Per Bill Wise, the "Mystery Woman" is being taken very seriously. There are two full time Boulder detectives and one Colorado FBI agent in California investigating the woman and her allegations. Mr Wise also stated that the DA's office was comfortable that the investigation would be deep and full. March 4, 2000 A report surfaces that a girl came forward who said she was hired (through a cleaning service) to clean up the Ramsey home and that she supposedly overheard one of the Ramseys say to the other "Why did you put $118,000 in that note?" March 6, 2000 Thomas Nelson sends a threatening letter to the Justice Watch forum sysop. The note was published on the Justice Watch forum as shown below: Dear Mrs. Wheeler: It has come to our attention that members of, including persons identifying themselves as "arvada", "HARLEY", "CensusGrrl", "Ginja", and "Seashell", are conspiring to put our soon to be released book, The Deat of Innocence by John and Patsy Ramsey, on the JusticeWatch website. As the registered contact for the domain, you are hereby placed on notice that the actions planned by these individuals are against the law. John and Patsy Ramsey own the copyright to The Death of Innocence. Under contract with the Ramseys, Thomas Nelson has the exclusive publishing and distribution rights to the book. Copying and distribution of this material without permission is copyright infringement, a federal crime punishable by impisonment of up to one year, a fine of up to $25,000, or both. In addition, copyright owners may be entitled to civil damages, statutory penalties up to $100,000, punitive damages, litigation costs and attorneys fees from infringing parties. As a publishing house, Thomas Nelson takes copyright infringement very seriously. Copyright infringement deprives both authors and publishers of just compensation for the use of their property. We have no intention of letting such criminal actions go unpunished, especially in the case of a high profile book such as this one. If you participate in this illegal conduct by allowing your domain to be used for this illegal purpose, we will include you in all criminal and civil actions to redress these wrongs. We expect that you will act responsibly and take all measures necessary to prevent this illegal conduct. In addition, if there are persons other than yourself to who this notice should be direct, including persons using the fictitious names above, we hereby demand their names, addresses and phone numbers so that they may be put on notice.
Sincerely, March 9, 2000 It is reported that detectives met with the "Mystery Woman's" therapist. Reportedly she gave them 5 threat messages she had received for speaking out. Also, reportedly this "Mystery Woman" has been speaking of the sexual abuse of children that has parallels to the way JonBenét was killed even before the Ramsey case March 14, 2000 Darnay Hoffman announces on Justice Watch Forum, that if Steve Thomas is sued by the Ramseys and he needs pro bono lawyers to represent him Hoffman has a team in New York "laying in wait for L. Lin Wood." March 17, 2000 STAR magazine settled the libel lawsuit brought against them by the Ramseys by agreeing to pay them an undisclosed amount of money. Barbara Walters interviewed the Ramseys.
March 19, 2000 Report, once again, that the profits from the Ramsey "Death of Innocence" book will go to pay the family's legal fees. Any remaining dollars are to go to The JonBenet Ramsey Children's Foundation.
In an article written by Ryckman, the Ramseys reportedly told her that: they are renovating their Atlanta home because their "intruder" hid in their Boulder house while they were away having dinner with friends on Christmas Day 1996, used their pen and paper to write a ransom note, with every intention of kidnapping 6-year-old JonBenet; he used a stun gun on the child while she slept and took her to the basement, where he put a garotte around her neck and assaulted her; then strangled when she screamed, and given a blow to her head ensured that she was dead. In same Ryckman article, John and Patsy Ramsey were asked if they'd cover for the other, and both stated "no".
In same article, when asked about covering for Burke, they had this to say:
Ramseys gave Ryckman their profile of the "intruder": March 20, 2000 Ramseys appear on the Today Show.
Bob Grant appears on "Burden Of Proof" and states, with respect to the case's status: "despite everybody's books and revelations, the investigation is still ongoing. There is still forensic analysis going on. The investigation is not going to be put to rest until somebody's brought to the bar of justice." Pam Paugh states on the BOP show that the Ramseys are working 24/7 to find the killer. Smit's attorney states on the BOP show that the intruder evidence is made up of: a wide open window, a black scuff mark on the wall underneath the window, a suitcase had been moved from another room and placed against the wall as kind of a stepping-stone, debris from the window well had been disturbed, debris, styrofoam peanuts and leaves on the floor of the basement beneath this window, a fresh footprint in the basement, a fresh palmprint on the door leading to the room the body was found in, and male DNA found in JonBenet's underwear. {note: none of this information has been blessed or proven to be true by any of the Boulder detectives; this is simply a recap of the information as stated on the BOP show} Linda Hoffman Pugh states on Peter Boyles show that she never saw Patsy wear the same outfit two days in a row. Gov Owens appears on TV and referred to "new evidence" from the last couple of weeks. He declined to back down from his statements of last October about the killers, and stated that he had seen virtually all of the evidence and that it pointed toward Patsy Ramsey. In addition, he also debunked Lou Smit's fantasy theory about an intruder. The Ramseys appear online in an ABC News Chat room.
March 21, 2000
L Wood faxed a letter to Darnay Hoffman.
L Wood emailed Ms Wong.
Darnay Hoffman faxed an answer back to L Wood.
[All letters provided courtesy Justice Watch Forum] March 22, 2000
Steve Thomas told The Denver Post the Ramseys are trying to rewrite history "in an attempt to rehabilitate their image." Thomas was further quoted as saying: "Their story tugs at the heartstrings, but it doesn't change the facts of the case." With respect to the question of taking a polygraph, Thomas stated the Ramseys "have been almost Clintonesque in their response". Thomas also stated he feels the BPD should take the Ramseys up on their offer to take a polygraph, adding that "A police department never says no to a suspect willing to take a polygraph." Beckner was quoted as saying the investigators are considering the Ramsey offer. Beckner also stated that "They were asked in the past and wouldn't take them, so I don't know if they're serious or not". With respect to negative comments about him, Thomas was quoted as saying this: "I know the truth, and I know what fact vs. fiction is in this case". When Thomas was asked as to whether he believes this case will ever be solved, his response to that was: "Read the last chapter of his book." Bill Wise states that the "Mystery Woman's" claims are being taken seriously. March 23, 2000
March 24, 2000
Peter Boyles discusses the polygraphs with a Denver policeman. March 27, 2000 Hunter is interviewed by Couric reference the case.
March 29, 2000 Peter Boyles interviewed Linda Hoffman. April 6, 2000 Alex Hunter appeared on Geraldo and offered the following: 1. The Ramseys are suspects because they have not been excluded yet. 2. The stun gun issue was raised long ago, looked at by his team, and rejected. 3. John Ramsey supposedly has 30 tips as a result of his book; Hunter is still waiting on the Ramseys to show up with those tips. 4. Hunter would not address the issue of the 911 and the report of Burke's voice on the tape. Hunter stated this was a GJ issue. April 11, 2000 Boulder Police submit a press release about the Ramseys offer to submit to a lie detector test.
April 14, 2000 Darnay Hoffman announces on a public forum that he will offer Steve Thomas pro-bono support should he need a lawyer to go up against Lin Wood. April 15, 2000 Boulder police and an attorney for John and Patsy Ramsey are involved in "ongoing discussions" but have not reached a conclusion on whether the couple will take a polygraph examination. The civil attorney, Lin Wood, would not comment about the negotiations other than to say discussions center on who would administer the lie-detector test. Wood also announced that a civil lawsuit would be filed against Thomas Beckner has established an April 26 deadline on the polygraph issue. BPD still insist on the use of an FBI polygrapher; the Ramseys say no. Thomas reports on Larry King Live that he heard a grand juror wants to talk about the case publicly. April 28, 2000 Ben Thompson announces: "If I am elected DA (in November), there will be arrests in January" (in the Ramsey case. He also said that he is already assembling a team of prosecutors and investigators. Mr Thompson's announcement drew fire from Bill Wise and Mary Keenan. The Ramseys offered to take a lie detector test - but only one administered by a private examiner such as Ed Gelb, former president of the American Polygraph Association.