CBS Announces the airing of the 4hour mini series based on the PERFECT MURDER, PERFECT TOWN book by Lawrence Schiller. It is scheduled to air on Feb 27 and March 1 2000.
Marg Helgenberger stars as Patsy Ramsey January 6, 2000 County commissioners approve Hunter's request for additional funding. January 7, 2000 Mark Beckner was on KOA and explained, once again for the lame who have comprehension problems, as to why the BPD could not participate in the blood-money movie that Schiller is involved in. Beckner also explained where the case was at this time. He stated they were in a position of forensic analysis being done by Henry Lee and the FBI. He also stated that the case is solvable, and compared it to all cases that closure is reachable as long as somebody is around who can tell what happened. But he warned against confusing "solvable" with "will be solved." Hunter, Colorado's infamous wimpy DA, stated publicly that while he can feel the heartbeat of the case, and that it's not over yet, the case may never be solved. Hunter also stated that the money appropriated for forensic experts was not for new experts, but for Dr Lee. County commissioner Paul Danish stated that while he did not feel optimistic about the case, he did feel that as long as leads were being pursued that this should be funded. He believes it would be wrong to not finish tying up loose ends. Commissioner Ron Stewart said he felt the dollar request was a reasonable one. Hunter also told the press that Kane would be visiting Boulder later this month. Hunter stated with respect to Smit, that he was not concerned about the relationship he has with the Ramsey MURDER SUSPECTS. He said he has seen no proof of violation of the confidentiality clause. And he said he "would have some concerns" if the reports about the sharing of crime scene photos were true. January 13, 2000 It is reported that Kane and Lee will fly to Boulder to meet with the "DA" on Jan 26 - 27 of this month. It is reported that the PMPT (Blood Money Movie) will reveal "new evidence" about the case that will "surprise" viewers. Justice Watch poster, Panico, reports that KHOW News played a clip of Carol McKinley saying that Lou Smit showed up in Utah on the set where Schiller is filming "the movie" and had with him crime scene photos, which he showed to people on the set, trying to convince them some injuries were caused by a stun gun. She [McKinley] said detectives are NOT happy about this. January 14, 2000 Fleet and Priscilla White reportedly have asked the Univ of Colorado to investigate Michael Tracey for "gross professional incompetence." The Whites believe Tracey was trying to build public support for the Ramseys. They believe Tracey should be encouraged to discontinue any further academic training or teaching duties. The Whites believe Tracey was trying to deflect suspicion from the Ramseys on the eve of the grand jury investigation. Tracey's retort was that he was trying to influence the public only about the way the case was handled, not about the case itself. CU Spokesman, Bobbi Barrow, was quoted as saying that Tracey did not earn any money from the project. The infamous quote from this letter is: Please be assured that we will not remain silent in this matter; we have enormous incentive to prevent Mr Tracey or anyone else from improperly influencing the investigation of JonBenet's murder." January 21, 2000 It is reported that Bill Wise will retire at the end of "DA" Hunter's term next January. January 27, 2000 Alex Hunter convened a half-day meeting today on the status of the Ramsey case. Working with Hunter were prosecutor Mike Kane, Mitch Morrissey and Bruce Levin, Henry Lee, Police Chief Mark Beckner and his team, and the FBI via phone conferencing. They reviewed forensic testing and analyses conducted in the past three months. Alex Hunter commented: "The investigation continues. There is more work to be done." Lee, Kane, "DA" Hunter, Beckner and his investigators meet. Dr Lee is quoted as saying the case is "warm". Beckner is quoted as saying "we know more than we did last week." Lee was also quoted as saying they still have a lot of evidence they can go through. Both Hunter, and Beckner, reiterated that the case is still active. It was stated that if an arrest is not imminent, that Hunter will most likely annouce "next week" that he will not run again for another term. January 28, 2000 Carol McKinely interviews Dr Lee.
February 9, 2000 Sherry Keene-Osborn, Newsweek reporter who provided Ramsey coverage for the magazine, died this date at Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge as a result of lung problems. She was 54 at the time of her death. February 11, 2000 Lee Hill flew to San Luis Obispo to interview a CA woman who claimed to have evidence linking a sex ring to JonBenet. He spent five hours interviewing both the woman and her therapist. He videotaped supporting documents, which included personal notes, cards and family photographs that the woman says are from the Whites, (Fleet Sr and Fleet Jr). February 16, 2000 Hill, along with Stephen Singular, met with Hunter and recounted details of the interview Hill had with the woman from CA who claimed to have sex ring information about JonBenet. February 19, 2000 Pagliuca was quoted as saying that subpoenas have been issued to various law enforcement departments. The Daily Camera reports 10 subpoenas to have gone out; Rocky Mountain News reports 50 subpoenas have gone out. The purpose is reportedly to try and find out how the ransom note was leaked to the press. The Boulder District Attorney's office, sheriff's department and police department, to include former detective Steve Thomas have been subpoenaed, as well as two witnesses, and investigators for the Ramsey lawyers have also been subpoenaed. Pagliuca states that there is information being sought in these subpoenas which will help in the defense of his client, Craig Lewis. Recap on Lewis: Lewis faces up to six years in prison and fines up to $500,000 on the extortion charge, and up to three years in prison and fines of up to $100,000 on the bribery charge. He was also indicted for conspiracy to commit criminal extortion and conspiracy to commercial bribery. Lewis is due in Jefferson County District Court on March 15. February 20, 2000 The "mystery woman" called Hill again and he arranged for her to fly to Denver. February 21, 2000 Hill picked the "mystery woman" up at 12:30 a.m. from the Denver International Airport and found safe housing for her. February 22, 2000 Wanda Cartwright, AKA Panico, died this date.
February 23, 2000 Boulder detectives interview the "mystery woman" for 5 hrs about her sex ring stories. Hill learned in this meeting that a missing person's report had been filed on this woman, and BPD had informed the family of her whereabouts. Hill reportedly was enraged, claiming his client's life to be in danger. Beckner claimed it was his department's job to respond to a missing person's report. February 24, 2000 Beckner states that the "mystery woman's" story is not matching up with what they know as of this date. February 25, 2000 It is reported that Hunter has turned over new information to Boulder police and the FBI that he says could provide a major breakthrough in solving the case. The information is from testimony and documents provided voluntarily by a 37yo woman from CA who was brought forward by Boulder attorney Lee Hill. The woman said she has suffered a lifetime of sexual and physical abuse reportedly to have begun since she was 3yrs old. Hunter finds this woman's information to be believable and that it warrants investigation. Beckner did not find the woman credibel but is pursuing the investigation. Hill stated she is one of the most credible witnesses he has ever interviewed. The woman told police about years of sexual and physical abuse in CA homes at the hands of adults who stayed at holiday and other parties after other guests had left for the evening. Then, she said, another party, one of sexual abuse for the gratification of a select group of adults, would begin. The woman drew parallels between sexual techniques used at these sessions and the garroting of JonBenét Ramsey. The woman told detectives she believes JonBenét was killed accidentally when an asphyxiation technique used to stimulate an orgasmic response during a child sex and porno "party" went too far. The woman told police she knows firsthand about asphyxiation to produce a sexual response because it had been done to her when she was a child. The woman said in her experience little girls were dressed provocatively and trained to say provocative things, such as, "It's a pleasure to please you." She told police that when girls did not perform as expected they were struck on the head. That was because their hair covered the wound. A big night for such "parties" was Christmas night she said. Reportedly, according to her, many parties were held then because a large number of cars around a house did not arouse suspicion in the neighborhood and the children had a full week to heal from their wounds before returning to school. The woman said she knows the Ramseys through the Fleet White family. She said the godfather to her mother is Fleet White Sr., 86, of California. Hill said the woman came forward because she was fearful for her life. She came to believe that people involved in child sexual abuse in California were becoming suspicious that she might try to talk to authorities. The woman and her therapist (Mary Bienkowski) saw Hill on TV and decided to contact him. Hill recounted details of the interview to Hunter in a meeting Feb. 16. It is reported that both Beckner and Hunter will read the Ramsey book. Beckner wants to compare previous Ramsey statements to what they say in their book. Hunter releases a statement which back off somewhat from his original position on the "mystery woman." He nows says that her credibility cannot yet be judged. He also states that the BPD are thoroughly investigating the lead. Hill is quoted as saying that he fears officials are "circling their wagons to attack her veracity." The "mystery woman's" private therapist (Mary Bienkowski) stated publicly that she stands behind her client who claims to have crucial information to help investigators. Bienkowski said her client gave police names of individuals who are witnesses in the killing of JonBenet as well as ongoing sexual and physical abuse of other children. Bienkowski said she has treated her client for the past 10 years for trauma endured as a repeated victim of sexual assault. February 27, 2000 Perfect Murder, Perfect Town movie, Part 1 airs on CBS Former Det Eller is interviewed and stated he will watch the PMPT movie. Eller also said that he is still interested in the tragedy. Reflecting back, Eller stated that he felt Boulder police had enough evidence to support an arrest, but not enough to file a murder charge and win a case at trial. Eller also said that he could have remained with the investigation if he'd "kept his mouth shut" and followed every request of prosecutors in the DA's office. Eller said that he doesn't look back on the investigation and all that happened, and that he has no problems sleeping. It is reported that the "mystery woman", according to Sheriff's officials, has a history of making false reports. Among several alleged false claims, San Luis Obispo County sheriff officials said investigators spent hundreds of hours looking into the woman's claim in 1991 that she had been raped, which an investigation never confirmed. It is reported that the FBI has interviewed this woman, and that she reportedly is in hiding. The "mystery woman's" therapist stands behind her client's statements, but thus far, as of this date, has refused to be interviewed by Boulder Detectives. One officer from San Luis Obispo called this woman a "fruit loop". February 29, 2000 Wanda's Memorial Service