Several times, Owens referred to JonBenet's "killers." He said it was deliberate. Owens said: "I am convinced that, based on my understanding of the case, there is a reasonable belief that there was more than one person involved" Grant, an adviser to Hunter on the case, wondered about Owens' tough talk. "That's certainly not something that a prosecutor would say," Grant said. Hunter applauded Owens' decision not to name a special prosecutor. "Everything is in place in Boulder to continue this investigation," Hunter said. October 29, 1999 L. Lin Wood claims Gov Owens "lied to the public" when he accused the couple of not cooperating with the investigation into their daughter's death Wood also said that the parents "were willing to come out and meet with the governor and provide information to the advisory committee, and they offered to come out during the life of the grand jury and testify," Wood neglected to mention how inappropriate it would be for murder suspects to be speaking with the Gov about how to proceed in investigating a murder case of the very person they are accused of murdering. Gov Owens issued a statement late this evening explaining this very fact. Wood said he believed the governor had decided "consciously to misrepresent the truth because he apparently wanted to prejudice the public's view of that family. AG Ken Salazar stated that "the governor has a First Amendment right to speak his opinion, and opinions usually don't rise to the level of slander or libel," Lane said. Gov Owens was on LKL. Owens also remarked to Wood: "In some ways, I feel sorry for Mr. Wood," Owens said. "He knows the truth is the ultimate defense against slander. Let's quit calling each other names."